User:Vraul/Mal'thaos Voidstrider

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"I have seen the fate of that which is eternal darkness. All I could do is smile and push forward."

- Mal'thaos Voidstrider to Magister Umbric after pledging allegiance to the Alliance.
AllianceMal'thaos Voidstrider
Image of Mal'thaos Voidstrider
Gender Male
Race Void elf
Class Shadow Priest
Affiliation(s) Alliance
Occupation Battlepriest
Location Lower Grounds of the Stormwind Cathedral of Light
Status Alive
Mentor(s) Alleria Windrunner

Mal'thaos Voidstrider is a Void elf currently operating underneath the banner of the Alliance. After being cast out from his Sin'dorei brethren, Mal'thaos found some acceptance alongside his mentor Alleria within the walls of Stormwind. Though he mostly keeps to his own kind, hidden within the depths of Stormwind's cathedral, his resolve to defend not only his own life but his world's existence from the ever-consuming power of the Void has motivated him to use any means necessary. Mal'thaos has no particular love for the Alliance, nor its boy-king Anduin, but he has quietly accepted their promise of a union, and is appreciative of their willingness to coexist against a larger threat that seeks to purge them from existence.

Mal'thaos conversing with the locals of Goldshire.