The Salvagematic 9000!

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For the repeatable quest, see N [40R] The Salvagematic 9000!.
NeutralThe Salvagematic 9000!
Start The Salvagematic 9000
End The Salvagematic 9000
Level 40 (Requires 40)
Type Raid
Category Gnomeregan
Next N [40R] Salvaging the Salvagematic


Insert a Grime-Encrusted Salvage into the Salvagematic 9000, and be sure to have thirty silver coins to start the machine.


This contraption seems to be receiving power, but just barely. A small plaque on the device reads "The Salvagematic 9000", followed by a bit of text that is indecipherable due to the thick layer of caked-on filth. The machine has a very large intake receptacle as well as a slot for coins to be inserted.


The machine looks like it is in an exceptionally poor state of repair. It seems like you can still insert some Grime-Encrusted Salvage into the machine, but you aren't sure what will happen if you do.


You insert the Grime-Encrusted Salvage and thirty silver coins into the Salvagematic 9000. The machine briefly illuminates, begins to shake and rattle, and then spits out your still-grimy salvage before falling silent. It seems to be broken.


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