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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris lorem enim, egestas vel hendrerit aliquam, auctor ut erat. Morbi faucibus, tortor id tincidunt semper, elit sem placerat purus, ut bibendum elit ante vitae nulla. Phasellus pellentesque pulvinar tincidunt. Nam consequat mi eget imperdiet commodo. Phasellus quis dolor tortor. Sed ullamcorper placerat dui vel tincidunt. Cras dignissim rhoncus nisl, id facilisis erat semper sed.

Praesent porta turpis vitae elementum scelerisque. Maecenas a sagittis sem. Sed sollicitudin fringilla mollis. Mauris quam sapien, ullamcorper ut condimentum eget, vestibulum sit amet augue. Nunc non convallis diam, vel porta purus. Proin auctor diam quis cursus faucibus. Vivamus egestas enim quis ligula tristique, eu consectetur augue porttitor. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Quisque fermentum augue eget orci imperdiet, rutrum feugiat nisi vulputate. Aenean egestas, odio nec tempus pharetra, lorem sapien pretium eros, eget mattis quam nisl a metus. Nam auctor tellus a placerat dapibus.

Raid Concepts

Forge of Goblinium


Status: Current Project; Under Construction
Theme: Goblin, Old God
Location: Kezan
Encounters: 12
Expansion Set: Warlords of Draenor; Most expansions benefited from introducing dungeon and raid content that was not immediately tied into the expansion's primary storyline. TBC's Karazhan and Wrath's Ulduar are prime examples of "breather raids," and are among the best raid zones created for WoW. The Forge of Goblinium would be a break from the Warlords of Draenor's main story arc, while also containing elements from it, as it brings the players back into present Azeroth.

Story: As the war against the Iron Horde waged across dimensional lines, the goblins of the rising Sparknozzle Cartel, led by Trade Queen Ziggzi, began a controversial endeavor that would change the cartels of the Undermine forever. Before her ascension to the throne, Ziggzi Sparknozzle explored the frigid Storm Peaks to research the Curse of Flesh and the power of the Old Gods. She was fascinated by their abilities and was disgusted that certain mortal races of Azeroth pushed away their mechanical roots. Establishing a massive foundry within a Kezan cliffside, the Sparknozzle Cartel began experimenting with Old God power in an attempt to develop a reverse Curse of Flesh, a magic that would transform flesh into machine. Success soon followed and the result was a new form of goblin, one that became more in touch with the mechanical world, one that would possess infinite knowledge as well as limitless brawn. The Sparknozzle Cartel created the Goblinium, a force that will spread across all of Azeroth if the immense forge is not shut down for good, along with its devious leader.

Design: Taking inspiration from the philosophies behind Karazhan, Ulduar, and Icecrown Citadel, the Forge of Goblinium uses both optional bosses and a nonlinear wing system to tell the story of the raid. While many parts of the raid are linear, the players are given choice of how they wish to progress at certain segments. For example, the first “wing” of the raid only has one encounter that is required to complete before progressing farther into the raid. However, if the other two are skipped, the raid could be missing out on some unique loot. The meat of the raid is split into two wings which can be attempted in whichever order the players decide. Both have one optional encounter and two required ones, again offering the players more control over their progression path. Completing the two wings will unlock a final wing with three bosses fought in a linear order. This way, each boss can be designed to be more difficult than the last. As the final encounters of the raid, they should definitely be the most challenging. Player choice is sacrificed for more control of the encounter design.

Fall of the Zandalari

Fall of the Zandalari loading screen.jpg

Status: Foundation Complete; On Hiatus
Theme: Troll
Location: Various
Encounters: 16
Expansion Set: Future expansion; This raid is designed to be an expansion-ending zone. Fall of the Zandalari would be the climax to an expansion that would heavily integrate the Zandalari's last chance to acquire troll dominance on Azeroth.

Design: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas sagittis et sapien quis molestie. Suspendisse eget nunc ac diam aliquet placerat. Etiam nunc sapien, fermentum quis neque eu, vehicula suscipit ligula. Sed accumsan orci suscipit eros laoreet fringilla. Integer tincidunt neque quis nulla hendrerit, sed lacinia diam auctor. Sed varius tempus ipsum, id consequat purus hendrerit et. Aliquam sed ornare orci. In a metus nec felis pharetra laoreet in non odio. Donec tempor at orci sit amet pulvinar. Nunc luctus sodales massa, sit amet mollis mauris vestibulum quis. Proin vel massa faucibus, commodo augue quis, consectetur mi. Sed ornare porttitor eros ac tempor. Vivamus ultricies volutpat massa, ac posuere odio rhoncus eu. Donec in accumsan leo.

