Gyrodrillmatic Excavationators (Season of Discovery)

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For the Classic quest, see A [30] Gyrodrillmatic Excavationators.
AllianceGyrodrillmatic Excavationators
Start Shoni the Shilent
End Shoni the Shilent
Level 40 (Requires 40)
Type Raid
Category Gnomeregan
Experience 3150 EXP
Reputation +100 Gnomeregan Exiles, +100 Stormwind
Rewards  [Shoni's Dismantling Tool] or  [Shilly Mittens]


Bring twenty-four Robo-Mechanical Guts to Shoni in Stormwind.


It's terrible, <name>. We are not going to have enough parts to get our fleet of gyrodrillmatic excavationators to Dun Morogh.

What we need are spare parts, <name>. What better place to get the spare parts for our vehicles than Gnomeregan? I hear that bots and mechs roam around that place like cattle on an open range.

What I need you to do is go to Gnomeregan and tear apart those robots. Bring me back their robot guts. Two dozen should be sufficient.


You will be able to choose one of these rewards
Inv misc wrench 01.png [Shoni's Dismantling Tool] Inv gauntlets 27.png [Shilly Mittens]

You will also receive:


If this were a race, you would have lost by now.


This will do nicely, <name>. One gyrodrillmatic excavationator fixed; 398 left to go.


  •  [Robo-Mechanical Guts] drop from most instance mobs (including non-mechanical ones); they also drop from the mobs in Gnomeregan outside the instance.

Patch changes

External links