User:Ximothy/Wrynnverse/Iron Kingdoms

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NeutralIron Kingdoms
Level: XX-XX
Film Azeroth.jpg
Races HumanHumanHumanHuman Human
High elfHigh elf High elf
IconSmall DwarfDeathKnight Male.gifIconSmall DwarfDeathKnight Female.gif Recaste
Mechagon mechagnomeMechagon mechagnome Gnome
Forest trollForest troll Forest troll
Jungle trollJungle troll Jungle troll
IconSmall Drust Male.gifIconSmall Drust Female.gif Drust
IconSmall Wicker.gifIconSmall WickerBeast.gif wicker construct
IconSmall Hag.gifIconSmall Witch.gif Hag
Storm giant Storm giant
IconSmall Worgen.gif Warg
Gnoll Gnoll
IconSmall Ettin.gif Ettin
IconSmall Jormungar.gif Time Wurm
Trogg Trogg
AllianceHorde Mainstream Races
Ruler(s) Mob IconSmall Lothar.gif Grand Crusader Lothar (Iron Crusade)
HordeIconSmall Kael'thas.gif Sun King Kael'thas (Quel'Thalas)
AllianceIconSmall KulTiran Male.gif Lord Admiral Derek Proudmoore (Kul Tiras)
NeutralIconSmall Antonidas.gif Archmage Antonidas (Dalaran)
Mob IconSmall DarkIronDeathKnight Female.gif Empress Zoe
Major settlements Mob Stormwind City
Horde Quel'Danas
Alliance Boralus
Neutral Dalaran
Mob Stratholme
Mob Stromgarde
Mob Greymane Manor
Mob Perenolde City
Mob Iron Foundry
Minor settlements Horde Solarhall
Alliance Crestfall
Affiliation Iron Crusade (Kingdom of Lordaeron, Kingdom of Stormwind, Kingdom of Stromgarde, Kingdom of Alterac, Kingdom of Gilneas, Principality of Tol Barad)
Recaste Empire, Gnomeregan, Kingdom of Quel'Thalas, Admiralty of Kul Tiras, Magrocacy of Dalaran
Location Pocket Universe

Constructed in a pocket universe, this Azeroth consists only of this alternate Eastern Kingdoms that have come to be referred to as the Iron Kingdoms in the wake of the domination of the Iron Crusade, a forged unity of several human kingdoms thanks to the machinations of a rogue Bronze Dragon and the escaped war criminal Varian Wrynn who engineered the rise of this Crusade and poised them against the mainstream Azeroth.

Zones and Regions

Horde Quel'Thalas (Alternate)

  • The homeland of the High Elves and the base of operations for the Horde soldiers, the region had largely been invaded by the Iron Crusade, the areas south of the Runestone were occupied by the Crusade and several important hostages, including Prince and the last child of the Ranger General, forced the elves into isolation. When the Horde brought these vital prisoners back and provided vital aid to the war weary elves the High elves were forced to ignore their isolationist ways and work closely with the Horde, even granting land to them. While Silvermoon remains largely occupied by invading Iron Crusaders most of the city's population relocated to Quel'Danas which now serves as the Kingdom's tempory capital.
  • The region's capital is Quel'Danas, and the Horde garrison of Solarhall serves as the Horde's local power. The city of Silvermoon is a battlefield with the Iron Crusade.
  • It's mainstream counterpart consists of Eversong Woods, Ghostlands, Quel'Danas and Zul'Aman.

Alliance Baradin Bay

  • The sea to the west of north and central Iron Kingdoms is the traditional domain of Kul Tiras, the kingdom of the tides, and has recently become the residence of the Alliance forces on this world. Kul Tiras did not join the growing Iron Crusade especially after an early misstep on Varian's part where he name dropped Jaina- who in this universe was a still born- infuriating Daelin and tainting future talks. Matters were made worse as the Iron Crusade begun to lash out against non-Light religions, alienting the naval kingdom as they worshipped the sea. Daelin declared indepenence and neutrality, however with Tol Barad, one of their territories, raising flags for the Iron Crusade the kingdom has been pulled into this war especially with the arrival of the Alliance from the mainstream universe.
  • Its capital is Boralus, a large portside city, and the Alliance maintain Crestfall as their local garrison.
  • It's mainstream counterpart consists of Kul Tiras, Crestfall, Tol Barad, Drisburg and Zul'Dare.