Auchindoun Depths


Status: Foundation Complete; On Hiatus
Theme: Demon, Undead
Location: Terrokar Forest
Encounters: 6
Expansion Set: Future Burning Legion-themed expansion; Auchindoun Depths, alongside Nathrezar and Throne of Kil'jaeden, is designed as an opening raid tier for a Burning Legion-themed expansion, primarily set on another planet.

Design: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas sagittis et sapien quis molestie. Suspendisse eget nunc ac diam aliquet placerat. Etiam nunc sapien, fermentum quis neque eu, vehicula suscipit ligula. Sed accumsan orci suscipit eros laoreet fringilla. Integer tincidunt neque quis nulla hendrerit, sed lacinia diam auctor. Sed varius tempus ipsum, id consequat purus hendrerit et. Aliquam sed ornare orci. In a metus nec felis pharetra laoreet in non odio. Donec tempor at orci sit amet pulvinar. Nunc luctus sodales massa, sit amet mollis mauris vestibulum quis. Proin vel massa faucibus, commodo augue quis, consectetur mi. Sed ornare porttitor eros ac tempor. Vivamus ultricies volutpat massa, ac posuere odio rhoncus eu. Donec in accumsan leo.


Nathrezar loading screen.jpg

Status: Foundation Complete; On Hiatus
Theme: Demon
Location: Argus
Encounters: 6
Expansion Set: Future Burning Legion-themed expansion; Nathrezar, alongside Auchindoun Depths and Throne of Kil'jaeden, is designed as an opening raid tier for a Burning Legion-themed expansion, primarily set on another planet.

Design: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas sagittis et sapien quis molestie. Suspendisse eget nunc ac diam aliquet placerat. Etiam nunc sapien, fermentum quis neque eu, vehicula suscipit ligula. Sed accumsan orci suscipit eros laoreet fringilla. Integer tincidunt neque quis nulla hendrerit, sed lacinia diam auctor. Sed varius tempus ipsum, id consequat purus hendrerit et. Aliquam sed ornare orci. In a metus nec felis pharetra laoreet in non odio. Donec tempor at orci sit amet pulvinar. Nunc luctus sodales massa, sit amet mollis mauris vestibulum quis. Proin vel massa faucibus, commodo augue quis, consectetur mi. Sed ornare porttitor eros ac tempor. Vivamus ultricies volutpat massa, ac posuere odio rhoncus eu. Donec in accumsan leo.

The Throne of Kil'jaeden

Throne of Kil'jaeden loading screen.jpeg

Status: Foundation Complete; On Hiatus
Theme: Demon
Location: Hellfire Peninsula
Encounters: 5
Expansion Set: Future Burning Legion-themed expansion; Throne of Kil'jaeden, alongside Nathrezar and Auchindoun Depths, is designed as an opening raid tier for a Burning Legion-themed expansion, primarily set on another planet.

Design: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas sagittis et sapien quis molestie. Suspendisse eget nunc ac diam aliquet placerat. Etiam nunc sapien, fermentum quis neque eu, vehicula suscipit ligula. Sed accumsan orci suscipit eros laoreet fringilla. Integer tincidunt neque quis nulla hendrerit, sed lacinia diam auctor. Sed varius tempus ipsum, id consequat purus hendrerit et. Aliquam sed ornare orci. In a metus nec felis pharetra laoreet in non odio. Donec tempor at orci sit amet pulvinar. Nunc luctus sodales massa, sit amet mollis mauris vestibulum quis. Proin vel massa faucibus, commodo augue quis, consectetur mi. Sed ornare porttitor eros ac tempor. Vivamus ultricies volutpat massa, ac posuere odio rhoncus eu. Donec in accumsan leo.

Engine of Khaz'goroth


Status: Conceptualized
Encounters: 10
Location: Krasarang Wilds
Theme: Mogu, Titan
Expansion Set: Mists of Pandaria; Before Throne of Thunder and Siege of Orgrimmar were fleshed out, I imagined the Engine of Khaz'goroth being a mogu titan facility-themed raid zone built beneath the Temple of the Red Crane.

Design: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas sagittis et sapien quis molestie. Suspendisse eget nunc ac diam aliquet placerat. Etiam nunc sapien, fermentum quis neque eu, vehicula suscipit ligula. Sed accumsan orci suscipit eros laoreet fringilla. Integer tincidunt neque quis nulla hendrerit, sed lacinia diam auctor. Sed varius tempus ipsum, id consequat purus hendrerit et. Aliquam sed ornare orci. In a metus nec felis pharetra laoreet in non odio. Donec tempor at orci sit amet pulvinar. Nunc luctus sodales massa, sit amet mollis mauris vestibulum quis. Proin vel massa faucibus, commodo augue quis, consectetur mi. Sed ornare porttitor eros ac tempor. Vivamus ultricies volutpat massa, ac posuere odio rhoncus eu. Donec in accumsan leo.

