User:Plaguekiller/Dawn of Conflict/Uldarch Earthen

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"The Uldarch, mighty and arrogant, but yet wise and noble in their causes. They are made by blood of the Titans, overseeing the Earthen and the world from the highest point on Azeroth, Mount Olydarr." - Xeon the Liberator

The Uldarch Earthen are a noble race of marble-made creatures widely believed to be the noble kin of the known earthen. Their role was shaping Mount Olydarr, but later they were taken into rule of the holy mountain and its capital city, Ashgarde, by Apollus Archbow, the son of Xeon. Their current role is overseeing the world and keeping themselves far wardens to the Old Gods' prisons. After Brann Bronzebeard's efforts proved useful in vanquishing Yogg-Saron and ending his corrupt reign in Ulduar, they chose to ally with the Alliance after a poll made by Xeon, overlord of Olydarr.

AllianceUldarch Earthen
Thorim standing.jpg
The race's look is like a miniature Thorim, with different kinds of hair and other adjustments. Their eye colors are adjusted by the Facial Features, and only Death Knights can have blue eye-color.
Character classes Hunter, Shaman, Paladin, Warrior, Mage, Priest, Druid, Wrath-Logo-Small.png Death knight
Main language Titan
Starting zone Archbow Conservatory, Mount Olydarr
Racial leader Apollus Archbow
Capital Ashgarde, Mount Olydarr
Racial mount Celestial Ram (similar to the  [Celestial Steed], but in the figure of a ram and wing-less) for ground mounts, Red drakes for air mounts

History and Background

As the Pantheon overthrew the Old Gods and imprisoned them with their Elemental Lords, they left only two of their Titan race to rule Azeroth and place life upon it. These two were mated, Chrolos and Aea. Chrolos is believed to be a son of Golganneth, while Aea was a daughter of Aman'Thul and Eonar. They were sent to rule Azeroth and protect it from Sargeras's Burning Legion, also serving as far wardens of the Old Gods' cages. Ten years after the planting of life, the major Old God Apephep (to Aqir and Tol'vir cultures) or Khaon (to the Titans, Dwarves and Earthen) corrupted Chrolos's mind and thus he started approving of their orders. Later, Khaon controlled the whole Council of Chrolos, and started applying chaos to the world through Chrolos. The uncorrupted Aea, possessing the keys to C'Thun's, Yogg-Saron's and Khaon's prisons, the deadliest of the Old Gods, learned about Chrolos's corruption and fought Khaon's whispers as she embossed her newborn son Xeon who Chrolos didn't know of his existence with great powers from the Lightning Bolt artifact that was left to her and her husband by Norgannon. After he had completed his adulthood, war was already scattering the planet and re-emerging to end life, until two Old Gods were unsealed from their prisons (the same who Chrolos possessed the keys to their prisons). Two out of five Old Gods were re-released, along with the Elemental Lords, only leaving Chrolos to find that his forgotten son, Xeon, had rebelled along with his two brothers Pluton and Seidon (who were imprisoned instead of Ragnaros and Neptulon) against him and killed him. In the battle against the Old Gods, Pluton and Seidon sacrificed themselves along with the redeemed Council of Chrolos to forever "kill" the two released Old Gods. From the corpses of the dead Titans, Xeon crafted the Uldarch Earthen, those earthen that shaped the new, reinforced Mount Olydarr and that ruled it. He named them the Uldarch, "the noble Titan-blessed", and made them the supreme overseers and wardens of the world. His skilled archer son, Apollus Archbow, took over their leadership.

The Uldarch later established a civilization in Mount Olydarr, at the site of Ashgarde, where previously Chrolos and later Xeon used to rule. Xeon and his council were still the rulers of the city, but they had took a great portion. They oversaw the earthen's tasks in the world and the civilizations of the new lifegiven creatures, such as Azotha and Kaldorei. Xeon's mother, Aea, was sent on a millennium-long journey to contact the Pantheon and inform them of the corruption on Azeroth. Tragically, though, she was ambushed by Sargeras himself, along with his nathrezim, and they stole the disks she was delivering. After learning about Azeroth through the disks, and being attracted by the Highborne's magics, he contacted Queen Azshara and began the War of the Ancients.

But long before that, the Uldarch preserved a utopia on Mount Olydarr. They were revered with the dragons of Azeroth, and usually used those of the red dragonflight as flying mounts. Although their roles in the War of the Ancients and the Alliance-Horde conflict was unseen, it was great and they helped rebuild the nations that they devoured. Many of Kalimdor's now-barren areas, like The Barrens and Durotar, were saved from total extinction and sinking along with the Well of Eternity, but at the price of losing their lushness and forests.

Recently threatened by the actions of the Tol'vir in Uldum and by the constant black dragonflight attacks from Grim Batol, along with omens of Deathwing's return, the Uldarch Earthen have been contacted by Brann Bronzebeard who had discovered their existence, and they chose to ally with the Alliance in order to ease up the efforts that they were tasked with by the great Xeon the Liberator. Apollus Archbow, son of Xeon and the overseer of the Uldarch and hunters, gladly accepted the idea of allying with the living creatures of the Alliance towards a mutual effort: saving Azeroth. After a poll initiated by Xeon, King Odis (of the Uldverg Earthen, the Generation Two Earthen) declined while the mechagnomes, Uldarch (under Archbow's command) and some earthen under King Odis agreed to join the Alliance, so the poll was won by Archbow and his Uldarch and Ashgarde City became an Alliance territory, along with Mount Olydarr.


