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"Accept death... or control death..."

- Bane the Crucifier
Image of Bane
Title <The Crucifier>
Gender Male
Race Worgen (Humanoid)
Class Warlock (presumably)
Affiliation(s) Sparkdealer Syndicate
Location Traveler
Status Deceased
Alignment Chaotic Neutral

Bane was a Gilnean warlock formerly under the servitude of Razilius Sparkdealer and his Sparkdealer Syndicate. However, earlier on, he was merely the son of a highly respected Gilnean noble whose goal it was to destroy the orcish Horde with the use of Gilnean infantry. However, the king, King Greymane, refused to follow this idea, and he instead intended on isolating the kingdom from the rest of the world. Through these conflicts, a civil war had broken out within the kingdom of Gilneas. After Bane's father had been mysteriously killed that night, he was questioned and quickly found guilty of murdering his father - though without evidence. From then on, Bane had suffered in imprisonment for a decade or so, along with Darius Crowley and the other "dissenters". They lived their days behind bars until one day, all hell broke loose.


Edward Dixon was born to two wealthy Gilnean nobles who felt the need to continuously spoil their son. Edward's father, Dexter Dixon, was a fierce supporter of Lord Darius Crowley, which meant that he would sometimes oppose the king's decisions. His mother had died when Edward was a mere five years old, leaving him to be raised solely by his father, which had probably allowed him to follow his father's beliefs even more vehemently. At about age twelve, Edward had suffered even more emotional stress; the Gilneas Civil War had erupted among the populace, due to conflicting opinions about King Greymane's idea to structure a wall around the territory, which led to many people to be locked up in jail. However, Edward's father had been killed during the war, yet he had numerous unpaid dues to the city.

A few Gilnean nobles held a confidential meeting, and thus decided that in his father's stead, Edward would serve the remaining years in jail for the crimes. Edward was frightened and confused, until he came across a familiar face, Darius Crowley. Crowley had acted as Edward's father figure for the remaining years they would be in prison together, conglomerating on numerous ideas that they both staunchly agreed with.

Bane held within the Stoneward Prison.

Hell Breaks Loose

By the time Edward had reached his mid-twenties, he woke up to find that all was not well within his old home. Vicious beasts known as worgen had invaded the city and were infecting and killing people at random. Through some inexplicable way, the beasts had also sieged the prison. A Gilnean hero had unlocked the cells and helped the prisoners fend off the worgen armies. Dixon and Crowley had fled the area, relocating Genn near the Light's Dawn Cathedral. Lord Crowley had told Edward not to follow him, as he and an adventurer hopped on a horse and ran into a massive army of worgen, bringing them to the foothold of the cathedral. Edward had joined Liam Greymane, Genn's son, in helping citizens flee the city.

Crowley and his brigade were outnumbered and became infected with the worgen curse. Edward had avoided contact with worgen until meeting the new generation of worgen, who were - for the most part - not contagious. The worgen and Gilneans had allied together and took back the city from the Forsaken, who had invaded not long after the original worgen had. Liam Greymane had been killed by an arrow intended for the king, which led to numerous battles and the evacuation of the Gilnean people to Darnassus.


Edward Dixon had quickly returned to the Eastern Kingdoms, fighting off numerous foes for Gilneas's old allies, the Stormwind humans. In doing so, he had bolstered his powers, becoming a master of the dark arts of a Warlock. He had been seduced by these powers from seeing demons being summoned in Gilneas, but he had never been given the chance to ask anyone about them, due to his noble duties as a child. He was intrigued, and quickly found that casting a shadow bolt or searing flames became almost second nature in combat. When he felt strong enough to return to his homeland, Edward traversed to the Hillsbrad Foothills, where, unbeknownst to him, a war was going on between the Horde and the Alliance.

Following the advice of Alliance combatants, he had avoided Forsaken towns and head up north, where he found the Dalaran Crater. Seeing Fenris Isle in the distance, he reluctantly swam there to find that it was under siege. Joining in the battle, the forsaken had paid little heed to him until they started to realize that his curses were becoming a hinderance to their advances. Given little choice but to flee, Edward mounted up on his demonic steed and tried to outrun the undead forces. However, a Dark Ranger had cut him off, and shot him off of his steed with a swift arrow. The undead had caught up with him and attacked Edward, until the Gilneas Liberation Front forces had aided him and held off the forsaken, but not before Edward having a severe wound that would cause him to be infected and assimilated. Edward Dixon was given a choice: Become a forsaken and serve Sylvanas for eternity or drink the blood of his old mentor, Darius Crowley, and transform into a worgen, something Darius had originally tried to prevent from happening to Edward. Edward had felt that he had to take the latter, and became a shadowy, malefic-mugged beast. In such occurrence, Edward Dixon had decided to drop his name and re-branded himself as Bane, in honor of the tragedy that had befallen him and of the hatred he felt toward the forsaken.


Cataclysm This section concerns content related to Cataclysm.

Nowadays, Bane makes it his mission to kill forsaken wherever he sees them, and has no prejudice in killing other races of the Horde, as well, due to them being allies. With dark thoughts in mind, Bane must find mental peace, or he may end up being consumed by his own strength.


With the Cataclysm at an end, a new ally has joined the folds of both the Alliance and the Horde. Seeing difficulty in having the same race join both his allies, the Alliance, and his greatest enemies, the Forsaken, Bane remains ever more conflicted. In order to leave his old troubles behind him for a short time, Bane traveled to Kalimdor and decided to settle in near Dustwallow Marsh. However, he was attacked by a small force of goblins and ogres who were thieving treasure from the seashore. These brutes brought Bane to their master, Razilius Sparkdealer, who gave Bane a deal. Either he would be drowned within the sea for disrupting their work, or he could join them in their quest to become the most dominating, profitable force on the planet. Bane, seeking no other choice, reluctantly joined up with their cartel, seeing them only as a means for him to gather enough funds and possibly an army that could take on the Forsaken threat in battle. Bane, being as intellectual and fearsome as he is, was made the second-in-command to Razilius himself.