Onyxia's Lair loot (Classic)

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Raid instances


Onyxia drops Tier 2 headpieces, as well as other fairly comparable loot.


Onyxia will drop two Tier 2 headpieces, the  [Onyxia Hide Backpack], the  [Head of Onyxia], and two other items. A skinner with 315 skill can skin Onyxia to obtain two to four  [Scale of Onyxia].

Boss Weapons and Shields Cloth Leather Mail Plate Back Other

[Vis'kag the Bloodletter]

[Halo of Transcendence] (Priest T2)
[Nemesis Skullcap] (Warlock T2)
[Netherwind Crown] (Mage T2)

[Bloodfang Hood] (Rogue T2)
[Stormrage Cover] (Druid T2)

[Dragonstalker's Helm] (Hunter T2)
[Helmet of Ten Storms] (Shaman T2)

[Helm of Wrath] (Warrior T2)
[Judgment Crown] (Paladin T2)

[Sapphiron Drape]

[Ancient Cornerstone Grimoire]
[Eskhandar's Collar]
[Head of Onyxia (Classic)]
[Mature Black Dragon Sinew]Hunter
[Ring of Binding]
[Shard of the Scale]
[Onyxia Hide Backpack]
[Draconic for Dummies] (quest)

Head of Onyxia

Onyxia drops the  [Head of Onyxia], which like most other end-bosses starts a reward quest for killing the last boss of an instance. Turning in the Head allows players to choose from the following rewards:

 [Head of Onyxia] Rewards
Inv jewelry ring 27.png [Dragonslayer's Signet] Inv jewelry necklace 09.png [Onyxia Tooth Pendant]
Spell shadow lifedrain.png [Onyxia Blood Talisman]