Tier 2

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The tier 2 eight-piece epic armor set drops primarily from bosses in Blackwing Lair. Early in the game, the set items dropped in Molten Core alongside Tier 1, but were removed in Patch 1.4. Tier 2 was readded in Patch 1.6 with the addition of Blackwing Lair. The tier 2 sets all had placeholder models, which were updated in Patch 1.9.

Due to frequent complaints of often looting "useless" druid or warlock gear, Blizzard implemented the "quest loot" concept for raids after Blackwing Lair (starting in Patch 1.7 with Zul'Gurub). With quest loot, bosses drop a token limited to three or four classes that would be turned in alongside other reagents and often also requires a high reputation standing with various factions. Quest loot was further refined in The Burning Crusade to the "loot token" concept, which did not require completing quests or turning in reagents.


Class Set
Druid Druid Stormrage Raiment
Hunter Hunter Dragonstalker Armor
Mage Mage Netherwind Regalia
Paladin Paladin Judgment Armor
Priest Priest Vestments of Transcendence
Rogue Rogue Bloodfang Armor
Shaman Shaman The Ten Storms
Warlock Warlock Nemesis Raiment
Warrior Warrior Battlegear of Wrath

Onyxia, who has been retuned from a 40-player level 60 raid to a 10/25-player level 80 raid, drops reworked level 80 versions of the tier 2 helms.


Slot Dungeon Boss
Head Blackwing Lair Nefarian
Shoulders Blackwing Lair Chromaggus
Chest Blackwing Lair Nefarian
Wrist Blackwing Lair Razorgore the Untamed
Hands Blackwing Lair Firemaw, Flamegor and Ebonroc
Waist Blackwing Lair Vaelastrasz the Corrupt
Legs Molten Core Ragnaros
Feet Blackwing Lair Broodlord Lashlayer

All of the bosses drop two Tier 2 set pieces each except for Firemaw, Ebonroc and Flamegor who drop two tier 2 gloves between the three of them, and Nefarian, who drops two chestpieces and two helms.


Old and new Tier 2 models. Changed in patch 1.9.

In Hearthstone

Hearthstone This section contains information exclusive to Hearthstone and is considered non-canon.

In Hearthstone, the Tier 2 set adorns the games' iconic heroes as cosmetic rewards, usually from the Tavern Pass.

Patch changes

  • Wrath-Logo-Small.png Patch 3.2.2 (2009-09-22): The Tier 2 helms now drop from Nefarian instead of Onyxia.
  • WoW Icon update.png Patch 1.9.0 (2006-01-03): All of the Tier 2 Class Armor sets have been updated with new art.
  • WoW Icon update.png Patch 1.6.0 (2005-07-12): Readded.
  • WoW Icon update.png Patch 1.4.0 (2005-04-19): Prior to this patch, Molten Core boss creatures could drop items from one of two different tiered sets for every character class. The loot tables have been changed so Molten Core bosses will now only drop items from the lower tier class sets. However, some of the items from those sets were not previously dropping in Molten Core. These missing class set items will now drop in Molten Core, allowing players to complete their lower tier class sets. The higher tier class set pieces that once dropped in Molten Core will be found once again in Blackwing Lair, the next raiding zone scheduled for release in a future patch.
  • WoW Icon update.png Patch 1.1.0 (2004-11-07): Added.

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