Malin's Request (2)

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AllianceMalin's Request
Start Skuerto
End Archmage Malin
Level 39 (Requires 33)
Category Arathi Highlands
Experience 3750
Rewards  [Vigilant Buckler] or  [Wingborne Boots]
Previous A [39E] Attack on the Tower


Take the  [Sealed Letter to Archmage Malin] in the Mage Quarter of Stormwind.


Take this letter back to Stormwind and let Malin know that Kryten an' I'll be home soon. He'll reward you well for helping us here, <name>, of that I've no doubt.

Travel safely.


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Inv shield 10.png [Vigilant Buckler] Inv boots 07.png [Wingborne Boots]

You will also receive: 90s


Yes? You look vaguely familiar. I do apologize, but have we met? I get so busy I lose track.


<Archmage Malin opens the letter, and his eyes grow wide.>

By the Light, you've done it. How wonderful. Trelane will be so pleased. I'm sure Kryten and Skuerto are just as excited as I am to have them on their way back to Stormwind.

Thank you, <name>. Please, take this to help you in your journeys.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:


  1. A [32] Malin's Request
  2. A [36] Worth Its Weight in Gold
  3. A [39] Wand over Fist
  4. A [39E] Trelane's Defenses
  5. A [39] An Apprentice's Enchantment
  6. A [39E] Attack on the Tower
  7. A [39] Malin's Request

Patch changes

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