User:Vraul/Rok'mash Bloodboil

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"Either you go out there and fight for the Horde, or I kill and bury you here with the same shovel. Your choice."

- Rok'mash, motivating orcish grunts in battle.
HordeRok'mash Bloodboil
Image of Rok'mash Bloodboil
Title <Blood Guard>
Gender Male
Race Orc (Humanoid)
Class Warrior
Affiliation(s) The Horde, Krom'gar
Occupation Warrior; Armorsmith
Location Orgrimmar
Status Deceased
Relative(s) Mokor Bloodboil

Rok'mash Bloodboil was a Blackrock warrior and armorsmith who served his Warchief, Garrosh Hellscream, with fierce loyalty. He is most infamously known for his duty as Blood Guard of Overlord Krom'gar's forces. He was killed by Alliance forces some time after Krom'gar was dismissed and executed by Garrosh.

He was noted in orcish history for biting off the entire head of a defeated Lordaeronian soldier by the neck with his tusks after a battle. Such a strange action brought him both infamy and disgust from some orcs, but made him quite a cult hero for a while amongst the more questionable of its breed.

Years later, once the orcs had long settled on Kalimdor, Rok'mash personally oversaw devastation towards the Alliance, most notably the night elves.


Rok'mash is a very large orc, even by his own race's standards. His barrel chest and cannon-sized arms bring about intimidation to many peons throughout his life. He is extremely hairy in all places except for his scalp, where he has a very patchy buzz-cut which never seems to grow. A large vein pops out of Rok'mash's upper-right forehead, especially when he is angered. His wide, angled eyes seem to glare and pierce at any individual unfortunate enough to become targeted by his gaze.

Rok'mash is extremely hot-tempered, and shows not mercy nor patience to young recruits who fail to meet his difficult standards. Within battle, he is a ferocious adversary, charging the front lines and cutting swathes of footsoldiers through with his battleaxe. His recklessness has proven to be a double-edged sword: while it certainly makes him an intimidating force, he can easily be brought into a trap if his enemies are wise enough to place one. Such is what ended up getting him killed in the main timeline within the southern Barrens.

Alternate Counterpart

Within his home planet of Draenor, the alternate version of Rok'mash was a loyal, young soldier of the Iron Horde. He fought fiercely for the Blackrock clan until violently killed in Shattrath City by Draenei protectorates while saving his brother, Mokor, from certain demise.
