User:VraulJawrip/Lutheron Trueblade

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AllianceLutheron Trueblade
Image of Lutheron Trueblade
Gender Male
Race Humanoid (Human)
Level 80
Class Paladin
Affiliation(s) Alliance
Occupation Knight of the Silver Hand, Paladin of Stormwind
Location The Maelstrom
Status Deceased
Relative(s) Irulon Doomfist (friend)
Mentor(s) Grayson Shadowbreaker
Alignment Lawful Good

Lutheron Trueblade was a paladin of the Alliance who rose up to challenge his weaknesses and began training to surpass his emotional issues. He also worked with Harrison Jones in uncovering precious artifacts useful to the human race. His exceptional victories had led him to become an inspiration to all would-be heroes seeking to conquer their own foes. His legacy has been built upon hard work and staying calm when faced with challenges. When citizens think of Lutheron, they see an icon of perfection who will lead their kingdom to dominance over the Eastern Kingdoms and further, if need be. However, deep within his mind, he was weak and emotional. Through practice, he has maintained control over his temper. However, if a foe were to gain this knowledge and use it to his advantage, Lutheron would've been easily manipulated.

Coming from Andorhal itself, Lutheron came a long way through his childhood, farming, the Scourge Invasion, fleeing to Arathi, then mastering the arts of a holy knight. With these skills, he has taken down numerous foes, which count among Arugal, Amnennar, and Baron Rivendare. After finally gaining vengeace upon those who would betray him in Lordaeron, his ultimate goal had unveiled; to bring an end to the Lich King, the one who has caused the tragedies. Training hard in the distant Outland, he had gained much more knowledge of combat than he could have imagined in Azeroth, which allowed him to bring the fight to the Lich King and end his iron rule once and for all.

Lutheron's later purpose was to find artifacts of value and claim them for Stormwind, the last human bastion, besides the formerly walled-off Gilneas. Lutheron Trueblade did everything in his power to make sure the Alliance succeeded in the Twilight War.

Final Battle

Eventually, the final battle had come to place. After being hit multiple times with the Demon Soul, Deathwing fell into the Maelstrom, where he surfaced and attacked the remaining heroes who fought a vicious battle against the dark manifestation. Lutheron, always a narcissist, attempted to put his own body in the way of a tremendous strike in order to protect the others. In doing so, Lutheron sacrificed his life in an instant. While such a good tale could've surfaced, the code of the adventurers had held them all to agree to keep Lutheron's loss a secret to the world. Lutheron was given no burial as his body was blown to smithereens and few even prayed for him.