User:Plaguekiller/Dawn of Conflict

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This article is fan fiction.
The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official Warcraft lore or history. The characters and events listed are of an independent nature and are applied for roleplaying purposes only.

As of January 15, 2011 this project is dumped. I can tell Blizz made a very similar expansion that satisfied my needs, despite the great lore-disappointment about Al'Akir. Work on a new fan-made, suggesting expansion will be in progress instead.

Note: The following expansion idea was made before Cataclysm, but later revamped with "some" ideas of Cataclysm to fit an alternative approach of the lore presented. Was supposed to become after WotLK and to be submitted to Blizzard in an extensive set of documents and pictures. Nineteen pages were made of lore and possible raids and possible raid encounters, but were later scrapped after the announcement of Cataclysm.

World of Warcraft: Dawn of Conflict is a fan-made expansion sequel to the story of Wrath of the Lich King, scrapped after the announcement of World of Warcraft: Cataclysm. It revolves around the fictional Fourth War, which is triggered by a series of misunderstandings and treason caused by agents of the Old Gods and the Twilight's Hammer clan.

Lore in "Dawn of Conflict"

The aftermath of Arthas's Defeat

A year after the defeat of Arthas, much has calmed and restored; save for the conflict between the Alliance and the Horde, which has significantly risen as from the past events in Northrend and Undercity. During the following months, the Horde and the Alliance endlessly celebrated the triumph of their heroes. The Ashen Verdict remained as a united effort. Their goals were to restore order in the infected areas by the Scourge, practically in the Plaguelands and Northrend, with non-direct and almost unwanted collaboration from Bolvar Fordragon as the hidden, new Lich King. Many has changed in the world, the people of Westfall have vanquished the Defias, and the trolls have retaken the Echo Isles from Zalazane as the gnomes retook their capital city of Gnomeregan by the efforts of High Tinker Mekkatorque. Vol'jin and Mekkatorque relocated to their respective home cities.

New Found Allies: The Alliance: Uldarch Earthen

As set more on flame by the Wrathgate and Icecrown Citadel events, the Alliance-Horde conflicts were more harsh than in the previous six years of indirect unity against the menaces of Old Azeroth and Outland. More importantly, the Alliance have started looking for new allies after the mass slaughter caused by the war against the Scourge. They have reforged pacts with most of the old Alliance territories such as the Alterac Mountains, Arathi Highlands and specifically Kul Tiras, restoring order in their lands and providing safe support and secure government. Grand Admiral Tandred Proudmoore has willingly and wholeheartedly accepted the help of the Alliance and was willing to help the mighty order with extensive and powerful naval support. As a result, skirmishes and practice attacks were made on the far shores of Tirisfal Glades, to prepare for a strategical attack on the Undercity.

Besides the Kul Tiras, the Alliance had discovered new and forgotten allies from other parts of the faction, specifically the Dwarves. On a field journey and excavation in Loch Modan, Brann Bronzebeard discovered a band of earthen lost in the vast grasslands. When he tried to speak to them, they did not answer and eventually hid out from his sight. Out of his skilled exploration tricks, he managed to follow them with a squad from the Explorers' League and found that they were lost from a "stone caravan" in the mountains, refugees from an unknown place moving to a hidden place in the mountains. As he followed and climbed, losing a few dwarves in the process, he found himself on the peak of a great, heaven-like mountain called Mount Olydarr, where a vast Titan city was present. In Dwarven folktales and mythology, Olydarr was known as the forum of the Titans on Azeroth and a place where the leadership of the Earthen and the management of their role on Azeroth was present. And just as the folktales and legends told, there were a "higher", more noble and more powerful types of Earthen, such as seen in Archaedas and stone giants in Uldaman, called the Uldarch Earthen. The regular earthen, the Series One, Two and Three of them, are called Uldverg Earthen (and later the Dverg or Dvergar, the Dwarves, were made out of Series Two of these crafty and Khaz'Goroth-worshipping earthen).

