Dwarven golem

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Dwarven golem
Lumbering Golem.jpg
Classification Large construct
Faction/Affiliation Dark Iron clan (Alliance), Black dragonflight (Old Gods' forces), Earthen
Racial capital Alliance Shadowforge City
Neutral Blackwing Descent
Neutral Stonehearth
Area(s) Blackwing Descent, Arathi Highlands, Deepholm, Ashran, Gorgrond

Dwarven golems are a type of golem created by the Dark Iron dwarves in their own image. Units with this model were allegedly created centuries ago by their clan, and then abandoned. The ones in Blackwing Descent were considered the dwarves' greatest tactical achievements.[1] The earthen of Deepholm use similar-looking golems.[2][3]

During their years-long war with the black dragonflight, the Dark Iron dwarves tried crafting smaller golems that were more difficult to hit.[4] The Omnotron Defense System was once touted as their greatest technological marvel. When Nefarian arrived in Blackwing Descent, he repurposed the run-down system to annihilate anyone intruding on his laboratories.[5]

By the time of the Fourth War, the dwarven golems were once again employed to protect Shadowforge City,[6] while some were used to fight the Horde in the Battle for Stromgarde.[7]



As a companion pet



See also
