Yaungol Advance

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The Yaungol Advance.

The Yaungol Advance covers the southern half of Kun-Lai Summit—a great, desolate high plain extending from the Grummle Bazaar and the Temple of the White Tiger in the northeast, south to Inkgill Mere, the Kun-Lai Pass, and the Gate of the August Celestials to the Vale of Eternal Blossoms, and west to Firebough Nook and the Shado-Pan Fallback.

The advance includes Fire Camps Bataar, Ordo, Ruqin, and Yongqi, Eastwind and Westwind Rest, Lao & Son's Yakwash, Muskpaw Ranch, Mogujia, and the Chow Farmstead.

BattleForAzeroth-Logo-Small.png This section concerns content related to Battle for Azeroth.

During the rise of N'Zoth, the area was invaded by mogu clans.

Patch changes

External links