Flametongue (dragonspawn)

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For the shaman ability, see [Flametongue].

Flametongue is a title, highly honored and respected among the dragonspawn warrior class, and reserved for the few elevated from Wyrmkin[1] who show exceptional skill in combat, strategy, and battalion leadership. Their superior intellect often grants them the privilege of wielding unique and rare artifacts held by their particular dragonflight, along with the necessary tutelage to master techniques of spell casting, when applicable. Within the dragonspawn hierarchy, a Flametongue's main purpose is to act as the tacticians of a field command and to devise new solutions in the heat of combat. Typically seen with sword and shield in hand while on the battlefield, Flametongues can be difficult to distinguish from basic Wyrmkin, although the aftermath of their arcane mastery is quite unmistakable. They tend to have a slighter build due to their deeper focus on the intellectual pursuits of tactics and magic.[2]

In the RPG

Icon-RPG.png This section contains information from the Warcraft RPG which is considered non-canon.

Flametongues are a race of dragonspawn. Although these dragonspawn are technically advanced members of the wyrmkin race, the flametongues' abilities and capacities are superior enough that they can be considered a different species. A wyrmkin is elevated to flametongue status by showing consistent skill and leadership. The dragon mentor performs a ritual that emulates a dragon's own transition from drake to mature. The flametongue is then taught spells and new abilities — and is also trained to break out of the shell of the disciplined, unquestioning wyrmkin to become an independent thinker and strategist. Flametongues carry swords and/or spears as well as shields. Weapons and/or armor are magical, offering enhancement and sometimes minor enchantment. They may also have a useful magic item such as a wand, ring or other trinket. They also utilize spells as circumstances warrant.

Flametongues are clever fighters, well-trained and organized. They are officers, often leading squads of other dragonspawn into battle. They know how best to use their unit, and they know the capacity of each individual in their armies. While not phenomenally intelligent, they can improvise and create new strategies as opportunities arise. They are encouraged to branch out and learn new things in order to bring diversity to their command.[3] The only known flametongue is Baleflame.

They speak Common and Draconic.[4]


  • The old adage of fighting fire with fire has been the ruin of many young mages who crossed a Flametongue of the red dragonflight. The size of one's pyroblast means nothing when pitted against a Wyrmkin's innate elemental immunity.[2]
