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About Me

The True Me

Hey everyone, my name is Plaguekiller (on this website) and I'm from Amman, Jordan, although I'm studying at Princeton, New Jersey, right now, an M.A. in Computer Science. ^^ My hobbies are computer programming, playing World of Warcraft and other games, swimming, high diving, squash, reading books, basketball and all the other stuff, y'know.

The Fictional Me

Swiftbow is raised as the Plaguekiller.

Full article: Keen'lai Swiftbow

Keen'lai Swiftbow is a Troll hunter who had been a great adventurer in the history of the Horde, although because of his altruism and simple nature, has agreed not to take part of the greater sides of heroism and stay as a hidden hero to call when needed. After the Second Sundering happened, however, Keen'lai was left between life and death in the Southern Barrens as the earthquakes hit him while attending a raptor ceremony with his bestial friends. Kept living by his loyal raptor pet Shiftslasher and his wolf friend Spiritfire, he was rescued by a band of Horde adventurers who escorted him to the nearby Orgrimmar. After garnering agreement from the hot-headed Garrosh Hellscream, reluctantly, on being sent to Sylvanas Windrunner and resurrected by her Val'kyr as one of the first Forsaken Trolls to save himself from his pain, he was raised as Keen'lai the Plaguekiller. Although coldened by his death, he still has ties with the beasts, and thus the Beastmaster of Undercity, guiding the new Undead hunters with ways on taming the beasts while disgraced by nature. His pets still follow him and revere him despite his undeath, due to the Bestiary Eye, a magical Jungle Troll artifact that has great control over beasts.

The In-Game Me

I play on WoW Europe, the server of Nagrand. My name there is Proacher, but currently I have left the game due to my university and all the going to America stuff and all. Anyway, I come to Jordan each semester holiday and currently I play on my cousin's account. I wish not to tell the name of her character due to security and privacy reasons. ^^ I'm a loyal member of my beloved guild Epix Moadz, even though I'm still in exodus. I'm coming back on my character probably near the end of Cataclysm. xD

Projects, Fan-fiction, Etc.


  • Project name: Project scrapped.
  • Project name: A finished project with totally no use.
  • Project name: A project under progress.
  • Project name: A finished project.


Spider-Mamm is a mammoth who has been granted the powers of a Nerubian by a mysterious, dying Nerubian. Thus, this mystical mammoth can now weave webs, spit out poison, cling to walls and speak in Nerubian. Based on some real screenshots. So what are you waiting for? CHECK OUT THE MASS EPICNESS OF SPIDER-MAMM (THE SCREENSHOTS ARE NOT PHOTOSHOPPED!)

Azerothian Census

The Azerothian Census is something I've been working on. I don't know what I was practically doing, mostly I just was turning thousands in Azerothian populations to millions to make it look real, then I realised that no city in the world could hold 300 millions (that was my estimation of Stormwind ><). Just check it out for fun, y'know. Click here to see it. It doesn't have Outland info, though. I hate Outland. I only make Azerothian stuff.

World of Warcraft: Dawn of Conflict

World of Warcraft: Dawn of Conflict. The project was dumped by January 15th, 2011 - but you can notice how similar it is to Cataclysm. Please check it out though, it has a lot of work in it.

My idea was that the Twilight's Hammer used their spying status to ignite a Fourth War between the Alliance and the Horde, causing destruction, most notably to Orgrimmar, which is taken and rebuilt by the new Warchief, Garrosh Hellscream. Battles ensue and many cities in the world are under conflict, other than Orgrimmar are Horde and Alliance cities such as Stormwind City, Thunder Bluff and other. At the great Fourth War between the three sides of the Twilight's Hammer, the Alliance and the Horde, the races of Azeroth take sides: the Uldarch Earthen, a hidden, undiscovered noble race of marble-made creatures join the Alliance and add much to their forces, while the Goblins of Kezan take sides with the Horde after their homelands are nearly trashed by an army of maddened Kul Tiras soldiers.

Some other articles on the Dawn of Conflict expansion idea: