User:Nakabeast/Duke Hydraxis (tactics)

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MobDuke Hydraxis
Image of Duke Hydraxis
Title <The Tainted Waterlord>
Race Water elemental (Elemental)
Level ?? Boss
Location Waterlords' Pavilion, The Abyssal Maw
Status Defeatable

Currently Under Construction; Part of the Abyssal Maw Raid Concept

Duke Hydraxis is the first boss of the Abyssal Maw. The leader of the Hydraxian Waterlords has been tainted by the black blood of N'Zoth, an Old God living beneath the elemental plane of water. Before for the Horde and the Alliance can create a staging ground to prepare for the assault on the Abyssal Maw, the duke must be cleansed of his corruption.

The battle with Duke Hydraxis is a fairly simple, introductory boss with only a few basic mechanics. The encounter tests the raid's ability to follow simple visual cues.

The Black Blood of N'Zoth


Dungeon Journal

Years ago, Duke Hydraxis recruited adventurers to assist his Hydraxian Waterlords in defeating Ragnaros the Firelord within the Molten Core. Seemingly vanished following the Sundering, Hydraxis returned to rescue his master from the clutches of N'Zoth. Unfortunately, the duke became corrupted himself by the Old God, black blood coursing through his waters. Should he remain this way, his significant power would be of great use to the Old God...and devastating for those who oppose it.



Phase One: The Corrupted Duke

  • Spell nature acid 01.png Suffocating Strike Tank AlertDuke Hydraxis clobbers his target, afflicting them with Suffocation.
    • Spell shadow demonbreath.png Suffocation Tank AlertEvery stack of Suffocation reduces the target's maximum health by x, maximum armor by y, and movement speed by 15%. This ability stacks. Lasts twenty seconds.
  • Spell druid astralstorm.png Boiling PillarDuke Hydraxis summons a towering column of boiling water which targets two players. This pillar chases its targets, leaving behind a trail of Boiling Taint. After a few seconds, the pillar will explode, dealing x Frost damage to anyone in a y yard radius, in addition to inflicting Boiling Wound.
    • Spell frost coldhearted.png Boiling TaintIf a player stands on the trail, the taint will deal x Frost damage every second and inflicts Boiling Wound.
      • Spell misc emotionangry.png Boiling Wound Magic Effect: Deals x Frost damage every three second for fifteen seconds and reduces movement speed by 25%.
  • Hydraxian Cleanser — At 75%, 50%, and 25% health, a Hydraxian Cleanser will join the fight and attempt to cleanse Duke Hydraxis of his corruption. Every time a Hydraxian Cleanser enters the fight, Duke Hydraxis will gain a new ability.
    • Spell frost summonwaterelemental.png Torrential WavesDuke Hydraxis gains this ability once one Hydraxian Cleanser has entered the fray. Duke Hydraxis immobilizes three random players and sends a massive wave towards each of them. If a wave doesn't hit at least an additional two (10) or six (25) players, the wave will knock all targets in its path off the battlefield, instantly killing them.
    • Spell shadow antishadow.png Black Blood AuraDuke Hydraxis gains this ability once two Hydraxian Cleansers have entered the fray. Duke Hydraxis casts Black Blood Aura on a random player. Any player standing less than x yards from the afflicted target will receive y Shadow damage every two seconds. The afflicted player will also receive z Shadow damage every three seconds. Only one player can be afflicted with Black Blood Aura at a time.
    • Ability warlock baneofhavoc.png Fury of the Duke DeadlyDuke Hydraxis gains this ability once all three Hydraxian Cleansers have entered the fray. Duke Hydraxis warps to the center of the platform and releases a pulsing nova of tainted water, dealing x Shadow damage every second to any player caught in it.
      • Spell frost summonwaterelemental 2.png Hydraxian Bulwark Healer AlertThe Hydraxian Cleansers cast a shield, protecting any player standing behind them from the Fury of the Duke. The Hydraxian Cleansers receive x Shadow damage every second.

Phase Two: The Black Blood

At 10% health, the corruption will separate from Duke Hydraxis, forming the Black Blood of N'Zoth.

