Nighthold (instance)

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This article is about the raid. For the Nighthold and its story, see Nighthold.
The Nighthold
Nighthold loading screen.jpg
Location Suramar, Broken Isles
Race(s) IconSmall Nightborne Male.gifIconSmall Nightborne Female.gif Nightborne
DemonDemonDemonDemon Demon
OrcOrc Orc
Man'ari eredarMan'ari eredar Man'ari eredar
IconSmall Withered.gif Withered
IconSmall Felborne Male.gifIconSmall Felborne Female.gif Felborne
End boss  Gul'dan
Instance info
Type Raid
Level 45
Player limit 10-30
The Nighthold

The Nighthold stands as a testament to the achievements of the nightborne civilization. It is the largest structure in the Broken Isles, and among the grandest in all of Azeroth. Centered around the Nightwell, the fount of arcane power that has sustained Suramar for centuries, these grounds were built as a haven from the worries of the world.[1] This is the palace from which Grand Magistrix Elisande runs the city of Suramar. She has brokered a deal with the Burning Legion to allow them to use a portion of the Nightwell energy.[2]

The entrance can be found in the Sanctum Depths of the Sanctum of Order. The instance opened January 17, 2017, with Mythic and LFR modes a week later.[3]

Adventure Guide

The largest structure in the Broken Isles and among the grandest in all of Azeroth, the Nighthold stands as a testament to the achievements of the nightborne civilization. Centered around the Nightwell, the fount of arcane energy that has sustained Suramar for centuries, these grounds were built as a haven from the worries of the world. But as a felstorm churns above the former temple of Elune across the bay, and Gul'dan himself now resides within the palace's walls, those worries now begin-not end-here.


Arcing Aqueducts

An undersea passage offers access to the foundations of the Nightwell itself, but forgotten terrors await within.

Royal Athenaeum

The palatial grounds of the Nighthold stand as the pinnacle of a culture thoroughly shaped - and twisted - by magic.


For Grand Magistrix Elisande, who mortgaged her people's future in a dark bargain with the Legion, a day of reckoning comes.

Betrayer's Rise

Atop the Nighthold, the warlock Gul'dan arrives at the purpose for which his Legion masters sent him to Azeroth. Destiny awaits.

Maps and subregions



Opening dates

Date opened Mode Wing/bosses Required achievement
17 January 2017 Normal All None
17 January 2017 Heroic All None
24 January 2017 Mythic All None
24 January 2017 Raid Finder Skorpyron, Chronomatic Anomaly, Trilliax  [Arcing Aqueducts]
7 Febuary 2017 Raid Finder Spellblade Aluriel, Star Augur Etraeus, High Botanist Tel'arn  [Royal Athenaeum]
21 Febuary 2017 Raid Finder Krosus, Tichondrius, Grand Magistrix Elisande  [Nightspire]
7 March 2017 Raid Finder Gul'dan  [Betrayer's Rise]

Getting there

Fly to Meredil in Suramar, and enter Shal'Aran. Take the portal to the Sanctum of Order, run down into the Sanctum Depths and take the northern tunnel to find the entrance.

From the surface (if the portal hasn't been unlocked), enter the Sanctum of Order building at [45.8, 64.5] at ground level of the Terrace of Order and head northwest.

When Aluriel is killed, the main door of the Nighthold becomes a second instance portal and the Nightfallen/Kirin Tor army outside of it sets up a defense by the fountain.

Solo walkthrough

Zone in and pick up Thalyssra's N [45R] The Nighthold: Talisman of the Shal'dorei quest to eventually unlock a raid shortcut after defeating Elisande four times.

Clear a path north and defeat Skorpyron in the Crystal Breach. Follow the NPCs out the southeastern door, then keep pushing northeast so Thalyrssra will open the door to the Chronomatic Anomaly encounter in the Nightwell. Clear out all the slimes in the boss arena to activate Sludgerax, then defeat it to activate Trilliax. Defeat the construct and run upstairs to the Arcing Depths, then keep pushing up the ramp to the north to reach outside (where mounts are allowed!) and push to the northwest corner of the map, then run southeast up the stairs to enter the crossroads.

If working on Aluriel's achievement, save her for later and push northeast up to Astromancer's Rise. Defeat Astrologer Jarin to open the door in the building and run upstairs to Star Augur Etraeus's room. Take him out, return downstairs, then keep clearing northeast to Shal'dorei Terrace. Prune High Botanist Tel'arn by taking out the three sub-bosses one at a time.

Return to the Astromancer's Rise building and the central plaza, then cut across to the southwest to the Captain's Quarters. Head to either side, then when the minimap changes, run upstairs to face Tichondrius. Exit to the northeast (don't go downstairs!) and follow the path southeast to get to Elisande's Reach. Run/jump down the Shattered Walkway to sea level, defeat the three named mobs, then Krosus. Loot the Felbound Chest, then speak with the Image of Khadgar to return to Elisande's Reach.

Defeat Spellblade Aluriel if not already done, then enter the Nightspire to the southeast and take a Suramar Portal to head upstairs. Clear out all the trash in Elisande's room to stop the ritual, wait for the exposition to finish, then defeat her. By virtue of her mechanics she needs to be brought from 100% to zero three times. Loot her, then exit to the northwest and take the Suramar Portal to the Font of Night to reach Gul'dan and The Demon Within.

No NPCs provide a shortcut out of the instance.


Wing Bosses Mobs
1  [Arcing Aqueducts]
2  [Royal Athenaeum]
3  [Nightspire]
4  [Betrayer's Rise]  



The tier 19 set pieces drop from bosses in the Nighthold.

Arcing Aqueducts
Boss Item Type
Skorpyron Storm Artifact Relic
Iron Artifact Relic
Arcane Artifact Relic
Leather helmet
Mail chest
Plate bracers
Mail bracers
Cloth gloves
Cloth belt
Leather leggings
Plate boots
Tank trinket
Physical DPS trinket
Chronomatic Anomaly Holy Artifact Relic
 [Illusion: Chronos] Weapon illusion
Shadow Artifact Relic
Frost Artifact Relic
Mail helmet
Cloth shoulders
Mail shoulders
Cloth chest
Plate gloves
Leather gloves
Plate leggings
Leather boots
Caster DPS trinket
Tank trinket
Trilliax Life Artifact Relic
Blood Artifact Relic
Arcane Artifact Relic
Cloth helmet
Demon hunter cloak
Warlock cloak
Shaman cloak
Monk cloak
Mage cloak
Druid cloak
Rogue cloak
Death knight cloak
Hunter cloak
Warrior cloak
Paladin cloak
Priest cloak
Leather chest
Mail gloves
Leather belt
Plate belt
Mail leggings
Plate boots
Cloth boots
Melee DPS trinket
Healer trinket
Royal Athenaeum
Boss Item Type
Spellblade Aluriel Arcane Artifact Relic
Frost Artifact Relic
Fire Artifact Relic
Leather helmet
Plate chest
Cloth bracers
Plate bracers
Leather gloves
Mail belt
Cloth leggings
Mail boots
Healer trinket
Physical DPS trinket
High Botanist Tel'arn Shadow Artifact Relic
Life Artifact Relic
Fire Artifact Relic
Plate helmet
Plate shoulders
Mail bracers
Cloth bracers
Leather leggings
Leather boots
Mail boots
Caster DPS trinket
Physical DPS trinket
Star Augur Etraeus Holy Artifact Relic
Frost Artifact Relic
Storm Artifact Relic
Leather shoulders
Warlock gloves
Rogue gloves
Death knight gloves
Hunter gloves
Shaman gloves
Paladin gloves
Warrior gloves
Monk gloves
Mage gloves
Demon hunter gloves
Druid gloves
Priest gloves
Plate boots
Cloth boots
Healer trinket
Caster DPS trinket
Boss Item Type
Tichondrius Holy Artifact Relic
Blood Artifact Relic
Fel Artifact Relic
Rogue shoulders
Death knight shoulders
Hunter shoulders
Mage shoulders
Druid shoulders
Warlock shoulders
Shaman shoulders
Monk shoulders
Paladin shoulders
Priest shoulders
Demon hunter shoulders
Plate shoulders
Leather belt
Plate belt
Tank trinket
Ranged DPS trinket
Krosus Fel Artifact Relic
Iron Artifact Relic
Fire Artifact Relic
Mail helmet
Paladin chest
Warrior chest
Rogue chest
Death knight chest
Hunter chest
Warlock chest
Priest chest
Shaman chest
Mage chest
Druid chest
Monk chest
Demon hunter chest
Leather bracers
Plate gloves
Cloth belt
Strength DPS trinket
Caster DPS trinket
Grand Magistrix Elisande Storm Artifact Relic
Fire Artifact Relic
Arcane Artifact Relic
Rogue helmet
Death knight helmet
Hunter helmet
Warlock helmet
Shaman helmet
Paladin helmet
Monk helmet
Mage helmet
Druid helmet
Demon hunter helmet
Priest helmet
Warrior helmet
Cloth shoulders
Leather bracers
Plate bracers
Mail belt
Plate belt
Physical DPS trinket
Healer trinket
Betrayer's Rise
Boss Item Type
Gul'dan Fel Artifact Relic
Iron Artifact Relic
Blood Artifact Relic
Shadow Artifact Relic
Mail shoulders
Plate chest
Leather belt
Rogue leggings
Death knight leggings
Hunter leggings
Warlock leggings
Shaman leggings
Monk leggings
Mage leggings
Druid leggings
Paladin leggings
Warrior leggings
Demon hunter leggings
Priest leggings
Cloth boots
Melee DPS trinket
Tank trinket
Caster DPS trinket
 [Living Infernal Core] Mount (Normal/Heroic/Mythic only)
 [Fiendish Hellfire Core] Mount (Mythic only)


  • The placeholder names for the raid were Suramar Raid and Palace of Suramar.[4]
  • With the Nighthold, the designers wanted to offer a raid environment that was both beautiful and deadly, in contrast to the darkness and oppressiveness of the other raids.[1]


Patch changes


External links

es:Bastión Nocturno