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Landfall Raneman art.jpg
Part of Alliance-Horde war
Location Krasarang Wilds, Kun-Lai Summit, Jade Forest, Silvermoon City, Deepholm

Tactical Horde victory.

  • Earthen Ring rejoins the Horde.
  • Divine Bell was destroyed.
  • Baine severely injured.




Commanders and leaders




Casualties and losses


~ Moderate. Bloodhilt is killed. Baine maimed.


~ Moderate. Twinbraid and Pureblood killed.
Previous Battle at the Serpent's Heart
Concurrent Battle at the Red Crane Temple, Purge of the Earthen Ring
Next Isle of Thunder


Jade Forest

Amidst the Alliance-Horde war a naval campaign in the southern seas which threatened the vessel of Prince Wrynn led to the discovery of a new, unmapped landmass after Admiral Taylor's report managed to reach Stormwind. King Varian Wrynn, who was awaiting news on his son, was surprised to learn of this new landmass and upon realizing the Horde had already made landfall he ordered a fleet to begin assembly while a task force goes a head, wipes out the Horde already there and finds his son. A team led by Amber Kearnen which included the members Rell Nightwind, Mishka, Sully "The Pickle" McLeary and several others such as the Paragon. Their vessel to sunk by a Horde ship however and the survivors are forced to find shelter at a pandaren village of Paw'don Village while they deal with the Horde sea dogs, meeting Taylor's First Mate Grayson Early. Once they go through the wreck of the White Pawn they manage find Admiral Taylor and befriend the local Jinyu people of Pearlfin Village who were fighting the hozen. Through talking with water spirits and getting aid from the near by Lorewalker Cho the Alliance Paragon does find Anduin however the Prince is determined to stay on the continent and slips through their fingers. Following a scouting mission going wrong, resulting in Rell's mortal wounding and eventual death, the Alliance begin to train these Pearlfin jinyu while the Paragon goes off to work with the local Pandaren natives.

In Orgrimmar, Warchief Garrosh Hellscream was debriefed by General Nazgrim on recent victories and he reports that a recent naval battle led to ships being run aground on some new landmass in the southern mists. Hellscream is concerned about what the Alliance could find there if they are left unchallenged and orders Nazgrim to take a team to scout and secure a foothold while he assembles a fleet to follow. Nazgrim takes the Frostwolf's Howl with a fireteam which includes members such as the sniper Shokia, master at arms Sergeant Gorrok, Forsaken spy Shademaster Kiryn, engineer Rivett Clutchpop, the tracker Zin'Jun and a few others most notably the Champion. After an engagement with the Alliance forced an emergency landing the survivors recover in a pandaren settlement called Honeydew Village before engaging the local hozen. The appearance of Lorewalker Cho convinced the Horde to change tactic and earn the hozen's respect instead and soon the Horde were able to befriend the hozen and establish themselves in their village of Grookin Hill. After a scouting mission goes wrong and they loose Zin'Jun, Nazgrim begins to train the hozen himself while the Champion goes to work with the native pandaren.

While the Alliance Paragon and Horde Champion traverse the Jade Forest aiding the local Pandaren the forces at Pearlfin Village and Grookin Hill prepare for war against one another. They march towards each other, the two forces meeting at the base of the Serpent's Heart where Taylor and Nazgrim face off against one another. The two sides engage in combat where a stray catapult hits the side of the Serpent statue and causes it to collapse. The battle is interupted when the chaos allowed the Sha of Doubt to escape his bound, fueled by the rising emotions of those in the battle and the pandaren witnessing it. Lorewalker Cho works with the heroes to gather survivors of the brutal attack, the Paragon manages to save Taylor, Sully and Miskha however they find Grayson Early dead; the Horde Champion manages to save Nazgrim, Kiryn and Rivett however they discovered Gorrok died in the Sha's wake. Cho moves the survivors out of the Jade Forest while the adventurer is sent into the Valley of Four Winds.

Krasarang Wilds

In the southern wilds a task force of Kaldorei, led by Lorekeeper Vaeldrin, used an old Highborne portal network to get past the mists however the network had been trapped in the centuries since its last use and so it left the expedition in a frozen state, saved by the Paragon who happened to be passing through. Once the trap was released the Highborne expedition set about searching for the Pools of Youth that Vaeldrin beleived existed in these wilds though his daughter, a Sentinel named Lyalia, was more interested in following the dreams of light that Tyrande had recently had. Vaeldrin was convinced it was the Pools, however after clearing the mogu of the area and reaching the Pools Vaeldrin learnt of the horrible price that the Pools demanded; life for life. The priest reclused himself while his daughter took over the expedition, heading west.

