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Slavery is the forced servitude of another being.

Human slavery

Humans of the Alliance of Lordaeron were known to practice slavery on orcs and ogres[1] after the events of the Second War. Aedelas Blackmoore himself enslaved Thrall, the future warchief of the Horde.[2] The king of Lordaeron was aware of Blackmoore's gladiatorial games and allowed them personally, as long as the royal coffers would see the proper percentage of his earnings.[3] The enslavement of orcs has been practiced among the internment camps, Lorin Remka keeping Greekik as her own personal slave while Lord Agrovane[4] bought Rehgar and used him as his gladiator. After the events of the Third War, few cases of humans using slaves remain. In the fallen kingdom of Alterac, King Aiden Perenolde planned to take the orcs as slaves. Years later, as leader of the Syndicate, Prince Aliden believed in slavery and sought to place the orc race back into chains[5] — to return, in fact, to the days of Alliance internment camps under Aedelas Blackmoore.

It is possible that Bizmo's Brawlpub is still an underground example of forced gladiatorial combat (at least for some of the combatants)[citation needed]  going on in Stormwind. According to Thrall, he believed the Alliance and the kingdom of Stormwind may still practice slavery, as he mentioned that he would be paraded as a trophy and a slave in the capital after his capture.[6] However, it is unknown if this is true or elicited by Thrall's past experiences with the orc internment camps that were run by humans.

The Kul Tiran house of Ashvane force their workers into exhaustion,[7][8][9] and also employ child labor by snatching children off the streets of Boralus then deporting them to the Ashvane Foundry.[10] It is said that Kul Tiran slavers would blush before the depravity of a mogu slaver by the name of Zheng.[11] At Redrock Harbor in Vol'dun, the Ashvane Trading Company enslave vulpera to work in the Redrock Mines.[12]

Orcish slavery

While in modern times the practice of slavery in orc society seems to occur less, the practice still continues among some orcs, though it is unclear how widespread it is. Despite Thrall's work to ensure that no orc would be cast into slavery ever again[13], a small number of orcs have been found enslaved by other orcs in the Horde, for example Bloodeye Redfist. It appears that some orcs are also willing to enslave members of other races, both Horde and Alliance.[14][15][16] Many of these slaves were however once criminals who were brought to justice. It is unclear why the orcs still allow slavery, and to what extent, or why they choose to ignore it.

Okrilla at Dreadmaul Hold in the Blasted Lands, enslaved some of the ogres of the Dreadmaul tribe after recapturing the old orc city.[17]

Night elf slavery

The night elves of the Kaldorei Empire subjugated some of the nascent humans to use them as slave labor.[18]

Ogre slavery

Ogres have a long history of enslaving orcs, forcing their captives to fight each other in brutal arenas for entertainment.[19] The tradition of gladiatorial slavery began during the early decades of the Age of Order, when a sly ogre chieftain decreed that disputes in his clan would be settled via proxy in one-on-one combat between slaves, leading to a plummet in the mortality rate amongst the ogres.[20] The Gorian Empire captured many races of Draenor to labor in mines and fight in arenas. Some ogre clans like the Gordunni also practice slavery and arena fighting.[21][22]

Examples of ogre arenas include the Highmaul Coliseum, the Stonemaul Arena, the Maul, the Ring of Trials, the Ring of Blood and the Circle of Blood. Rather than using clasps and locks, ogres bind their slaves using unbroken stone circlets. Their centuries of manipulating earth elements lets them simply shrink the manacles tightly around the slave's ankles, wrists, or neck.[23]

Troll slavery

Zandalari trolls

The Zandalari are above the use of slaves, they're strong and capable of seeing to themselves. Even the sight of slavery within their city is insulting to them.[24] Additionally, they see it as a sign of weakness, and as such when they met the mogu–who built their empire with slaves–over 12,000 years ago, they saw themselves above the slavers.[25]

Though for some reason, years after the Sundering over 10,000 years ago, a number of Zandalari came to Kezan and after some time ended up enslaving the goblins there.[26] Why they did so and whether they were members of the Zandalari Empire is unknown, as it was against the Zandalari's beliefs.


Prior to the release of World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 1, the trolls responsible for the enslavement of the goblins on Kezan were in fact jungle trolls, which is still referenced by quests today,[27][28] and in the character creation screen for goblins.

  • It is possible the change from jungle trolls to Zandalari might have been an oversight based on the fact that Kezan was historically the territory of the Zandalari Empire,[29] as the Zandalari's distaste for slavery had been established before the release of World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 1 and was reinforced after.

Jungle trolls

Zanzil, an infamous witch doctor exiled from the Gurubashi tribe was known for his mind-bending concoctions that when ingested, turned the imbiber into a mindslave. He didn't care about who or what drank his mind-altering potions as the mindslaves under his control range all the way from jungle trolls and dire trolls to naga and ghouls.

Zalazane, after going mad, enslaved many trolls of the Darkspear tribe by taking away their minds and making them do his bidding as Mindless Trolls.

During Zul's pledge to aid the Gurubashi back to greatness, Zanzil set out to attack both Hardwrench Hideaway and Explorers' League Digsite in the Cape of Stranglethorn, poisoning their food and turning goblins and dwarves into voodoo zombies.

Other examples of slavery

Majordomo Executus lording over the Dark Iron slaves in the Blackrock Spire.

Slavers / slave masters and slavedrivers

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Slavers are wealthy merchants who sell slaves. Goblin slavers, obviously, run Kezan's slave rings, or simply own several slaves of their own for personal use. Although the trade princes condone slave rings, the slavery trade is kept quiet. Goblins have no wish to offend potential customers who might object to this controversial but highly lucrative line of business.[42]


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In a lot of cases, enslaved mobs will rebel against their masters once the nearby slavedriver/slavemaster is killed.

Slave camps

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