The Abyssal Maw


Status: Shelved
Theme: Elemental, Old God
Location: Vashj'ir
Encounters: 12
Expansion Set: Cataclysm; This is what the companion to Firelands should have been, although this version was designed as its own raid tier.

Design: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas sagittis et sapien quis molestie. Suspendisse eget nunc ac diam aliquet placerat. Etiam nunc sapien, fermentum quis neque eu, vehicula suscipit ligula. Sed accumsan orci suscipit eros laoreet fringilla. Integer tincidunt neque quis nulla hendrerit, sed lacinia diam auctor. Sed varius tempus ipsum, id consequat purus hendrerit et. Aliquam sed ornare orci. In a metus nec felis pharetra laoreet in non odio. Donec tempor at orci sit amet pulvinar. Nunc luctus sodales massa, sit amet mollis mauris vestibulum quis. Proin vel massa faucibus, commodo augue quis, consectetur mi. Sed ornare porttitor eros ac tempor. Vivamus ultricies volutpat massa, ac posuere odio rhoncus eu. Donec in accumsan leo.

Bloodsail Hold


Status: Shelved
Theme: Pirates!
Location: Bloodsail Isle
Encounters: 13
Expansion Set: Future expansion; Ideally, this raid zone would be in the same expansion as Fall of the Zandalari, due to it being directly related to the Zandalari's desperate struggle.

Design: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas sagittis et sapien quis molestie. Suspendisse eget nunc ac diam aliquet placerat. Etiam nunc sapien, fermentum quis neque eu, vehicula suscipit ligula. Sed accumsan orci suscipit eros laoreet fringilla. Integer tincidunt neque quis nulla hendrerit, sed lacinia diam auctor. Sed varius tempus ipsum, id consequat purus hendrerit et. Aliquam sed ornare orci. In a metus nec felis pharetra laoreet in non odio. Donec tempor at orci sit amet pulvinar. Nunc luctus sodales massa, sit amet mollis mauris vestibulum quis. Proin vel massa faucibus, commodo augue quis, consectetur mi. Sed ornare porttitor eros ac tempor. Vivamus ultricies volutpat massa, ac posuere odio rhoncus eu. Donec in accumsan leo.

List of Boss Encounters

The Forge of Goblinium

Mecha Volcanoth
Abilities: NYI
Lore: NYI
Quotes: NYI
Design Discussion: NYI

Bamm Megabomb
Abilities: Foundation Complete
Lore: NYI
Quotes: NYI
Design Discussion: NYI

Sparknozzle Boomblasters
Abilities: NYI
Lore: NYI
Quotes: NYI
Design Discussion: NYI

Gazlowe the Crazed
Abilities: NYI
Lore: NYI
Quotes: NYI
Design Discussion: NYI

Iron Horde Assault
Abilities: NYI
Lore: NYI
Quotes: NYI
Design Discussion: NYI

Ezzel Darkbrewer
Abilities: NYI
Lore: NYI
Quotes: NYI
Design Discussion: NYI

Abilities: NYI
Lore: NYI
Quotes: NYI
Design Discussion: NYI

The Transmorphinator
Abilities: NYI
Lore: NYI
Quotes: NYI
Design Discussion: NYI

Ilvas the Spurious
Abilities: NYI
Lore: NYI
Quotes: NYI
Design Discussion: NYI

Goblinium Elites
Abilities: NYI
Lore: NYI
Quotes: NYI
Design Discussion: NYI

Abilities: NYI
Lore: NYI
Quotes: NYI
Design Discussion: NYI

Trade Queen Ziggzi
Abilities: NYI
Lore: NYI
Quotes: NYI
Design Discussion: NYI

Fall of the Zandalari

Nofal the Beastmaster
Abilities: NYI
Lore: Dungeon Journal Entry Complete
Quotes: NYI
Design Discussion: NYI

Abilities: Foundation Complete
Lore: Dungeon Journal Entry Complete
Quotes: NYI
Design Discussion: NYI

Veterans of the North
Abilities: Foundation Complete
Lore: Dungeon Journal Entry Complete
Quotes: NYI
Design Discussion: NYI

Colossus of Zuldazar
Abilities: Foundation Complete
Lore: Dungeon Journal Entry Complete
Quotes: NYI
Design Discussion: NYI