Elsewhere a tribe of tauren sailed through the mists guided by a priestess of their group, seeking the same dreams of light as the elves though it was Baine who had them. These tauren, the Dawnchaser tribe, established themselves at Thunder Cleft however the chieftain's wife went into labour. The birth proved intensive so the chieftain sent his brother-in-law to ask the locals for help unfortunately it was a mogu they found and he was killed, though he sent the Champion to the Dawnchaser in his dying moments. Sunwalker Dezco and an orc Kor Bloodtusk enlisted the Champion in clearing the near by Mogu and seeking out a mysterious waters the mogu text mention. The waters did not prove helpful and Leza Farwalker died in child birth. Dezco was distraught, though Kor would take their warriors westward to further chase these mogu.

At the western ruins Lorekeeper Vaeldrin and Sunwalker Dezco found the soldiers that went west had been ambushed and captured, with Lyalia and Kor admitting they shouldn't have split their group so. Once rescuing their captured warriors and killing mogu diggers the heroes learn that the mogu have captured Lyalia and Kor at the near by ruins. It was an ambush, the mogu leader killed the two prisoners to empower himself however the hero, alongside both Vaeldrin and Dezco, struck down the mogu soul taker. Dezco mourned the loss of another friend, noting that this jungle had taken family from him, however he resolved to lead his tribe north to find this light. Vaeldrin, however, could not move on from his daughter's death and instead chose to trade life for life, drinking a vial of the Pools of Youth to transfer his life into his daughter. Though Lyalia was crushed to learn of her father's sacrifice she honoured it and led her people north.

Kun-Lai Summit

After the devastation in the Jade Forest the survivors of the Alliance and Horde were brought by Lorewalker Cho to Kun-Lai for recovery, far from the land they had accidently brought destruction to. After recovering in Binan Village the two were cleared for departure by the medic. The Alliance survivors were Taylor, Miskha and Sully and they had heard of the destruction of Westwind Rest a pandaren settlement. The Alliance Paragon would help save pandaren from the local yaungol raiders and bring them to the ruined village to rebuild. With the Alliance helping recover lost supplies, feed them and arm them the Westweind pandaren were ready recruits for the Alliance, taking up their colours. The Horde survivors were Nazgrim, Rivett and Kiryn who also heard about the destroyed villages, with them heading to save the people of Eastwind Rest from the yaungol. With the village reclaimed by the locals and the Horde providing aid, food, weapons and armour the local Eastwind pandaren were ready to enlist into the Horde in return for the aid they had provided them.

At the Temple of the White Tiger the pilgrims from Krasarang had arrived, keeping a distance from one another while their leaders Commander Lyalia and Sunwalker Dezco spoke with the White Tiger himself to bargain passage into the Vale of Eternal Blossom. Already there was Prince Anduin who also was arguing for both of their entry into the vale, recongising that the Vale would either open for both or neither factions. After putting heroes through some tests and hearing the consoul of the Shado-Pan and Golden Lotus the White Tiger would agree to allow them entry into the Vale. With this the pilgrimage of the elves and tauren was at an end as they finally entered the golden valley.

Operation: Swordfall

Commander Lyalia informs the Paragon that they have been on the continent for a few months now and the fleet has finally arrived themselves. She bades for them to head down to Krasarang Wilds' eastern shore where scouts have made landfall and to meet with Taylor there. Admiral Taylor had met up with the scouts and they've etablished a beach head with the fleet awaiting the signal flare but first King Varian was coming to see the land himself. King Varian Wrynn arrives on a rowboat, a grin on his face as he sees the new continent full of fresh resources for the war effort. He orders the gnomish survey team, called the Sparkplugg Company, to move out and find resources while his soldiers led by Marshal Troteman heads further inland. With the Paragon who has scouted these lands for the past few months, Varian heads to meet with the survey team and 7th Legion forces in the area.

Finding Marshal Troteman with several Legionnaires at a hillside, Varian greets him as an old friend and compliments the location he has chosen. He desires a tower here that can be seen for miles, so all can see the influence of the Alliance in this area and none escape their eye and to ensure no enemy could hide from their sight. Moving on to a cave Wrynn and the hero aid in stopping a Horde attack on the gnome surveyor team, led by Levi Rocketrail and Rejit Blacksprocket of the Sparkplugg Company. While they were glad to see him Wrynn retorts that he came for the resources promised and Levi reports that these caves do indeed have a large quantity of usable stone and some ore, in addition there seems to be a trove of buried Mogu artefacts. Varian is interested in the Mogu and orders these artefacts, plus the resources, uncovered and says he'll deploy some Bloodfang for the gnomes' protection and he'll contact the Explorer's League.

