User:VraulJawrip/Clangeddin Silverbeard

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Image of Clangeddin
Gender Male
Race Dwarf
Class Death Knight
Affiliation(s) Ironforge
Occupation Knight of Ironforge
Location Ironforge
Status Active
Alignment Lawful Good

Clangeddin Silverbeard, named for a mythical dwarven god of local legend, was once a noble hunter for his homeland of Dun Morogh. However, once the Lich King arrived in Azeroth, he was sent along other dwarves on an expedition with Arthas Menethil. This turned out to be disastrous, as he and other soldiers employed within the ranks were later slaughtered by the very same commander that had once led them to glory. Clangeddin's spirit was held in limbo within the accursed blade of Frostmourne until the Lich King decided to release him and use Clangeddin as an avatar of doom. Being that his body rotted away years ago, he was forced to place Clangeddin's soul within another body. After much time finding a proper host, the Lich King did so and sent Clangeddin out to destroy the Scarlet Crusade and Argent Dawn forces within the Eastern Plaguelands. However, the battle for Light's Hope Chapel turned out to be disastrous for the Scourge, as many Death Knights in service, including Darion Mograine, Clangeddin, and others were set free of their mind control. Clangeddin immediately set out to rediscover his culture and reforge his name among the people that once called him their hero.

The Beginning

On one particularly fierce night when Dun Morogh was blanketed by a blizzard, two very happy dwarves gave birth to one they would call -- Clangeddin. Such a unique name was given after a local legend of a mythical dwarven hero of war. Coincidentally, the family had the same surname as this legendary figure, as well, and many people believed that the family were descendants of him. As Clangeddin grew up, he faced many hardships by his commmunity that felt that he could never deserve such a prestigious name. Nevertheless, Clangeddin trained in the clever art of a beastmaster, hoping to tame the largest wild animal out of all of his peers. Struggling in school, however, Clangeddin faced many punishments due to his inability to grasp what his education felt was necessary for a normal dwarf. Along the way, Clangeddin met a new friend who held mutual feelings of the world. This dwarf was also a hunter, and his name was Bruall. These two became immediate friends and tamed numerous beasts of the wild, conquering the most deadly foes, surprising even the local hunting professionals.

Unfortunately, Clangeddin's fortune once again took a turn for the worse as Bruall was maimed and brutally slain by the notorious polar bear, Bjarn, around the Kharanos region. Clangeddin vowed revenge and trained himself to not only tame great beasts, but put them down if absolutely necessary. He slew numerous pests in Dun Morogh, such as wendigo, leper gnomes, and even frost trolls. Finally, he was ready to avenge his "brother". Upon finding the bear, Clangeddin at first attempted to tame the beast. Such an idea held pointless, as the bear kept swinging its paws at his face. Left with no other choice, Clangeddin axed at its legs to slow it down, ran a few feet away, and took an aimed shot at its face that got caught in its throat and asphyxiated it. The people of Dun Morogh praised his efforts and hailed him as a hero that both avenged and saved countless lives. Unfortunately, this constant celebration was never enough to fill the void that his friend Bruall had left when he perished. Stuck with nothing but grief and emptiness within, Clangeddin retreated to his birthplace of Kharanos until one day, the call to arms sounded through the land.

Toward Northrend, Ye Filthy Scallywags

One day while gathering groceries in the capital of Ironforge, the call to arms had sounded for all able-bodied dwarves to gather for the Alliance and their prince, Arthas Menethil. Shaky to the idea at first, Clangeddin eventually saw no other purpose in life other than to throw his body on the line and hopefully make something of himself. With both of his parents long deceased from old age, he felt no denial from any peers to the idea of dying for his kingdom. Eventually, Clangeddin was sent off with an army led by a dwarf named Baelgun Flamebeard, who himself was lead by the king of Ironforge's brother, Muradin Bronzebeard. These men were sent aboard on a ship with Arthas Menethil to the dangerous frozen wastes of Northrend. Along the way, however, Clangeddin met up with a stout young fellow of the name Dargurus Blackbeard. These two formed a swift friendship that they felt was necessary in order to survive the deadly mission they were being sent on.

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