Cascades Canyon

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Cascades Canyon, showing the cenote to the left

Cascades Canyon [90, 25] is a series of waterfalls that separates Rusza'thar Reach in the Ohn'ahran Plains from the Petitioner's Concourse of Thaldraszus and Valdrakken on the eastern border of the Plains.

The canyon gains it's name starting just north of the Shikaar Highlands and runs over five waterfalls before reaching the Waking Shores. The river is also fed by the Cascades of western Thaldraszus.

The canyon is occupied by mossy gulpers, mossy hornswogs, springwater salamanthers, range goats, divebeak ohuna, and freshwater threshers in the upper courses. In the lower courses, riverbend chompers and gnashers take over from the hornswog.

In patch 10.1.0, the subzone gains it's name, and Fyrakk bores Iridikron's Gambit down to Zaralek Cavern at the cenote, as seen in N [70] A Crack in the World. The force of the gambit obliterates nearly all of the wildlife in the lower course.

Notable NPCs

Patch changes