Bronzebeard continued his stealth journey to another series of mountains on the same level of Mount Olydarr, reaching the Mitgarde Mountains region, which was, according to Dwarven legends, a place of wonderful forgemasters, blacksmiths and a place of eternal labor and blacksmith work. The ruling council of Mount Olydarr, the Twelve of Olydarr, was separate around Azeroth but the most prominent were in the Titan city of Ashgarde, in the center of Mount Olydarr. After Brann Bronzebeard encountered the Uldarch by a tactical mistake, they welcomed him as the champion of Ulduar and the vanquisher of Yogg-Saron, precisely admiring his deeds. They explained their ruling of the mountain and the true legend that Brann has thrived for: King Odis of the Uldverg Earthen was placed as the ruler of the Uldverg in Olydarr, and his counterpart from the Uldarch was the son of the half-Titan demigod Xeon, the ruler of Olydarr, named Apollus Archbow, an aesir quarter-titan.

According to the creation legend of Azeroth, when the Titans arrived on the world and saw the endless chaos of the Old Gods, the two Titans Chrolos and Aea were immediately tasked to creating life on the planet. They did and they ruled the world until they were to be crazed by the greatest of the Old Gods, named Hel and feminized in Dwarven, Apephep in Aqir and Tol'vir cultures and Khaon in Titan language. He was known as the enforcer of chaos around Azeroth and the greatest of Old Gods and the fiercest. After Khaon started corrupting Chrolos, Aea led herself to be impregnated by both Cronus and a titanic watcher to produce a half-titan offspring known as Xeon. She raised Xeon in great powers towards discovering the greenlands of Azeroth, and later Xeon overthrew Chrolos and his Titan allies to let the world of Azeroth begin life and civilization. His brothers Hades and Seidon were both slain in the war against the Old Gods in which also two Old Gods were "slain", three left. The remaining Olydarr Twelve are Xeon, residing as the ruler of Ashgarde, Mitgarde and Olydarr, also the watcher on the lands of Khaz Modan and nine others, consisting of two sisters of Xeon and eight sons and daughters. They are tasked with watching over Azeroth. Xeon's mother, Aea, was left to report to the Pantheon about the corruption on Azeroth, but she was allegedly caught as a captive in the way across the cosmos by an army of Sargeras's Nathrezim.

Brann later offered the Earthen to ally with the Alliance as a force of warriors, as Apollus Archbow hailed the idea and thought of it as a vital strategic move towards defeating the nearby threat of Grim Batol. King Odis preferred to keep to themselves and not make Ashgarde an Alliance city, but later, Archbow's word prevailed as Xeon welcomingly sent an envoy of his to join the Alliance. Kings Varian Wrynn and Magni Bronzebeard visited the city and enriched it with troops of the Alliance to defend it, and as a payback, the Explorers' League were sent to investigate Uldum and retake it, where the previously peaceful Tol'vir race have emerged on the Uldverg Earthen who lived there and made their exodus to join the Uldarch in Ashgarde, back at the time of the Opening.

The Uldarch Earthen pledged themselves to the Alliance while the Uldverg became a level 90 reputation faction for Alliance members only. Although they are not considered part of the Alliance, they are Neutral to them until they begin adventuring in Uldum. This is similar to the newly revamped Steamwheedle Cartel faction, the Steamwheedle Exiles, where it is always Hostile to the Alliance but Neutral to the Horde until they begin their adventures in Uldum. The Uldarch Earthen, however, have an advantage of gaining Honored status with the Uldverg Earthen by questing in Mitgarde Mountains. Other Alliance race players will only gain half reputation, making them reach only Friendly status. To make their reputation gain limited, there will be a mass addition of Uldarch-allied mechagnomes in Mitgarde, the Level 12-20 Earthen leveling zone.

For more information on the Uldarch, click here.

The Twilight Plot

As the meetings, ways and portals were opened between Ashgarde City and other Alliance cities, the Alliance proudly lauded their new allies and ways to the holy mountain of Olydarr were opened by Dwarven and Gnomish engineers in order to provide easy access from the Alliance's side. At the same time, King Varian Wrynn sent several squads of his guards to protect the path to Mount Olydarr, and launched a counterattack on Grim Batol's Black dragonflight. By the same token, the Uldarch sent the wisest and most skilled of their scientists and magus to aid the Alliance and improve their logistics. Paladins who served in the Alliance wished to fight along the mighty Athena, who was bravely ambushing Grim Batol from an alternate gate along with her Uldarch servitors. The Alliance came to aid and eventually they trashed the alternate gate, only to have Athena's titan-watcher comrade and brother, Ares, kidnapped in the fight and the gates closed again. When Xeon knew of the matter of his son's kidnapping, he went enraged and ordered an immediate attack on Grim Batol.

