User:Vraul/Lucas Marinoth

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AllianceLucas Marinoth
Image of Lucas Marinoth
Race Human
Class Hunter (currently), Gladiator (formerly)
Affiliation(s) Alliance, Stormwind
Occupation Stormwind Hunter
Location Adventurer

"At one time, I thought that the only friends you needed in battle were your two trusty blades. Now I understand that a real, living companion and ranged weaponry make all the difference."

- Lucas Marinoth, Hunter of the Stormwind Army

Lucas Marinoth is a human hunter of the Alliance army. He is a former gladiator that once stood as a testament to the alliance's ferocity in close-combat. As a slave to the orcish regime, he was forced to take on countless enemies in small, dank arena pits for the entertainment of orcish crowds. Marinoth stood boldly against furious foes such as wolves, ogres, and sometimes devilsaurs alone within Kalimdor. That is, until his slaver was killed and he was released from gladiator duty. By then, he had traversed the Barrens and then the Stonetalon Mountains, where he learned to commune with the beasts of the wild.

Lucas is quite young, probably in his thirties or fourties, but the physical violence that he was involved with had accelerated his aging process, leaving him to appear to be a fifty-or-so years old gentleman.


Little is known about Marinoth's childhood besides the fact that his parents were peasants of the Arathi bloodline. They maintained their farm under grueling labor, and Lucas himself was put to work around the age of twelve. His hands were often blistered from the physical activities he was forced to undertake to keep food on the table. Around the age of seventeen, his father passed away, leaving him and his sickly, aged mother to take care of the financial issues.


By the time Lucas was a grown man, a terrible tragedy had occured in Azeroth. The Dark Portal had been opened by the wizard Medivh, and the orcs came pouring out. After a while, the orcs managed to reach the upper Eastern Kingdoms and took some humans prisoner, as to toy with them. One of these humans was Lucas Marinoth himself. The orcs raided the farm and abused and killed Lucas' mother. They then proceeded to circle Lucas, taking him away with them. Eventually, his kidnappers were enslaved themselves. However, the jailers of Alterac saw Lucas as weak and spineless to be taken in by the filthy grunts, and trapped him in imprisonment with them. There, they made him a gladiator of reckoning. He proved to be a worthy fighter, taking on five or more enemies before being beaten. His jailer was merciless, with no remorse for his well-being. He saw Lucas as a coward who should be invincible, due to his human abilities.

Escape and Life After Enslavement

A young Lucas Marinoth, as a gladiator.

During Lucas' final match, he took on a worgen that had been captured from Silverpine Forest. This beast was unheard of in human lands, and so Lucas had little ability to prepare. The beast struck at him and he parried continuously. The claws of the beast clanged against his steel cutlasses. It was not until the worgen became enraged did Lucas get the chance to get the upper hand. The worgen attempted a mortal blow, but missed and tripped forward, allowed Lucas to impale its spine through with his blades. Soon after, orcs, lead by Orgrim Doomhammer and Thrall came and annihilated the encampment. Lucas' slaver was killed in the attack, but Lucas himself managed to survive by proving himself unloyal to the Alterac empire. The orcs let him go peacefully, but left him to die in the forests.

Horde Grunt says: Time to die, pinkskin...
Lucas Marinoth: No! I am not one of these wretched buffoons. Can't you see by my shackles that I'm being held prisoner?
Grunt says: No matter. You are still one of them!
Thrall yells: Stop!
Thrall says: Do not touch him. He is of no danger to us. Let him go.
Lucas Marinoth says: Thank you, friend. I can never truly repay this debt.
Thrall says: It is no problem. Now go. Leave this place and never return. It won't stand much longer.

Escaping the area, Lucas searched for a refuge and found Southshore, which was led by a local magistrate. He soon decided to head out through the Arathi Highlands, passed the Wetlands, and into Dun Morogh, where he found the dwarves of Ironforge. The dwarves who noted of his metal armor often commented how much better Lucas would be with a gun at hand. Lucas ignored these comments and found audience with King Magni, who told him to head to Stormwind, where his fate would be decided. When arriving, he found the human king Anduin Wrynn, who had been leading Stormwind in his father's absence. Anduin was unable to lend him aid, but his bodyguard, Bolvar Fordragon insisted that he find Jaina Proudmoore, for he was under the spell of Onyxia, who wished for as little defense for Stormwind as possible.

Lucas head back through Ironforge, Dun Morogh, and Wetlands to reach Menethil Harbor. There, he took the ship to Theramore Isle. After arriving, he sought to find Jaina. When he did, she told him of the wilds of the Barrens. The reason she sent him away was because she feared his appearance, the ragged, war-torn body of his made her fear for the predicament of the peninsula. However, she had told him of directions to avoid orcish towns, because she had not wanted for him to engage the Horde and ruin Theramore's peace treaty.

Stonetalon Mountains - Instincts of the Wild

After a while of slaying beasts and crossing the large Barrens, Lucas found a small opening which led to a new terrain. Here, Lucas found Night Elves who tasked him with taking down the Venture Co. machines that were desecrating the forests. After a while doing so, Lucas head out south near Desolace, where he camped out for a while. Slowly, his mental abilities became distant and he learned to better commune with the wild. With some Kaldorei teachings, Lucas Marinoth grew more respectful of the animals and their habitats. He chose to tame beasts of his own, and was granted an elven bow of his own.

After departing from Stonetalon, he had returned to Theramore to Jaina's dismay. However, he proved to her that he was no threat to the peace treaty. While residing on the peninsula, however, the Cataclysm shook and changed Azeroth forever. Feeling an imbalance within the wild, Lucas decided to return to the Eastern Kingdoms, where he found the Twilight's Hammer killing wildlife and using unnatural rituals to further their causes. From then on, he vowed to take the Twilight cause down and save his way of life.

Return of the Peaceful Ones

After the demise of Deathwing, the Twilight's Hammer fell short in comparison to its previous power. Life had begun a slow yet progressive motion toward normalcy. However, the war between the Alliance and the Horde still continued. Soon, however, an old faction would soon be revealed that has a chance at solving this dire conquering at the frontier of its madness.