User:Vraul/Allistair Bloodfang

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AllianceAllistair Bloodfang
Image of Allistair Bloodfang
Gender Male
Race Worgen (Humanoid)
Class Rogue, Mercenary
Affiliation(s) The Alliance
Occupation Gilnean Mercenary
Location Azeroth
Status Missing
Alignment Lawful Neutral

Allistair Bloodfang was a notable stubborn Gilnean who made it out of his nation uninfected but ironically managed to get infected later on after fleeing. He was often judgmental of appearance and was easily a dislikable person. However, after his transformation into a Worgen, he had learned to tone down his arrogance pertaining to others' flaws. He was a part of the pack that is lead by Ivar Bloodfang, who are in constant battle against the Forsaken for territory.

Allistair went missing the day that the Zandalari trolls Zul and Princess Talanji were broken free from their prison in the Stormwind Stockades. It is believed that Allistair may have been a casualty of their breakout while defending the Cathedral Square.