Karazhan loot

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Raid instances

See Karazhan.


Please note that this is an incomplete, unofficial loot list.

Boss Item Type
Trash mobs  [Grasp of the Dead] Cloth caster gloves
 [Inferno Waist Cord] Cloth caster belt
 [Grips of Deftness] Leather agility gloves
 [Zierhut's Lost Treads] Leather agility boots
 [Belt of the Tracker] Mail agility belt
 [Boots of Elusion] Plate tank boots
 [Drape of the Righteous] Spirit cloak
 [Soul Essence] Trade goods
 [Ring of Unrelenting Storms] Caster ring
 [Ritssyn's Lost Pendant] Caster necklace
 [Pattern: Soulcloth Vest] Tailoring pattern
 [Formula: Enchant Boots - Surefooted] Enchanting formula
Attumen the Huntsman  [Steelhawk Crossbow] Crossbow
 [Gloves of Saintly Blessings] Cloth spirit gloves
 [Handwraps of Flowing Thought] Cloth caster gloves
 [Harbinger Bands] Cloth spirit bracers
 [Bracers of the White Stag] Leather spirit bracers
 [Gloves of Dexterous Manipulation] Leather agility gloves
 [Stalker's War Bands] Mail agility bracers
 [Whirlwind Bracers] Mail spirit bracers
 [Gauntlets of Renewed Hope] Spirit plate gloves
 [Vambraces of Courage] Plate tank bracers
 [Fiery Warhorse's Reins] Mount
 [Spectral Band of Innervation] Caster ring
 [Worgen Claw Necklace] Agility necklace
Moroes  [Emerald Ripper] Agility dagger
 [Nethershard Girdle] Cloth spirit belt
 [Edgewalker Longboots] Leather agility boots
 [Belt of Gale Force] Mail spirit belt
 [Boots of Valiance] Plate caster boots
 [Crimson Girdle of the Indomitable] Plate tank belt
 [Royal Cloak of Arathi Kings] Strength cloak
 [Shadow-Cloak of Dalaran] Caster cloak
 [Brooch of Unquenchable Fury] Caster necklace
 [Moroes' Lucky Pocket Watch] Tank trinket
 [Signet of Unshakable Faith] Spirit ring
 [Formula: Enchant Weapon - Mongoose] Enchanting formula
Maiden of Virtue  [Shard of the Virtuous] One-hand spirit mace
 [Bands of Indwelling] Spirit cloth bracers
 [Bands of Nefarious Deeds] Caster cloth bracers
 [Boots of Foretelling] Caster cloth boots
 [Bracers of Maliciousness] Agility leather bracers
 [Mitts of the Treemender] Spirit leather gloves
 [Gloves of Centering] Spirit mail gloves
 [Gloves of Quickening] Agility mail gloves
 [Bracers of Justice] Caster plate bracers
 [Iron Gauntlets of the Maiden] Tank plate gloves
 [Barbed Choker of Discipline] Tank necklace
Wizard of Oz  [Blue Diamond Witchwand] Spirit wand
 [Legacy] Agility two-hand axe
 [Ruby Slippers] Caster cloth boots
 [Wicked Witch's Hat] Caster cloth helm
The Big Bad Wolf  [Big Bad Wolf's Paw] Agility fist weapon
 [Wolfslayer Sniper Rifle] Gun
 [Big Bad Wolf's Head] Caster mail helm
 [Red Riding Hood's Cloak] Spirit cloak
Romulo and Julianne  [Blade of the Unrequited] Melee dagger
 [Despair] Strength two-hand sword
 [Masquerade Gown] Spirit cloth chest
 [Romulo's Poison Vial] Physical DPS trinket
Opera Event shared loot  [Trial-Fire Trousers] Caster cloth leggings
 [Earthsoul Leggings] Spirit leather leggings
 [Beastmaw Pauldrons] Agility mail shoulders
 [Eternium Greathelm] Tank plate helm
 [Ribbon of Sacrifice] Healer trinket
The Curator  [Staff of Infinite Mysteries] Caster staff
 [Pauldrons of the Solace-Giver] Spirit cloth shoulders
 [Forest Wind Shoulderpads] Spirit leather shoulders
 [Dragon-Quake Shoulderguards] Spirit mail shoulders
 [Wrynn Dynasty Greaves] Tank plate leggings
 [Garona's Signet Ring] Agility ring
 [Gloves of the Fallen Champion] Armor token
 [Gloves of the Fallen Defender] Armor token
 [Gloves of the Fallen Hero] Armor token
Terestian Illhoof  [Fool's Bane] Melee one-hand mace
 [Terestian's Stranglestaff] Agility staff
 [Cincture of Will] Spirit cloth belt
 [Malefic Girdle] Caster cloth belt
 [Cord of Nature's Sustenance] Spirit leather belt
 [Girdle of the Prowler] Agility mail belt
 [Breastplate of the Lightbinder] Spirit plate chest
 [Gilded Thorium Cloak] Tank cloak
 [Shadowvine Cloak of Infusion] Spirit cloak
 [Mender's Heart-Ring] Spirit ring
 [The Lightning Capacitor] Caster DPS trinket
 [Formula: Enchant Weapon - Soulfrost] Enchanting formula
Shade of Aran  [Tirisfal Wand of Ascendancy] Caster wand
 [Boots of the Incorrupt] Spirit cloth boots
 [Boots of the Infernal Coven] Spirit cloth boots
 [Mantle of the Mind Flayer] Caster cloth shoulders
 [Rapscallion Boots] Agility leather boots
 [Steelspine Faceguard] Agility mail helm
 [Pauldrons of the Justice-Seeker] Spirit plate shoulders
 [Drape of the Dark Reavers] Agility cloak
 [Aran's Soothing Sapphire] Spirit off-hand
 [Pendant of the Violet Eye] Spirit trinket
 [Saberclaw Talisman] Agility necklace
 [Shermanar Great-Ring] Dodge ring
 [Formula: Enchant Weapon - Sunfire] Enchanting formula
Chess Event  [King's Defender] Tank one-hand sword
 [Triptych Shield of the Ancients] Spirit shield
 [Headdress of the High Potentate] Spirit cloth helm
 [Bladed Shoulderpads of the Merciless] Agility leather shoulders
 [Forestlord Striders] Spirit leather boots
 [Girdle of Treachery] Agility leather belt
 [Fiend Slayer Boots] Agility mail boots
 [Heart-Flame Leggings] Caster mail leggings
 [Battlescar Boots] Tank plate boots
 [Legplates of the Innocent] Spirit plate leggings
 [Mithril Chain of Heroism] Agility & strength necklace
 [Ring of Recurrence] Caster ring
Netherspite  [Spiteblade] Agility one-hand sword
 [Pantaloons of Repentance] Spirit cloth leggings
 [Uni-Mind Headdress] Caster cloth helm
 [Cowl of Defiance] Agility leather helm
 [Skulker's Greaves] Agility leather leggings
 [Earthblood Chestguard] Spirit mail chest
 [Rip-Flayer Leggings] Agility mail leggings
 [Girdle of Truth] Spirit plate belt
 [Mantle of Abrahmis] Tank plate shoulders
 [Jewel of Infinite Possibilities] Caster off-hand
 [Mithril Band of the Unscarred] Strength ring
 [Shining Chain of the Afterworld] Spirit necklace
Prince Malchezaar  [Gorehowl] Melee two-hand axe
 [Light's Justice] Spirit one-hand mace
 [Malchazeen] Physical DPS dagger
 [Nathrezim Mindblade] Caster dagger
 [Sunfury Bow of the Phoenix] Bow
 [The Decapitator] DPS one-handed axe
 [Farstrider Wildercloak] Physical DPS cloak
 [Ruby Drape of the Mysticant] Caster cloak
 [Stainless Cloak of the Pure Hearted] Spirit cloak
 [Adornment of Stolen Souls] Caster necklace
 [Jade Ring of the Everliving] Spirit ring
 [Ring of a Thousand Marks] Physical DPS ring
 [Helm of the Fallen Champion] Armor token
 [Helm of the Fallen Defender] Armor token
 [Helm of the Fallen Hero] Armor token
Nightbane  [Dragonheart Flameshield] Spirit shield
 [Nightstaff of the Everliving] Spirit staff
 [Shield of Impenetrable Darkness] Tank shield
 [Robe of the Elder Scribes] Caster DPS cloth chest
 [Chestguard of the Conniver] Agility leather chest
 [Stonebough Jerkin] Spirit leather chest
 [Ferocious Swift-Kickers] Agility mail boots
 [Scaled Breastplate of Carnage] Agility mail chest
 [Ironstriders of Urgency] Strength plate boots
 [Panzar'Thar Breastplate] Tank plate chest
 [Emberspur Talisman] Spirit necklace
 [Talisman of Nightbane] Caster off-hand