Neutral Khaz Modan (Alternate)

  • The mountain home of the dwarves has vastly changed. As this is a pocket unvierse it is not afforted the same protection as the mainstream universe and so a great Time Wurm known as Jormangr has invaded the region, causing a localised ice age. The dwarves of this pocket realm also developed slightly differently; the mother of Dagran, Zoe, outlived her son and used the Iron Crusade to conquer the other dwarven clans. Her agents would learn to infuse their people with echoes of Jormangr's time magic, becoming the Recaste and Zoe would form the Recasted Empire within Khaz Modan. In Gnomeregan the Crusade-aligned Sparkplugg Company has taken over and transformed the poor gnome inhabitants into cyborg gnomes working for the gain of their new masters. To watch over their vassal states the Kingdom of Alterac has been entrusted with running the region, with their capital over to the city of Perenolde ruled by the Queen Beve Perenolde. While Recasted Dwarves and cyborg gnomes toil away for their overlords the Alterac watch from the shadows.
  • The mountain of Black Rock has been transformed into the Iron Foundry where Empress Zoe rules from. Perenolde City was built over Anvilmar and is the Alteraci's capital city.
  • The Alliance's stronghold in the region is called Dun Paldor in what was the Wetlands part of the region, with a port base called Anchordown on the western coastline. The Horde have a stronghold called Storm Watch in what was the Badlands, with a port called Sunshore on the eastern coastline.
  • Its mainstream counterpart consists of Dun Morogh, Loch Modan, Wetlands and the Badlands.

Neutral Arathor Mountains

  • The grasslands of central Lordaeron have become a war torn region. Stromgarde dominates over these mountains and fields, however Alteraci insurrectionists led by the exiled Prince Aliden and remnants of the Wildhammer dwarves and forest trolls fight for freedom against the oppressive Stromic armies and the Iron Crusade. The arrival of the Alliance and Horde to the region has also upset the balance as a vast area called the Warscar is the result of the two factions fighting the Stromgarde forces. This region is also where the slumbering Storm Giants the Iron Crusade enslaved were found after strip mining the mountains between Arathi and the Hinterlands. The former cities of Aerie Peak and Jintha'Alor have been taken by the Iron Crusade, the former becoming a gladiatorial pit called the Coliseum of Spears. King Galen Trollbane relishes in the war, this timeline he has become very arrogant and war hungry.
  • The capital is Stromgarde Keep itself, and outside raid area. The Coliseum of Spears is a massive arena where anyone, even outlanders, can fight.
  • Its mainstream counterpart consists of Arathi Highlands, Hinterlands and Hillsbrad Foothills.

Neutral Lordamere Coast

  • The western shoreline of Lordaeron has traditionally been split between Lordaeron and Gilneas, however following the rise of the Iron Crusade Gilneas had managed to claim the entire coastline- including taking the former Capital City. Their domain over the land was not to last, however, as the creation of this pocket universe also saw the recreation of various creatures connected to the dream- the worgen and the Drust. However these recreations did not posses a connection to the Dream and woke in this new world. Across the Coastline monsters ranged, the Drust spread their dark glades over the coast and worgen packs prowl these darkened woods. Gilneas and the Iron Crusade retain control over the main road and various settlements however are constantly fighting the ever expanding forest.
  • The capital is Gilneas City however it's largely become over grown by the ever expanding forests thanks to the Drust. Greymane Manor is where King Liam resides and makes his dark pacts to increase his power, paranoid that the disrepair his kingdom is in will be discovered by the Iron Crusade's leadership.
  • Its mainstream counterpart consists of Gilneas, Silverpine Forest and Tirisfal Glades.

Neutral Eastweald

Neutral Timeless Isle

  • Transited from Pandaria the full bloom of the Timeless Isle is revealed, not just the tip that appeared in Pandaria. The Bronze Dragonflight have utilized the Isle as their own base of operations to study this time pocket and seek ways to undo any damages to the time stream, in addition deal with the invasive Time Wurms and the local Chronomancers. On a peninsular of the northern coast the Horde have established Warspear as a local base, under the command of General Nazgrim. On an islet of the southern coast is the Alliance base of Nightshield under the command of Commander Lyalia. The coastline has become a battlefield between the two factions much to the frustration of the island's inhabitants, to put it mildly.

Neutral Alterac Mountains (Max-Level)

  • Located in the heart of the northern subcontinent, these mountains are among the most ancient lands for humanity and are home to the two smallest human kingdoms prior to the Iron Crusade's rise; Alterac and Dalaran. The smallest region, it is a highly dangerous area as Alterac lays constant siege to Dalaran aided by the Silver Hand Legions. Alterac City itself is over seen by Lord Falconcrest while Queen Beve rules from Khaz Modan. Antonidas, head of the Council and ruler of Dalaran, seeks allies desperately against the onslaught of the Iron Crusade and will happily call upon their fellow independent brethren in Kul Tiras and their ancient friends in Quel'Thalas. Other forces work in these mountains, as Alterac finds itself in civil war. While Beve's forces, the Cliamtists are the largest group, Prince Aliden Perenolde leads the Royalists in seeking his rightful throne and will ally with the Alliance to attain it, while the Malcontents support Isolde Perenolde for the throne, working with demons and are subservient to the elven cult of the Sargerei.
  • Alterac City is in a civil war over the Cliamtists that serve Queen Beve Perenolde and the Iron Crusade; the Royalists led by exiled Prince Aliden Perenolde who gains the support of the Alliance; and the followers of Isolden Perenolde, who is working with demons. Dalaran is a neutral city however it does not funciton as a capital due to the constant siege the city is under, the magi protecting themselves with a great dome.
  • The Alliance operate out of Aliden's stronghold, Mordis Household, where his supporters such as House Mordis work to put him on his rightful throne. The Horde's blood elves established Hawkwatch under the command of Mehlar Dawnblade, connecting with the Dalarani and investigating the Malcontent's ties to the Sargerei.



