Silvertip Dredwing

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Silvertip Dredwing.

The Silvertip Dredwing is a dredbat.


This mount can be obtained in different ways depending on which of the four Shadowlands Covenants you're a member of. In each case it requires the use of your covenant's special feature, which must be activated and upgraded with Reservoir Anima:

  • Venthyr Covenant: The Ember Court. Can be purchased from Temel for 5000 Reservoir Anima after you've reached Exalted with the associated faction, The Ember Court. This doesn't require the Court to be upgraded beyond rank 1, although your reputation will increase more quickly with higher ranks.
  • Night Fae Covenant: Queen's Conservatory. Chance loot from the reward cache when you use an "Prideful" type spirit and there are four Wildseed Root Grains active in the adjacent catalyst plots. There's only one plot that fulfils this criterion and it requires the Conservatory to be upgraded to rank 5.
  • Kyrian Covenant: Path of Ascension. Can be purchased from Binkiros for 2500 Reservoir Anima after you've completed the achievement,  [Curse of Thirst]. This requires the feature to be upgraded to rank 3.
  • Necrolord Covenant: Abomination Factory. Can be purchased from Atticus for 5000 Reservoir Anima after you've reached Exalted with the associated faction, Stitchmasters. This doesn't require the feature to be upgraded beyond rank 1, although your reputation will increase more quickly with higher ranks.

Mount Journal

Bred by the Revendreth prince, Renathal, these rare dredwing are fiercely loyal and will only let those deemed worthy by the prince himself to interact with them.

Patch changes

External links