But the Twilight's Hammer clan was far more victorious in information than on the battlefield, where they had helped the Black dragonflight capture Ares. They had known of the new alliance, and eventually they sent their high-ranking Horde officer spy, Blood Guard Har'mok, to inform Thrall of the news. Thrall was pleased about the heroism of the Uldarch but was later driven into rage after knowing they had allied with the Alliance and forgot the deeds of Horde adventurers in Ulduar. He sent messengers to Jaina Proudmoore to inform her on his displeased matter about the Uldarch allying with one side, but Har'mok managed to ambush and kill the messenger party along with a few cultists of the Twilight's Hammer before they could reach Theramore Isle, and placed an Alliance banner above their corpses to create chaos.

Garrosh Hellscream heard of the news while he was enjoying his celebrations as a hero in Garadar. He quickly went into a state of rage and immediately reported back to Orgrimmar, where he said that they should launch an attack at the Alliance to end their laudatory selves once and for all. While Garrosh spoke to Thrall day and night, expressing his anger, several rude and hate messages, and even threatening ones, were sent to the mighty Warchief, originally fake and written by the Twilight's Hammer itself. Later on, a surprise attack of a large party of Earthen (corrupt Earthen under the Old Gods' influence) were sent to the Talon Gate, accompanying many human, dwarven and draenei cultists of the Twilight's Hammer falsely dressed as Alliance sergeants, trashing many of the defenses from the western side of Orgrimmar. They claimed it an open invasion to find and kill Thrall, and later, they used an artifact known as the Spear of Neptulon to raise the spirits of Southfury River and create a flood in the Valley of Spirits, later also raising the waters of the voodoo hut and trashing the valley completely. The water continued flooding in a tsunami tide until it crashed against the zeppelin on the top of The Skytower, destroying the zeppelin tower completely and trashing most of the Valley of Strength as it fell upon many innocent orcs and high-ranking officials, such as Scout Stronghand and Overlord Runthak, who were killed by the catastrophic accident. Reacting immediately, the shamanistic council of Grommash Hold rose against the tsunami tide and calmed it, as the warriors of Orgrimmar (and the visiting warriors from outside) including Thrall, Garrosh, Vol'jin and Eitrigg fought to the teeth until they clawed their way into a victory against the invaders. Two Twilight's Hammer secret agents, known to the world as Alliance high-ranking officials, Grand Marshal Palebeard and Field Marshal Hawkins, were believed to lead the attack and the Alliance was unable to defend itself in the following diplomatic summits. War waged out of prejudice, and the Horde swore to end Stormwind City once and for all. As Thrall preached for peace and tactical strategies, the public vote went with Overlord Hellscream, who later took the status of Warchief of the Horde after Thrall resigned claiming that the evil that destroyed Orgrimmar is not Alliance. Following the trashing of Orgrimmar, the following was said:

Field Marshal Hawkins yells: How does it feel, Thrall?! Your city trashed just like you did it once to our city!
Grand Marshal Palebeard yells: Make no mistake, not for our faithful Uldarch allies our dream of vengeance wouldn't have touched this city! This is just a beginning! Soon, shamanistic power from the Titans themselves will come for ye, Thrall!
Commander Stonewood yells: HA! Runthak and Stronghand were just killed! What hope do you all have?!
Garrosh Hellscream charges towards Commander Stonewood, cleaving him and killing him.
Garrosh Hellscream yells: You petty Alliance dogs! FACE THE MIGHT OF THE HORDE!
Thrall says: I do not understand this. Why would noble servants of the Titans attack for such silly reasons? I am sure this is a misunderstanding.
Eitrigg says: Wise words, my Warchief. But for whatever reason it is, we must shed blood to protect our city.
Nazgrel says: Come on, Warchief Thrall. We must not let them invade this city. We are much more powerful.
Thrall yells: You are right, Nazgrel! No one invades the city of Orgrimmar! FOR THE HORDE!
Large Horde parties attack the Alliance army, vanquishing them by constant Lightning Bolts made by Thrall. The sky is raining blood in the might of these fellow warriors.
Orgrimmar is reinforced by Garrosh Hellscream, the new Warchief.

