User:Nakabeast/Gazlowe the Crazed

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MobGazlowe the Crazed
Image of Gazlowe the Crazed
Race Dire goblin (Humanoid)
Level ??
Location Testing Lab, Forge of Goblinium
Status Defeatable

Currently Under Construction; Part of the Forge of Goblinium raid concept

Gazlowe the Crazed is the first boss encounter of the Darkbrewer Laboratories wing of Forge of Goblinium. Defeating Gazlowe opens the doors leading to Darkbrewer's Cauldron and Iron Horde Landing.


Dungeon Journal

The boss of Ratchet is loyal only to the Steamwheedle Cartel, but when the Trade Queen approached Gazlowe with a very generous offer, how could he refuse? Unbeknownst to him, the Sparknozzle Cartel was only after him for Ratchet’s vast wealth. Injecting him with a variety of unstable elixirs, Gazlowe was transformed into a hideous, mindless brute, leaving Ratchet leaderless and ripe for the taking. If the clever goblin is not cleansed of his malady, the Steamwheedle Cartel may fall victim to the Trade Queen’s will.


