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Race Imp (Mechanical)
Level 62 Elite
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Demon Fall Canyon
Status Killable

Zilbagob is a boss in the Season of Discovery Demon Fall Canyon dungeon.

He is an imp riding a goblin shredder.


  • Inv misc sawblade 01.png Chaos Chopper — The imp swings the shredder's blades in a circular motion, dealing damage and knocking back enemies around him.
  • Ability warrior cleave.png Cleave — Inflicts normal damage plus 30 to an enemy and its nearest allies, affecting up to 3 targets.
  • Spell fire immolation.png Fire Shield — Surrounds an ally with a shield of flame that inflicts 1 Fire damage to nearby enemies every 3 sec. Lasts 10 min.
  • Spell fire flamebolt.png Fireball — Inflicts Fire damage to an enemy.
  • Spell fire fireball.png Flame Buffet — Inflicts 19 to 21 Fire damage to an enemy and increases the Fire damage it takes by 20 for 20 sec.
  • Ability vehicle liquidpyrite.png Kerosene Kick — Zilbagob sends the shredder into an explosive launch, sending shockwaves that clear the floor.



  • BANG! BANG! BANG! I'm beefing up the car!!!
  • Gonna burn ya!
  • Gonna cut ya!
  • Hahah!
  • Hehehe! Things go boom!
  • I'll cut you!
  • Let's see what this thing can do!
  • Whoa...Whoa..Aaaaahhh!
  • You burn!
  • Why did you kill me, <name>?

Patch changes

External links

Boss Imp Shredder