In the aftermath of the fight, the cultists are outnumbered and almost all raided to death, until a cultist summons a portal to return the Spear of Neptulon back to the Abyssal Maw. As the Horde warriors who bravely defended their city return, they find it in ruins. The Valley of Spirits was entirely trashed along with the Hall of Legends. The Valley of Strength was not saved either, and the commercial spots of Orgrimmar, save for the Orgrimmar Auction House, were all entirely destroyed. Surprisingly, Gamon had survived. Doras and his wyverns have died, thus temporarily providing no flight point from Orgrimmar elsewhere. The Horde was fueled with hate for the Alliance, and many victims suggested that immediate war is the only way to avenge the dead. Although Thrall disagreed and instead wanted strategical preparation, Hellscream appealed to the angry masses and eventually, Thrall resigned his position as Warchief to investigate the true invaders, as he believes the Spear of Neptulon is not an artifact to be wielded by allies of the Titans. He and his shaman (and non-shaman) supporters from the Horde departed their official positions in a quest of searching the world of Azeroth for other mutual-minded supporters to annihilate the Elemental Lords once and for all. They were joined by the Earthen Ring. Some notable people who followed him are High Overlord Saurfang, Rehgar Earthfury, Rokhan, Rexxar, Nazgrel, and Eitrigg. From the tauren, Cairne Bloodhoof joined the party and from the undead, Nathanos Blightcaller and his hounds. Soon, they merged with the Earthen Ring to produce a powerful union known as the Earthen Expedition. Simultaneously interested in the matter of the Elemental Lords' threat, Farseer Nobundo of the Alliance joined the expedition along with several Uldarch and Draenei shamans. They sought to end the Elemental Lords' reign over the elements and salvage the four Element Artifacts: the Spear of Neptulon, the True Sulfuras(possessed by Ragnaros), the Relic of Therazane and the Stormbolt of Al'Akir. Xeon was pleased with Thrall's choices but was jeopardized from helping the expedition due to his allegiance to the Alliance. Cairne set Baine Bloodhoof, his newly-powerful son, as the Chief of the Tauren until he makes his return. He also set Magatha Grimtotem and Archdruid Hamuul Runetotem as his royal advisors.

Garrosh Hellscream announced plans to rebuild Orgrimmar, earning the favor of the hype. He indeed rebuilt it with the steel that was used in building Warsong Hold and several Northrend Horde outposts, such as Agmar's Hammer and Conquest Hold. For three constant months, the rebuilding of Orgrimmar continued until it was fully reinforced as a hold of mighty power, much more powerful than its past self. Marksmen and troll headhunters were placed towers surrounding the city, calling for war and annihilating the enemies on the ground. Garrosh then appealed for an attack on Stormwind, which Blood Guard Har'mok widely encouraged. Har'mok was heightened to Warlord after his "efforts", and was sent along with several battlemasters such as Brakgul Deathbringer by the Twilight's Hammer (who possessed their minds) to Stormwind City along with a large army of cultists dressed as Horde fighters and shamans. Playing the same trick, they used the Spear of Neptulon to summon a water giant false version of Orgrim Doomhammer that "destroyed all of the statues in the Valley of Heroes and killed General Marcus Jonathan in the process, along with many of his faithful knights. Stormwind City was then struck by a flood, just as Orgrimmar, and many of the iron gates which were used to seal the tsunamis were instead rooted out of their places and killing many citizens along the way. The flood continued until the angry spirits reached Stormwind River, and in front of Stormwind Keep, the Doomhammer apparition struck at the Keep, but his strike was repelled by a large shield of divine energy and deflected at the apparition, destroying it. It was for unknown reasons, but Archbishop Benedictus claimed it was the Light aiding Stormwind against evil. The following dialogue played:

