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Image of Malfaricus
Title <Delver of Vaults>
Gender Male
Race Night elf (Humanoid)
Class Demon Hunter
Affiliation(s) The Illidari
Occupation Defender
Location The Broken Isles
Status Alive

Malfaricus, whose very existence remains shadowed from all but a few of his own kin, is a Night elf ranger turned Illidari Demon Hunter. Taking on a new alias after undertaking a dark ritual, Malfaricus' past remains a mystery to even those closest to him. It could be assumed that he was once a loyal soldier for the Kaldorei until a terrible offer was presented to him - a proposal he could not deny, given a lustful craving for power.

Once a follower of Illidan Stormrage's Illidari faction holed up within the Black Temple, Malfaricus found himself forced to depart his training grounds once a great siege was made that felled his lord and scattered his people. Unlike many of the Illidari who continued to seek vengeance on the mortal races responsible for such a downfall, Malfaricus decided to trek out into distant Outland and continue hunting the remnants of Burning Legion forces that remained on the broken planet. While Malfaricus would appear to live a lonely life, it is the thrill of the hunt and the challenge to further his studies that push him to continue on in his feared existence.