  • AllianceWhisperwind Vanguard- Based out from Nightshield, the Whisperwind Vanguard are led by Commander Lyalia. They help preserve the Timeless Isle, and fight the Horde over the Perennial Strand.
  • AllianceKul Tiras- Choosing to remain independent from the growing Iron Crusade, the Kul Tirans now fight to retain their unique culture as imperialistic crusaders, ancient threats and more rise against them.
  • AllianceAlteraci Royalists- When King Aiden was assassinated, Prince Aliden accused the Iron Crusade and their ally his sister Beve. As the eldest child he maintains he has royal right to the throne, despite leading the smallest of the three groups fighting for Alterac.


  • HordeHellsreach- Controlling Warspear, the Hellsreach are commanded by General Nazgrim. They help preserve the Timeless Isle, and they have engaged the Alliance over the Perennial Strand.
  • HordeConvocation of Silvermoon- The ruling body of Quel'Thalas, the Convocation have to face the reality that their long isolationist policy has left them with few friends and to preserve what home they have left they seek strange new allies, hoping to retake their stolen land.
  • HordeElven Ranger Corps- Acting largely seperate from the Convocation, the Ranger Corps seek to end threats to their home both in and outside of Quel'Thalas. They range as far as the southern mountains to hunt down threats and traitors to their homeland.


  • Timewalkers- The Timewalkers, agents of the Bronze Dragonflight, have come to this pocket world to both study it and contain any threats it has. The group especially seek to uncover the fate of the traitor Kairoz who is the one to bring Varian to this world. Khadgar is associated with this group, but is not a member himself.
  • Thornspeakers- Rising in the wilds of Lordamere Coast, the Thornspeakers are Drust who reject their kin's aggressive ways, believing it was what led to their imprisonment to begin with, and they seek allies to stop the Drust and preserve nature. Their leader, Ulfar, is concerned that Gorak Tol seeks to consume all.
  • Citizens of Dalaran- The citizens of this Dalaran, divided into mage guilds and leagues, retain the old way the nation functioned- before the Kirin Tor absorbed the smaller groups. Their city remains under constant siege by the Iron Crusade, so the city sits under a protective dome.
  • Steamwheedle Preservation Society- Taking advantage of the pocket universe to 'procure' artefacts and relics lost in the mainstream universe, the Preservation Society has taken up the noble task of 'liberating' these items and selling them to the highest bidder.
  • Dun Argath- Surviving dwarves and gnomes eek out a hard existance in the frozen Khaz Modan, many having given up hope on stopping the Recaste Empire and the Sparkplugg Company. Arrival of these outlanders may give back hope to these disgruntled resistance fighters.
  • Patch XX.3 Northshire Resistance- Many who rejected the Iron Crusade came to find refuge in the holy grounds of Northshire where King Wrynn left them alone in respect for the Chapel's leader, the former Archbishop Alonsus Faol. However with the corruption of the Crusade by Medivh the people of Northshire rise in open rebellion against the demons, seeking to find dissents among the Iron Crusade such as Lothar to help fight against the Legion.

Dungeons and Raids


Chronal Spire:

  • Built from the conquered Theramore, the Temporal Spire is the connection between Azeroth and the pocket universe containing the Iron Kingdoms. Now the Ironmarch Legion, consisting of forces from the Iron Kingdoms and the remnants of the True Alliance, secure the Spire for future invasions.
  • End Boss: IconSmall Human Female.gif Sky Admiral Rogers

Helmist Cove:

  • A fleet of kvaldir managed to be created along with the Iron Kingdoms and have spent the last few decades raiding the coastlines, reaping a toll on ports. The ghostly pirates are a constant threat and must be dealt with, their loot ready for the taking by adventurers brave enough to face them.
  • End Boss: IconSmall Kvaldir Female.gif Captain Vugria the Helchosen


  • The Mother Tree of Quel'Thalas still stands in this timeline, the defenders being able to hold it. However suspicioun that enemies may have already infiltrated the places' defences have led heroes to come to the Tree's aid.
  • End Boss: IconSmall FelbloodElf Male.gif Rammal

