If the Key Fits...

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For the Twilight Highlands quest, see B [30-35] If The Key Fits.
HordeIf the Key Fits...
Start Keerin
End Keerin
Level 30-60
Category Vol'dun
Experience 16,450 (at level 110)
Reputation +75 Voldunai
Rewards 19g 40s (at level 110)
Next H [30-60] The Master Key


Collect 6 Ashvane Trader Keys.


These Ashvane are unreasonable. I've tried to bargain for my release, but they refuse any offer I bring to the table.

All they want is whatever's bubbling up in that mine. My kind know better than to go near that stuff. It's volatile.

There are prisoners in the mine being forced to extract it. Us in the cages? We're back up. When someone dies in the mines, they just send another in.

If you release me, I'll make sure you're rewarded! We just need to find the right key for this cage...


You will receive:


We need to find the right key to open this cage.


None of these keys work! We're going to have to find another way...

Notes and trivia

  • Ashvane Trader Keys drop from most of the Ashvane forces around the Ashvane Encampment area.
  • During the Battle for Azeroth beta, this quest was named Docking Fee.


Randall Redmond's quests:

  1. Optional breadcrumb: H [30-60] The Ashvane Threat
  2. N [30-60] Dead Men Tell No Tales & N [30-60] Seafaring Necessities
  3. N [30-60] Captain Hartford
  4. N [30-60] The Captain's Cache

Keerin's quests:

  1. H [30-60] If the Key Fits...
  2. H [30-60] The Master Key

Dockmaster Herrington's quests:

  1. N [30-60] Crabby Crew Stew & N [30-60] Gang Bustin'

Patch changes

External links