The Grand Betrayal (Season of Discovery)

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For the Classic quest, see A [35D] The Grand Betrayal.
AllianceThe Grand Betrayal
Start Alliance High Tinker Mekkatorque
End Alliance High Tinker Mekkatorque
Level 40 (Requires 40)
Type Raid
Category Gnomeregan
Experience 3150
Reputation +100 Gnomeregan Exiles
Rewards  [Pristine Civinad Robes],  [Nimble Triprunner Dungarees] or  [Triple Reinforced Leggings]


Venture to Gnomeregan and kill Mekgineer Thermaplugg.

Return to High Tinker Mekkatorque when the task is complete.


I trusted Thermaplugg, <race>. Never did I expect that he would betray me and the entire gnomish people. And for what? Power? Wealth? All things that he would have had in time. Now we have been displaced from our home and that madman is in charge. The king of nothing....

We will retake Gnomeregan, <name>. We will not stop until the city is back in our control. If you wish to join in our fight, a simple task I ask of you: Kill the betrayer. Destroy Mekgineer Thermaplugg.


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Inv chest cloth 18.png [Pristine Civinad Robes] Inv pants 08.png [Nimble Triprunner Dungarees]
Inv pants 03.png [Triple Reinforced Leggings]

You will receive:


Is the task complete? Did he beg for lenience? For mercy??


I like to think that the last thing that went through his head as he collapsed to the ground was your foot, <race>. With Thermaplugg dead, our plans to retake Gnomeregan are one step closer to becoming a reality.

Patch changes

External links