Abilities: Foundation Complete
Lore: Dungeon Journal Entry Complete
Quotes: NYI
Design Discussion: NYI

Great Father Arctikus
Abilities: NYI
Lore: Dungeon Journal Entry Complete
Quotes: NYI
Design Discussion: NYI

Guan'yao the Soulstealer
Abilities: NYI
Lore: Dungeon Journal Entry Complete
Quotes: NYI
Design Discussion: NYI

Gonk the Great Hunter
Abilities: NYI
Lore: Dungeon Journal Entry Complete
Quotes: NYI
Design Discussion: NYI

Servitor Twins
Abilities: NYI
Lore: Dungeon Journal Entry Complete
Quotes: NYI
Design Discussion: NYI

Abilities: NYI
Lore: Dungeon Journal Entry Complete
Quotes: NYI
Design Discussion: NYI

Prison of Souls
Abilities: NYI
Lore: Dungeon Journal Entry Complete
Quotes: NYI
Design Discussion: NYI

Tiki Lord Jaa'ushu
Abilities: NYI
Lore: Dungeon Journal Entry Complete
Quotes: NYI
Design Discussion: NYI

Abilities: NYI
Lore: Dungeon Journal Entry Complete
Quotes: NYI
Design Discussion: NYI

Prophet Zul
Abilities: NYI
Lore: Dungeon Journal Entry Complete
Quotes: NYI
Design Discussion: NYI

The Voodoo Engine
Abilities: Foundation in Progress
Lore: Dungeon Journal Entry Complete
Quotes: NYI
Design Discussion: NYI

Abilities: NYI
Lore: Dungeon Journal Entry Complete
Quotes: NYI
Design Discussion: NYI

Auchindoun Depths

The Wallbreaker
Abilities: NYI
Lore: NYI
Quotes: NYI
Design Discussion: NYI

Abilities: NYI
Lore: NYI
Quotes: NYI
Design Discussion: NYI

Nethershade Generals
Abilities: NYI
Lore: NYI
Quotes: NYI
Design Discussion: NYI

Ruuhn the Ancient
Abilities: NYI
Lore: NYI
Quotes: NYI
Design Discussion: NYI

Abilities: NYI
Lore: NYI
Quotes: NYI
Design Discussion: NYI

Bernault Plaguefist
Abilities: NYI
Lore: NYI
Quotes: NYI
Design Discussion: NYI


Commander Scy'ithax
Abilities: NYI
Lore: NYI
Quotes: NYI
Design Discussion: NYI

Jagg the Doomfire
Abilities: NYI
Lore: NYI
Quotes: NYI
Design Discussion: NYI

Blood Reaver
Abilities: NYI
Lore: NYI
Quotes: NYI
Design Discussion: NYI

Abilities: NYI
Lore: NYI
Quotes: NYI
Design Discussion: NYI

Brinngana's Chosen
Abilities: NYI
Lore: NYI
Quotes: NYI
Design Discussion: NYI

March of the Legion
Abilities: NYI
Lore: NYI
Quotes: NYI
Design Discussion: NYI

The Throne of Kil'jaeden

XT-013 Obliterator
Abilities: NYI
Lore: NYI
Quotes: NYI
Design Discussion: NYI

Lady Veth'ritaz
Abilities: NYI
Lore: NYI
Quotes: NYI
Design Discussion: NYI

Abilities: NYI
Lore: NYI
Quotes: NYI
Design Discussion: NYI

Kazzak the Reborn
Abilities: NYI
Lore: NYI
Quotes: NYI
Design Discussion: NYI

Herald Salanar
Abilities: NYI
Lore: NYI
Quotes: NYI
Design Discussion: NYI

Abyssal Maw

Note: Only completed bosses will be listed here as development of this project has been shelved.

Duke Hydraxis
Abilities: Foundation Complete
Lore: Dungeon Journal Entry Complete
Quotes: Complete
Design Discussion: NYI

Drottinn Bruundor
Abilities: Foundation Complete
Lore: Dungeon Journal Entry Complete
Quotes: NYI
Design Discussion: NYI

Wuan Xu
Abilities: Foundation Complete
Lore: Dungeon Journal Entry Complete
Quotes: NYI
Design Discussion: NYI

Map Gallery

Forge of Goblinium

Note: This gallery is incomplete.

Fall of the Zandalari

Note: This gallery is incomplete.

Auchindoun Depths

Note: This gallery is incomplete.

Abyssal Maw

Note: This gallery is incomplete.

Bloodsail Hold

Note: This gallery is incomplete.

Zanchuli Gardens

Temple of Mugamba