  • Black Blood of N'ZothThe source of Duke Hydraxis's corruption is forced from his body. It is an out of control spawn of N'Zoth that cannot be taunted. Destroying it will free Duke Hydraxis from the will of N'Zoth.
    • Spell deathknight strangulate.png Pulsing TaintBlack Blood of N'Zoth relentlessly pulses with corrupting taint, dealing x Shadow damage every three seconds.
  • Spell deathknight bloodboil.png Blood GlobulesTinier offspring of the Black Blood will continually spawn. Once destroyed, they leave behind a Pool of Blood.
    • Spell deathknight bloodboil.png Pool of BloodAny player standing in it will receive x Shadow damage every second.


Duke Hydraxis yells: Ah, heroes of the mortal realm. We meet again.
General Nazgrim/Admiral Taylor yells: Duke Hydraxis, we've arrived. Tell us, what's the situation here?
Duke Hydraxis yells: Consumption, orc/human. N'Zoth has already begun the devourment this plane. Your services are no longer required. Leave now, or suffer the fate of Neptulon.
General Nazgrim/Admiral Taylor yells: What!? N'Zoth!? You called upon us to rescue Neptulon! What is going on?
Duke Hydraxis yells: The Tidehunter was weak. My new master is "strengthening" him as we speak.
General Nazgrim/Admiral Taylor says: He's mad! I'm not liking the sound of this, heroes...
Duke Hydraxis yells: I see. If you won't join N'Zoth, then you shall fall into the depths of the abyss.
General Nazgrim/Admiral Taylor yells: N'Zoth's forces are attacking us from behind! Heroes, deal with the duke! We'll cover your six!
Boiling Pillar
Your skin will boil under my strength!
75% Health
Hydraxian Cleanser yells: The duke must be healed! I'm sorry, my lord, but this will not be pleasant.
Duke Hydraxis yells: You dare turn against your leader? You are of no value to me anymore, rain drop!
Torrential Waves
These waters shall smother your strength!
50% Health
Hydraxian Cleanser yells: More restoring waters must be added! You will return to form soon enough, Hydraxis!
Duke Hydraxis yells: There...there is nothing wrong with me...I serve...N'Zoth...
Black Blood Aura
Feel what I feel.
25% Health
Hydraxian Cleanser yells: Just a little more! With the three of us, the duke will be pure once more!
Duke Hydraxis yells:! I am...I am...wa a'a hxg'agnut, sha g'aasats ta'ans ur ang uftg una!
Fury of the Duke
Duke Hydraxis yells: We...are N'Zoth...his blood...his fury...experience...his...wrath!
Hydraxian Cleanser yells: Get behind us, mortals! We can protect you from his fury!
Killing a player
Your spirit is now N'Zoth's!!
You should have left us to our own devices, mortal.
I will never understand your perseverance. A pity.
Phase 1 Ending
*Duke Hydraxis collapses.*
Hydraxian Cleanser yells: We've done it! I can feel the corruption releasing Duke Hydraxis! Fight it, my lord!
Duke Hydraxis yells: We...won't...we...can't...!
Hydraxian Cleanser yells: More water!
*The Hydraxian Cleansers resume cleansing Hydraxis. The Black Blood of N'Zoth erupts from his collapsed body.*
Hydraxian Cleanser yells: The corruption! Destroy it, mortals! We must tend to the duke!
Hydraxian Cleanser yells: Excellent work!
Hydraxian Cleanser yells: My duke, are you well?
*Duke Hydraxis, free of corruption, rises up.*
Duke Hydraxis yells: Yes...yes, I believe so. Thank you, heroes. Though my will was not my own, I saw as you fought with valor and resolve. It is no question to how you were able to destroy Ragnaros...twice. I have seen your power with my own eyes.
General Nazgrim/Admiral Taylor yells: That's fantastic and all, but we could use some help over here! These guys haven't gone anywhere!
*Duke Hydraxis summons a spell which demolishes the army battling the Horde or Alliance forces.*
General Nazgrim/Admiral Taylor yells: Oh. Well. Thank you.
Duke Hydraxis yells: Come with me. The Waterlords' Pavilion shall be our staging ground for the assault on the Maw. We have much to accomplish.