Like Thorim and some other titanic watchers, Uldarch Earthen are made from marble, that looks very polished like steel. They are taller than humans and Night Elves by a certain degree, but not giant. Their marble color varies from silver to cobalt and even sometimes bronze, like Vanir titans. Their eyes are usually glowing with a certain color, as empowered by Xeon and his Lightning Bolt. Male Uldarch look like Thorim while their female counterparts bear a resemblance to Freya and Auriaya. The hairstyles of the Uldarch earthen are in large varieties; some might have long hair, some might have just plain short hair and some might not have any hair at all. Females have the same varieties of hair, but it is rare to see a female Uldarch with short or bald hair.


Freya bears a resemblance to female Uldarch.

The Uldarch Earthen start in the Archbow Conservatory on Mount Olydarr, a place of earthen crafting with many of its inhabitants being very revered loyalists of Apollus Archbow. There are also a few mechagnomes and Uldverg Earthen (Generation Two Earthen) located, part of the Ashgarde City faction.

Racial traits

Titanic Rage - instant - 2 min cooldown
Removes all movement impairing effects, stuns, charms and sleep effects and bears you immune to such effects for 15 seconds.
Titanic Heritage - passive
Your titanic heritage makes you more well-honed in battle, always increasing your critical strike chance by 1%.
Disciples of Apollus - passive
Increases your damage with Bows by 2%.
Steel Body - instant - 12 hours cooldown
Repairs your armor and weapons instantly with no gold cost.
Earthen of Khaz'Goroth - passive
Your skill in Blacksmithing is increased by 5.

Reasons for racial traits

For Titanic Rage, the reason is the Uldarch are much superior than living mortals so they can escape their trickery and be immune to it for a period of time. The reasons of the other four racial traits are clearly presented in their titles.


  • Hunter - Inspired by their leader Apollus Archbow in the ways of the hunt and using the bows and arrows, they have become quite adept at becoming great  [Marksmen] and hunters. Their knowledge of taming the beast comes from both the same source and from a distant heritage from Protus and Seidon's bodies, which from they were crafted to breed.
  • Shaman - Being under rule by Xeon and empowered by his Lightning Bolt, it is without doubt that they master the arts of lightning and the Elements. Also, various arts concerning the Wind have been mastered by Chrolos and his father Golganneth. The power of wielding the elements has never been far from the Titanic races, and taught by them to the Dwarves, there is only few left in the world who are both of Titanic descent and can wield no elemental power.
  • Paladin - Championship of the Light and its powers is also not a distinct figure of heroism from the noble Uldarch. While they do not participate in organizations of the Holy Light itself, such as the Church of Light, they are taught into the ways of the Light by the sister of Apollus, Athena, who is now ambushing the gates of Deathwing's new lair, Grim Batol, in defense of Xeon and Ashgarde.
  • Priest - Some of the Uldarch wield power of any kind as long as it is not fel or corrupt energy, and there are two forces: Shadow and Holy. Some like to go in the ways of Athena and adopt the Light's healing and faithful paths rather than its aggressive ones (i.e. Paladins), but some dive deeper in the study of Shadow energy, an energy not alien from Azeroth.
  • Warrior - No race is without its warriors. Learning to defend themselves and repel the invaders and sneakers into their territory of Olydarr, the Uldarch have become quite adept at the skills of warriorship. Recently, though, the idol of Uldarch warriors, Ares, son of Xeon and brother to Athena and Apollus, has gone missing in the war against the Black dragonflight of Grim Batol.
  • Mage - Guided by Norgannon, the previous wielder of the Lightning Bolt (now wielded by Xeon), the mages of the Uldarch search into the mysteries and lore of their world, Azeroth. Using it as both a powerful force of knowledge and war, they are ruthless magus and even the Kirin Tor are repelled by their awesomeness. Some of the Kirin Tor have even travelled to Ashgarde in order to learn new ways of magical greatness.
  • Druid - Being distant descendants of Eonar herself, and taught into the ways of Druidism and nature by Artemis, a daughter of Xeon, the Uldarch druids formed a cult known as the Preservers of Nature, seeking to preserve the nature of Azeroth. Thus who dived into the Emerald Dream to aid Ysera against the Nightmare, along with Artemis, became part of the Nightmare itself. Malfurion Stormrage later returns to lead Darnassus and contacts the Preservers of Nature in hope of redeeming the now-asleep Artemis before she causes harm to the Dreamers and later returns to wage war on Ashgarde.
  • Death Knight - While it is believed that Uldarch stayed away from warring with the Scourge, many of them were sent secretively (far before the expeditions to Northrend) to investigate the taint in Ulduar. Along the journey, however, many of them were slaughtered and used as parts of greater constructs by the Lich King, and very few of them survived the Scourge but died out of the harsh climate or even by Loken's forces. However, some of them were sent to Acherus as a secretive striking force that even Darion Mograine did not know about. Later, however, after they are redeemed, they stay secret throughout the operations in Northrend until the battle against the Lich King. Later on, they are recognized as redeemed Uldarch death knights. They are led by Deathlord Dispaterius.