High Warlord Har'mok yells: Palebeard and Hawkins were just a beginning of our vengeance! Your General, Marcus Jonathan, falls before your eyes!
Brakgul Deathbringer says: Wait, your honor, how did we earn such artifact of magnificent power?
High Warlord Har'mok says: You want to know..?
Brakgul Deathbringer says: Wait, you are a traitor.. you are from the same organization that savaged our city.. the Warchief was--
Har'mok channels the powers of the Spear of Neptulon at Brakgul, killing him by a single strike of tsunami tides.
High Warlord Har'mok yells: Fools! All of you, Alliance and Horde, are fools! Did you not know that our master planned this from the very beginning?! Now you may wage war upon one another and destroy your nations, but we, the Twilight's Hammer, have caused the greatest damage of all! Cultists, ATTACK!
Many of the Twilight's Hammer cultists show their true forms and begin killing Horde and Alliance troops at the now destroyed Valley of Heroes.
High Warlord Har'mok channels a portal to the Abyssal Maw, escaping along with the Spear of Neptulon.
King Varian Wrynn yells: Be it Horde or Twilight's Hammer, all is enemy and all is vile! Be blessed by your King's Honor, warriors!
Many lives are slaughtered along the way until there is no sign of Twilight's Hammer or Horde left at Stormwind, but yet many brave warriors of the Alliance have too lost their lives. None may repair the damage done now, and only conflict reigns.

The Kezan Saga: New Found Allies: The Horde: Goblins

The Goblins, new allies of the Horde.

Thrall sends several letters to Garrosh and Varian Wrynn alarming them that they have ignored him but his word was of truth. Although the hype was shaken about Hellscream, they still revered him as a hero who tried to avenge the dead but failed. But they couldn't complain as their lives were made much more luxurious with the reconstruction of Orgrimmar. Thrall and his allies from the Horde in the Expedition have used their power of the spirits, and have discovered that an evil lies in Kezan Isle, home of the goblins. After paying several fees for the visit, the Earthen Expedition visited Kezan, and they found out that the evil lied in Mount Kajaro, the largest volcano in Azeroth. They couldn't determine what kind of evil it was.

The Kul Tiras noticed Thrall's journey to Kezan and reported to Admiral Tandred Proudmoore. Proudmoore reported the news to King Varian Wrynn, and after a council meeting, he expressed his thirst for Thrall's blood after he had killed his father, Daelin Proudmoore. When Jaina Proudmoore disagreed, however, on the order of killing Thrall, especially after his resignation, she was given choice of either be accused of treason or stay silent. She chose to stay silent, but she informed Thrall through a magic portal, and thus he was prepared for Tandred's joined-ambush on Kezan. On the navy ships' way avoiding the Maelstrom, Tandred's bloodthirst was significantly in increase due to whispers from the last Old God, Khaon or also called Apephep, to his mind. He became significantly crazed along with his crew from the Kul Tiras that they became bloodthirsty to anything. As soon as they arrived on the goblins' ports, they slaughtered them mercilessly, driven by Tandred's ultimate bloodlust. They continued their conquest of bloodshed throughout the goblin lands, slaughtering Horde and non-Horde members, other members of the Expedition and the Earthen Ring, and also goblins.

The mad bloodshed crusade of Tandred Proudmoore resulted in a union between the Goblins of Kezan and the Earthen Expedition, working towards stopping the crusade and annihilating the Alliance forces on Kezan. But Proudmoore's rage knew no limits, as he infiltrated through the island and killed goblin by goblin, in unimaginable strategic and brutal speed that no force on the isle was able to keep up with. Proudmoore reached as far as the Undermine through his mad crusade, and through it he hijacked many high-tech zeppelins and set them on a path to reach Durotar and explode there on the citizens of Orgrimmar. They would also serve as carriers for his parachute-enhanced soldiers and marines. The Grand Admiral was the last to board the grand zeppelin, which was the one set to bomb Grommash Hold. But Rexxar acted quickly, as he jumped onto the ship and stopped the bomb. The following dialogue explains:

Rexxar yells: Proudmoore! Cease this foolish crusade at once! If you want vengeance, fight me honorably!
Grand Admiral Tandred Proudmoore yells: I am not only to avenge my father by killing you or your Warchief, but true vengeance is destroying what you barbarians built as a nation upon the ruins of his glorious keeps and holds! Weren't it for you to come and conquer Durotar, it would have been MY land!
Rexxar yells: You insolent brat!
Rexxar and Misha board the Grand Netherbomber X3-400, fighting the Grand Admiral and his men.
Thrall yells: Rexxar!
Rexxar yells: Do NOT worry about me, Warchief. I will save Durotar!
Thrall yells: May the Spirits protect you and preserve your soul.
The Grand Netherbomber X3-400 departs from the Undermine Zeppelin Tower #5.
Grand Admiral Tandred Proudmoore yells: Vengeance.. be.. MINE!
Rexxar yells: Misha!
Rexxar casts Bestial Wrath on Misha, both evolving into great beasts. Misha charges onwards Tandred Proudmoore, pushing him over the edge of the ship along with herself.
Rexxar yells: NO!
Grand Admiral Tandred Proudmoore yells: My end? You're WRONG!
Tandred Proudmoore pulls a parachute and throws Misha off him to fall to the ground, but unfortunately thirsty goblin bruisers and Earthen Expedition shamans await him on earth.
Grand Admiral Tandred Proudmoore yells: Never! NEVER! I.. will.. avvenn--
Tandred Proudmoore falls into a coma as he peacefully reaches the ground.
Rexxar kills the Kul Tiras marines aboard the ship and deactivates the bomb.
Later on in the Undermine Steamwheedle Palace,
Trade Prince Steamwheedle says: We are in your debt, Warchief Thrall. We pledge ourselves in your service.
Thrall says: Very well, but I am not Warchief anymore. You must ask the new Warchief, Garrosh Hellscream.
Trade Prince Steamwheedle says: We will soon ready the zeppelins to Orgrimmar. I hear it is a very protected place nowadays.
Thrall says: Oh, it is? But what happened with the other time-bomb zeppelins that Admiral Proudmoore sent?
Trade Prince Steamwheedle says: They were stopped at Steamwheedle Port. Our air forces tracked them down and made them explode shortly before the southern coast of Tanaris. We found two strange situations, however, that created us some difficulties.
Thrall says: What would these situations be?
Trade Prince Steamwheedle says: First, the mariners aboard the zeppelins were totally in coma, similar to Proudmoore's case. Second, strange magnetic influences were making it difficult for our radar at Steamwheedle Port. We located the radioactive waves coming from Uldum.
Thrall says: Our first priority, then, is to return Proudmoore to his sister safely. Hold the other mariners as captives.
Trade Prince Steamwheedle says: But..
Thrall says: I am in eternal debt for Jaina. While this new War never seems to cool down, she has indeed proven worthy in quelling the unrest between the two factions when the threats were clear. She also aided me several times and I can never pay her back.
Trade Prince Steamwheedle says: Very well.
Thrall says: As for the Uldum case, I ask of you for a few zeppelins, as our ships (and the Kul Tiras') were burned by Proudmoore. It reminds me of another prince's deed. But we need to move to Uldum as soon as possible. We might be missing a great deal of threat there.
Trade Prince Steamwheedle says: As you wish. But we will still need gold.
Trade Prince Steamwheedle laughs maniacally.

Deathwing's Rise

Deathwing returns, and he plays a main boss role that will shock all. But unlike in Cataclysm, he isn't the main villain. He never was after his corruption. If Apephep stays alive and Deathwing dies, a new Deathwing will rise.

As soon as Trade Prince Steamwheedle returned happily acknowledging his membership of the Horde, after being approved by Garrosh Hellscream, the goblins were overjoyed that now they have protectors (also these protectors will pay for the damages done by the Kul Tiras). Their business was crumbling and the Horde promised them to boost their business rates and provide them with extra resources and logistics. Thus, the order of goblin trading was semi-restored, but they no longer accepted Alliance merchants, thus also harming the Alliance by withdrawing their technology from them. The Alliance weren't harmed much though, because they already had gnomish technology, now also empowered after Gnomeregan was retaken. After the Fourth War had started, though, many bitter relationships began to have their intensity increased, for example, daily raids were cast from the Forsaken on Southshore, and the Warsong Outriders have succeeded in deforesting much of Ashenvale, thus gaining much more military advantage in the area and sky-raiding Silverwing Hold and Astranaar. By the same token, weekly naval ambushes were attempted by the Alterac humans on the walls of the abandoned Ruins of Lordaeron, and to make things worse, Kargath in the Badlands was trashed by the Uldarch, in their path of retaking the Badlands as a Titan-"blessed" area.