Angor Slagmines:

  • The mines of Angor have pulled slaves from across the Iron Kingdoms to mine resources for the Recaste Empire. These minerials are refined and sent across the Empire and Iron Crusade, powering the war machines of those that pose a threat to Azeroth.
  • End Boss: IconSmall DwarfDeathKnight Male.gif Taskmaster Okeer Bloodfist

Sparkplugg Depot:

  • The trains that come from Khaz Modan reach far across the Iron Kingdoms, supplying the Iron Crusade's frontlines with much needed resources. As such sabotaging these trains are a priority for the war effort against the Crusade and their allies. The Sparkplugg Company are fiercely protective of their trains, however. Levi Rocketrail, the current head of the Company, is found managing the train.
  • End Boss: IconSmall Mechagnome Female.gif Levi Rocketrail


  • Deep in the twisted woods of Lordamere is the Crimsonwoods, domain of Gorak Tul himself the ancient Drust King that was awakened from his slumber on the creation of this pocket universe. Perhaps quelling the heart of the Drust will stop the cursed woods from growing further.
  • End Boss: IconSmall GorakTul.gif Gorak Tul

Tyr's Docks:

  • The city of Tyr's Hand has been converted into a major port, the most important Iron Crusade port on the eastern coastline. Connected to the trainline, it serves as a vital stronghold of the Iron Crusade's war effort against the elves and independents.
  • End Boss: IconSmall StormGiant.gif Tor the Thunderer

Light's Hope Catatombs:

  • Many survivors of the invasion of Quel'Thalas have retreated to these halls, hoping to escape elven justice. Now they summon forth dark creations to guard against retribution for their sins, and fear the Iron Crusade may not look favourably on them either.
  • End Boss: IconSmall Human Male.gif Archbishop Isillien

Patch X.1: Warp in Time: [[]]

  • End Boss:

Patch X.2 Greymane Manor (Heroic Only):

  • Calling upon ancient magics and new pacts, King Liam Greymane has turned his family manor into a nightmarish household of monsters, ghosts and his loyal servants. Now the path to his manor is open heroes are invited by Greymane to enter his domain and face his servants.
  • End Boss: IconSmall Karlain.gif King Liam Greymane


Iron Foundry:

  • Once Black Rock Spire, the once ashfallen landscape has frozen over however the Iron Foundry that now rises above the mountain remains hot and alive, producing the Iron Crusade's vast quanitiy of war machines, armour and weapons. The Recaste Empire, the magically infused dwarves that have cast aside their clan identities in servitude to their Empress, stand as one of this worlds' most dangerous threats. Deep inside the Foundry Recaste dwarves work the factories and cyborg gnomes manage the machines while Alteraci agents oversee them.
  • End Boss: IconSmall DarkIronDeathKnight Female.gif Empress Zhoe Thaurissan

Stratholme Sieges:

  • The brutal campaign over Eastweald will climax at Stratholme, where the mad king Arthas Menethil is hold up. Facing down the Silver Hand Legion, dark paladins, enslaved giants and subjacted Naaru to carve a path to the King. The city stands as the strongest northmost stronghold of the Iron Crusade and where the invasion forces against Quel'Thalas and beyond are being housed from. Stopping the dark paladin Arthas before he burns all around him is of utmost importance.
  • End Boss: IconSmall Arthas.gif King Arthas

Patch XX.1- Warp in Time
Jormangr's Lair:

  • The great Time Wurm that has caused Khaz Modan to freeze over has made its lair deep within the mountains of Khaz Modan. Now that the entrance to Jormangr's lair has been discovered the Timewalkers want the wurm killed before it causes further corruption in the time stream.
  • End Boss: IconSmall Jormungar.gif Jormangr

Timeless Pathways:

  • The mad Chronomancer Jaspard has taken the Hourglass of Time entrusted to the Alliance and Horde by Nozdormu, and has mastered a force of time displaced creatures to unleash. He has entered the Pathways that attach the Timeless Isle to the mainstream universe, throwing displaced heroes and villains from other pocket universes against anyone who would try to stop him from taking the Timeless Isles' power.
  • End Boss: IconSmall Mechagnome Male.gif Arch-Chronomancer Jaspard

Patch XX.3- Curse of Karazhan
Karazhan: The Twisted Tower:

  • Medivh has fallen to the influence of Sargeras in full, and now the Guardian has corrupted the Iron Crusade forces south of Khaz Modan. With a demon corrupted Iron Crusade and many other allies at his back, Medivh intends to infiltrate the mainstream universe through Karazhan and usher forth the Third Invasion of Azeroth, intending to claim the World Soul for his own ends.
  • End Boss: IconSmall Medivh.gif Medivh