User:Vraul/Dargurus Blackbeard

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AllianceDargurus Blackbeard
Image of Dargurus Blackbeard
Gender Male
Race Dwarf
Class Warrior
Affiliation(s) Alliance, The Dwarven Vanguard
Occupation Warrior of the Alliance
Location Ironforge
Status Unknown
Alignment Lawful Good

Dargurus Blackbeard is a Bronzebeard shield dwarf who once served the Dwarven Vanguard within Dun Morogh. Long ago, he was once a part of Baelgun Flamebeard's expeditionary force until Arthas claimed Frostmourne and slew many of Baelgun's troops. Dargurus luckily escaped into the Grizzly Hills, where he went into hiding for some time. After the Alliance and Horde had arrived in the frozen continent, Dargurus found an encampment held by the Westfall Brigade, wherein he found safety and comfort.

Around that time, Dargurus had been driven mad by some unknown force while fighting in Crystalsong Forest and was dubbed as "Madbeard".

Anvilmar - To The Front

From the beginning, Dargurus was always a stout and encouraging figure wherever he traversed. No matter the issue at hand, he had always charged head on into the situation and dealt with it using the first idea that popped into his head at the very moment. Born of two mountaineers defending the small area, Dargurus was next in line to hold the honorable green attire and protect his land from possible invaders. However, upon one day's inspection, the King of Ironforge, Magni Bronzebeard, saw the young fellow as more than just a guard. Seeing that Dargurus could never stand charge in one position for any day's length, Magni suggested to his parents that Dargurus should travel the world, discovering exciting findings for his people. Fearing for their son's safety, the parents had at first refused. However, over time they realized that Magni's claims had been true, as their son could barely stand still when given the order to do so. However, Dargurus' father saw little benefit in their son becoming a mere excavator and enlisted his son in the Alliance forces. Giving his son to such a dangerous position was very difficult, but Dargurus' father knew that it would make him happy. Finally, Dargurus was sent to the human capital of Stormwind, where he would be sent off into the most dangerous mission that could be conjured at the time.

When enlisting as a fierce novice, the nobles of Stormwind saw fit to give Dargurus some training in the bandit-infested lands of Westfall in order to not only enhance his skills, but also fix their own issues at the same time. However, somewhere along the lines, paperwork got mixed up and Dargurus was sent off with elite forces into Lordaeron. Feeling adventurous, Dargurus was content with such a challenge. Once arriving, Dargurus and his group met Prince Arthas Menethil, whose mind was set on immediately traveling to the harshest continent on the entire planet, Northrend.

Formerly a member of the Dwarven Vanguard.

The Dwarven Vanguard