Tower of Arathor

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The restored Tower of Arathor.

The Tower of Arathor is found inside the mage district of Stromgarde Keep in the Arathi Highlands. It is named after the defunct Arathorian Empire.

At the beginning of the Fourth War, the tower was renovated during the reconstruction of Stromgarde. The district is filled with guardsmen and civilians; having various amenities such as vendors, profession trainers, and a mailbox. During the Battle for Stromgarde, when the Horde destroyed the city, the district remained untouched, but evacuated with a permanent portal to Stormwind City available at its entrance.


Archmage Trelane was once a studying wizard in the Tower of Arathor, where he created a magical defense system activatable through the use of an enchanted gem.[1]

At some point after the Third War, Stromgarde was invaded by both the Syndicate and the Boulderfist clan, and Archmage Trelane attempted to defend the tower. However, the defense was unsuccessful and he exiled himself to Stormwind City.[2]

World of Warcraft

WoW Icon update.png This section concerns content related to the original World of Warcraft.

The Tower of Arathor after the Third War.

Following the fall of Stromgarde Keep, the tower and the surrounding area were taken over by the Boulderfist ogres. The ogre mage Ruul Onestone could be found inside the building.

After he arrived in Stormwind City, Archmage Trelane asked his former apprentice, Archmage Malin, to help him recover some artifacts he had left behind at the Tower of Arathor.[2] The latter accepted and sent two of his agents, Skuerto and Apprentice Kryten, to gather some reagents and the artifacts in the Arathi Highlands.[3] In order to recover the Trelane's Phylactery, Trelane's Orb, and Trelane's Ember Agate, Skuerto tasked the Alliance adventurer to collect an azure agate from the Boulderfist shaman; who stole them from the tower, and give it to Krysten so that he could create an enchanted agate able to activate the tower's defenses.[4][5] Once the gem was pressed against one of the pedestals near the entrance, water guardians attacked the ogres, while the adventurer recovered the artifacts hidden in chests within the tower.[6]

When Archmage Malin received Skuerto's letter announcing the success of their mission, he mentioned that Archmage Trelane would be pleased to have his possessions returned.[7]


Cataclysm This section concerns content related to Cataclysm.

Following the Cataclysm, the agents Skuerto and Apprentice Kryten were once again sent by Archmage Malin to gather reagents and some of Archmage Trelane's artifacts hidden in the Tower of Arathor.[8] With the help of the Alliance adventurer, they used the same process again to activate the magical security system, while the latter was sent to retrieve the artifacts from the tower's chests.[1][9]


Legion This section concerns content related to Legion.

During the third invasion of the Burning Legion, when the Knights of the Ebon Blade made their way to Stromgarde Keep in order to resurrect the deceased King Thoras Trollbane, the undead King Galen Trollbane asked them to kill the Witherbark trolls and their leader Ojin'ba that had settled in the former mage district of the city.[10] According to Galen, his men have suffered heavy losses at their hands; therefore he tasked the death knights to defile the troll' supplies in the district, so that they didn't come back.[11]

Battle for Azeroth

Battle for Azeroth This section concerns content related to Battle for Azeroth.

At the time of the Fourth War, as Stromgarde was reclaimed and restored, the tower was renovated as well. While no longer a subzone, the tower sits in the exact same spot, and the enchanting trainer Nara Vel can be found inside. During the Battle for Stromgarde, the mage district was the only part of Stromgarde Keep to not be destroyed when the Horde temporarily claimed the city, and the district's gates were always closed during this time.


Battle for Azeroth This section concerns content related to Battle for Azeroth.

Legion This section concerns content related to Legion.

WoW Icon update.png - Mists of Pandaria

Removed from game The subject of this section was removed from World of Warcraft in patch 4.0.3a.


This article or section includes speculation, observations or opinions possibly supported by lore or by Blizzard officials. It should not be taken as representing official lore.


Patch changes


  1. ^ a b A [10-30] Trelane's Defenses
  2. ^ a b A [32] Malin's Request
  3. ^ A [36] Worth Its Weight in Gold (Classic)
  4. ^ A [39E] Trelane's Defenses (Classic)
  5. ^ A [39] An Apprentice's Enchantment (Classic)
  6. ^ A [39E] Attack on the Tower (Classic)
  7. ^ A [39] Malin's Request (Classic)
  8. ^ A [10-30] Worth Its Weight in Gold
  9. ^ A [10-30] Attack on the Tower
  10. ^ N Death knight [10-45] Our Oldest Enemies
  11. ^ N Death knight [10-45] Death... and Decay
  12. ^ Magistrate Marduke#Quotes

External links