As for the rivalry between the Uldarch and the goblins, it had rose to significant levels. The Uldarch, part of their campaign with the Explorers' League on Uldum, the previous home of the Uldverg earthen residing in Olydarr, set several base camps and thus began attacking Gadgetzan on a daily basis. They almost trashed it one time before reinforcements arrived from Thunder Bluff, as Baine Bloodhoof forced by Garrosh to send reinforcements. And with all of the three sides of the combat attacking each other bitterly (the Twilight's Hammer, Horde and Alliance) in every spot on Azeroth, the Venture Co. were eliminated from the Undermine council by Trade Prince Steamwheedle by request from the Horde. Thus, their camps throughout the tauren's lands were eliminated gladly by both the Steamwheedle Cartel and the Horde, and even their camps in Sholazar Basin faced no safety. The Venture Co. are plotting revenge in several areas of Kezan and have allied with wild hobgoblins and forest trolls (by force) in order to strengthen their forces. Thus, they have claimed Voodress Village for themselves.

The Fourth War continued brutally with bloodshed every day. There weren't specific battles after the battle at Kezan, as things have calmed a spark after Thrall reclaimed Tandred's body and set him on medication with the Alliance instead of murdering him or imprisoning him. He was set as the absent, coma-fated leader of the Kul Tiras, while Mishan Waycrest ruled as the de facto leader and spokeswoman of the Kul Tiras until Tandred's awakening.

Fourth War Losses (pre-Deathwing)

  • The city of Orgrimmar was nearly trashed and many citizens and soldiers died defending it against the Twilight's Hammer impostors. The Battle for Orgrimmar was won by the Horde, but at a large load of economical and life losses. Important military warriors dying include Overlord Runthak, Scout Stronghand, Scout Tharr and Zor Lonetree (who is considered a political loss as well). The Battle for Orgrimmar also caused political and internal tensions in the Orcish state, Thrall was dethroned as the Warchief and Garrosh Hellscream was made the new one, many of Thrall's far seers and followers like Eitrigg, High Overlord Saurfang and a lot more left the councils and Orgrimmar was rebuilt from scratch by the new Warchief. Also, Thrall's tries to equalize between the Orcish commoners and his quest for making peons having rights as much as Kor'kron were all canceled and failed by the new Warchief. Also, Orgrimmar's reputation with the Alliance was considerably lowered, making it impossible for peace anymore.
  • At the counterattack against Stormwind City in the New Battle of Stormwind, the Horde suffered a lot of losses. Besides the loss of the High Warlord Har'mok, who was in fact a Twilight's Hammer cultist, the Horde also lost all of its contributed soldiers, save for the minority of them who were either taken as prisoners, exiled or escaped but remained hidden. The Alliance's victory was overwhelming to the Horde. An example of some memorable commanders lost is Brakgul Deathbringer, who was a well-known Battlemaster.
  • During Thrall's Earthen Expedition uprising, Cairne Bloodhoof joined it, thus marking him Neutral and setting his son Baine Bloodhoof as the new ruler. But Cairne set controversy in the mesas of Thunder Bluff after setting Magatha Grimtotem as one of the Chief Advisors to the new Chieftain, marking several Tauren protests to this consideration. A few riots and manslaughter killings were reported. The peaceful Tauren are enraged now, as their inner conflicts tear them apart.
  • A lot of outposts were lost by the Horde, most of them in the Eastern Kingdoms. The Badlands outpost and its Expeditionary Force, Kargath, was trashed by the Uldarch and its ruins are now used as a research facility for the Uldarch on the case of Uldaman, which is reportedly the new seat for an agent of the Old Gods - possibly Cho'gall (this identity will be revealed later in the story).