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The Destructor's Wraith

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BossThe Destructor's Wraith
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Race Felguard (Demon)
Level 62 Elite
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Demon Fall Canyon
Status Killable

The Destructor's Wraith is a boss in the Season of Discovery Demon Fall Canyon dungeon.


  • Ability warlock demonicpower.png Abysmal Aura — The demon emits an aura of corruption that harms nearby enemies.
  • Spell shadow curseofsargeras.png Curse of Agony — Curses an enemy with agony, inflicting Shadow damage every 3 sec. over 30 sec. Only one curse per warlock can be active on any one target.
  • Ability warlock demonicempowerment.png Destructor's Devastation — The Destructor's devastation annihilates enemies in its path.
  • Inv enchant essencearcanelarge.png Nether Nova — Unleashes a blast of nether fire that damages and burns enemies in a large radius, creating a ring of fire that damages enemies who cross it.



  • Now, YOU break!
  • Too soon...
  • Wither in ruin!

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