User:Vraul/Traleon Llane

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HordeTraleon Llane
Image of Traleon Llane
Race Forsaken
Class Rogue
Affiliation(s) Horde, Forsaken
Occupation Deathstalker, Alchemist
Location Undercity, Tirisfal Glades
Status Missing
Relative(s) Irulon Doomfist (brother)

"Me, a traitor?! Oh, no, little brother. The only traitor here is the one who has forsaken his own family name. Now it's time to show you why I was always the favorite son."

- Traleon Llane, Deathstalker of the Forsaken, to his living brother, Irulon Doomfist, at the gates of Icecrown Citadel.

Traleon Llane is a forsaken deathstalker serving under the rule of his Dark Lady, the current Warchief Sylvanas Windrunner. While once an aspiring citizen of Lordaeron, Traleon now seeks to spread terror and destruction amongst the living.

Childhood Tragedy

Traleon was born some few years before the First War. He lived in what is now known as Deathknell for most of his childhood. A quiet fellow, he had few friends while growing up. Even his parents began to believe he was a bit off, as he seemed to have no fear no concern for the safety or well-being of anyone, not even himself. That is, until a terrible force of reckoning had sieged the lands.

The Scourge had arrived at their town to feast upon the living and raise them as their own. Traleon was awoken by an apparently distraught Irulon. When they peeked out through a window, they were instinctively thrown back from fear. Unliving creatures had begun tearing at their walls. Feeling hopeless, their parents said their goodbyes and pushed Irulon and Traleon into a basement room and locked it tight. Confused, Traleon begun to head up the stairs to knock on the door, when he heard the shrieks of his parents. He had adored the idea of fear and corruption, but in an instant he had regretted his practices and sobbed quietly. Irulon had left him alone until there was nothing but the wind to hear. The two found items in the cellar and eventually broke through the door. They stood upon a wrecked town with not a soul to accomodate them. Irulon and Traleon head out into the wilderness the search for survivors.


WIP (reworking story)


Legion This section concerns content related to Legion.

Traleon Llane was one of the many Forsaken troops to invade the Alliance gunship known as the Skyfire as it entered Stormheim territory. Whether or not he survived its explosion is unclear.
