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This article is a player information page

The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official World of Warcraft history or occurrences which are accurate for all realms. The characters and events listed are of an independent nature and applied for roleplaying, fictional, speculative, or opinions from a limited playerbase only. Please make sure player character articles are in user namespaces - see the personal article policy.

HordeVraul Jawrip
Image of Vraul Jawrip
Gender Male
Race Orc
Level 120
Class Fury Warrior
Location [1]

Welcome to my Warcraft Wiki user page! I have been an avid fan and player of World of Warcraft since November of 2005, when I first began my journey as a ten year old playing a tauren warrior fighting quilboar within Mulgore. Obviously, being so young, I had no cash nor card to pay for my own account, so I played underneath the banner account of my step-father's alongside my brothers. We each had our own characters, but we mostly leveled up the main character, Bigstacks, a night elven combat rogue. However, I still wanted to keep my own identity. So not long after making my way into the Barrens with the tauren warrior, I had created a dwarf hunter and a gnome mage before I finally settled on a night elven feral druid aptly named Bigstackstwo some time around patch 1.09, if I remember correctly. I still remember joining my old guild led by Sistine of Gul'dan as I was still leveling in Teldrassil, before I decided enough was enough and I foolishly trekked through the Wetlands to make it towards the dwarven lands of Loch Modan.

I suffered a lot of scrutiny throughout my journeys in Classic WoW as I valiantly stuck to my guns as a feral druid, claiming, "feral ftw", even though it was well-known to be a suboptimal spec choice at the time. Nonetheless, I made my way until midway through Wrath of the Lich King. By that point, I had been convinced to transfer my character towards a relative's account so that I would be able to play with my brothers in PvP, dungeons, and possibly even raids. This would never come to pass. I ended up losing my character entirely, because that certain relative was a very high-level arena player, and he would often be playing while I attempted to use my character. He actually used that character for his own purposes until some time around Legion, and unfortunately the armory is no longer visible. Oh well. For a long time since Wrath, this upset me greatly and ended up causing me to pursue other... means of playing the game, for many years. I won't mention that, though I will state that this was the driving force for me to branch out into creating character stories rather than just leveling up throughout the game as I had done previously. I never meant any ill will towards Blizzard, and I promised myself that as soon as I had the funds and ability to return to the regular game, I would. And I did.

Throughout my time playing the game and relishing in reading the lore of the WoW universe on the old wikis, I had taken a particular interest in machinima - videos uploaded on YouTube that were made to create stories and entertain their viewers. Specifically, I can note Oxhorn, Cranius, Myndflame, ianbeckman671, the Tales of the Past creator, and more recently, Nixxiom, as content creators that I have enjoyed watching and supporting throughout the years. I dabbled in making machinima myself during Wrath, though the quality and creativity was incredibly low and I pursued other means of creation. From then on, I decided to enjoy roleplaying multiple characters in the game, and from there is where I ended up creating personal backstories that you can find here. There have been many more characters along the journey, but I feel that these are the most memorable.

Anyways, fast-forward to late-Mists of Pandaria. I decided to take all of the characters and lessons with me as I began my own journey within Azeroth, free from anyone else's usage. I have thus far never truly stayed within a guild and made a scheduled assault against a certain raid tier since then, even to the end of Legion like I had hoped I would. I raided Molten Core, UBRS, and even made a bit of an assault against Ahn'Qiraj alongside Gul'dan-US's BrainFearGone guild, which was a decently progressive guild in the old times.

Nowadays, I mostly keep to LFR, Normal, and sometimes Heroic level with PuGs. Perhaps eventually, I'll be able to set aside the time to contribute enough towards a guild's focus in tearing down an enemy in Heroic or Mythic. Maybe one day.

Yes, I'm still mad to this day that my account will forever say made in 2013, that I don't have my old Sergeant title, that I lost my Argent Dawn bubble Protector tabard from the Dark Portal scene, and that I don't have my old shade pet ghost from the same event. Oh well, it's just something I'll have to deal with!

I've attempted to re-attain as many achievement points in the meanwhile, because I find the overall completion of the game to be quite rewarding. It's been over a decade, and even after many people questioning me as to whether or not I'll ever get bored of the game or the Warcraft universe, I still tell them no. It's been a great home and a wonderful hobby to enjoy throughout my years.

You can find me across social media and especially here, probably angering the admins as I always have with my incredible amount of character page edits I make because I'm very afraid of accidentally erasing the additions or making small grammar mistakes (as I have many times!) with my creations. I'm sure this is a small sector of players even visiting character story pages, and an even smaller amount of people I'm blessed to have reading my content.

I just want to say thank you for reading my contributions to this wiki and hopefully you've enjoyed reading what I've posted!  :)

Main Characters

War3Box orc.png This user has been playing since Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos.
WoWlogo old.png This user has been playing since the original World of Warcraft came out.
Sergeant This user earned the title Sergeant in the old PvP title system.
Mini Chuck.png "Where is Mankrik's wife?"
This user survived Barrens Chat.
Inv ravenlordpet.png This user plays on the Digital Deluxe Edition of Warlords of Draenor.
Inv felstalkermount.png This user plays on the Digital Deluxe Edition of Legion.
BfA-Icon.png   This user participated
  in the Battle for Azeroth beta.
Inv babytortollan.png This user plays on the Digital Deluxe Edition of Battle for Azeroth.
Warcraft Wiki icon stamp.png This user is addicted to Warcraft Wiki.
Spell magic lesserinvisibilty.png This user has too many alternate characters.
IconSmall Orc Male.gif
Ui-charactercreate-classes warrior.png
This user plays as an orc warrior.
Horde This user plays as a member of the Horde.
Firefox Logo.svg This user uses Mozilla Firefox to browse Warcraft Wiki.
Inv misc book 07.png This user has a strong interest in articles on lore.