Satisfied with the location, Varian brings them back to the beachhead and sees the preparations for summoning the fleet has been made. King Varian gives the right to summon the fleet to the Alliance hero, noting they've more than earned it. Sending the flare, the Alliance fleet arrives to Pandaria, landing along the eastern coastline and the various races of the Alliance disembarking, peasants and masons heading to the hill Varian awaited them at.

King Varian Wrynn says: Excellent. We're set to begin the liberation of this continent. When the Alliance banner rises above this land, the natives will know it was us who delivered them from the domination of the Horde.
King Varian Wrynn says: Signal the fleet, Paragon. Operation: Swordfall is merely beginning. You have more than earned this honour.

After the fleet is summoned, and the early base of Wolf's Landing is established Prince Anduin arrives at the base in a panic, warning his father of how the Sha will be summoned by their violence, their fear, their hatred and he especially concerned with their anger. Varian is initially relieved to see his son alive, however scoffs at his statement saying they need those things to win wars, that they are not emotionless automatons. He will defeat the Horde and destroy any Sha in the process. Anduin only expresses more concern and isn't reassured at all by his father's attempts to assure him.

events relating to Tyrande will happen. She will be scorned by Varian over tactics/morale and determine he has become a tyrannical ruler more concerned with killing Horde than the lives of his people. She will leave intending to now allow the Alliance remain being directed by a tyrant.

Tyrande Whisperwind says: To be consumed by hatred is a terrible thing to behold. That man saw his home and family burn when he was but a child. That child has grown into a man filled with hatred, violence and anger.
Tyrande Whisperwind says: Were it but the Horde that suffered from him, perhaps they deserved to reap what they sowed. Yet, Alterac Valley showed a disregard for nature, and here he shows his carelessness in spending the lives under his command. A disregard for the lives of my people!
Tyrande Whisperwind says: The Alliance have been allies and even friends to my people, I won't be so quick to leave. However I cannot abide an ally who will throw the lives of my people away pointlessly.
Commander Lyalia says: Stormwind is a core part of the Alliance, as long as King Wrynn sits on that throne he has sway over the direction of the Alliance.
Tyrande Whisperwind says: As long as the people of Stormwind support him, he'll remain so. If that were to change... I have much to think on.

Grom'kar Offensive

Sunwalker Dezco Meets with the Champion informing them that after these past few months the Horde fleet has been spotted off the western coastline and Nazgrim is requesting their appearance at Krasarang. Heading down to an island off shore they meet with General Nazgrim who was working with scouts in the area securing a foothold. Garrosh Hellscream lands at the shoreline, jumping into the waters and wading onto the shore, Garrosh is informed by Nazgrim that several scout forces are already here; Blood Guard Gro'tash was looking for an ideal place for command while several Bilgewater operatives looked for oil. Garrosh invites the Horde champion along to personally investigate these sites alongside him.

Finding Gro'tash at a hill near by fighting Alliance soldiers, the area is secured and enemies slain. Garrosh approves of the site and orders Gro'tash to keep the site secured for their eventual tower intending a clear vantage point in the waters around. Finding the goblins at the coastline, Grizzle Gearslip is surprised to see the Warchief came to save them with Garrosh stating the Horde promises security to its members and that they'll always protect their own. After being informed there is crude oil in these waters Garrosh states they'll have protection here from the Alliance and other potential threats, which Grizzle is glad for. Garrosh comments on a leaders' responsibility to look after their people and how he struggled in the beginning with his expectation of others just doing what he said when he had to earn that respect.

With the island mostly secured from Alliance agents the Warchief and Champion return to the beachhead and note the summoning preparations are complete. When the flare is fired the Horde fleet arrives. Orcs, blood elves, tauren and all races of the Horde can be seen disembarking into the jungles in the south, with peons and wagons moving towards their Warchief at the island's core.

Warchief Garrosh Hellscream says: Here we will establish Gorehowl Point. We will take Varian's war to him, and bring honour to the Horde.
Warchief Garrosh Hellscream says: Champion! The glory of summoning the fleet is yours. Call forth the Grom'kar Offensive!

As the fleet lands, and the camp sight that will become Gorehowl Point is established, the Warchief begins ordering soldiers around when Baine Bloodhoof appear saying he's been debriefing the Dawnchaser Sunwalkers and he's concerned about the Sha. Dezco had informed Baine on how this land manifests the Sha from strong emotion and they have to keep such emotions in check. Garrosh listens and says he'll personally debrief the tauren sunwalkers on the matter but confesses he's not sure how they intend him to fight a war without such passions. He states he'll take the warnings seriously, however.