User:MaxWilder/Leveling Guide 30-40

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Edited Leveling Guide 30-40 (Unfinshed)

This guide is time efficient, but the grinding portions suck. If you hate grinding like I do, finish as many quests as you can in Ashenvale, Stonetalon Mountains, Wetlands, Redridge, and Duskwood. Note that this guide has not yet been updated for Patch 2.3, so there may not be any more grinding involved.

However, this guide will cover many areas, so be sure not to do any quests in Stranglethorn Vale, Desolace, Thousand Needles, or areas like that which have quests above level 30.

Once you are tired of the lower areas, abandon any leftover quests except for those you really want to finish sometime later.

This guide is arranged in Rounds, which are periods of questing and grinding away from major cities. Before you start, and between each Round, repair your armor and stock up on food and drink. Put everything you don't need for questing in the bank. You can pick up lots of valuable stuff out there, so make as much space in your bag as possible.

Rest is best! This will go much faster if you are rested. Always park your character in an inn or major city when logging out for the night. I personally will play another character for a few days to get plenty of rested xp stored up.

NOTE: If you are on a PVP server, you will get ganked. Get used to it. Accept it. Embrace it. Someday you will be the one ganking. Fight back if you can, run away if you can. Otherwise just rez and move on. Getting frustrated (like I used to do) will not help. Just get on with the leveling. Most important, leave them alone if they don't attack. While some will always try to kill you, many will leave you alone if you make it obvious you are not trying to fight.

Round 1


Shady Rest Inn


  • Run south through the Barrens, down the great lift, then follow the road south and west to the border of Feralas.
  • South of the road you will find the alliance outpost: Thalanaar (89,45). Get the new flight path from there. If you have to hearth before done with this area, you will want this flight path.


Roguefeather Den

Mirage Raceway

  • Head southeast into the Shimmering Flats until you reach the Mirage Raceway (80,77).
  • Sell your accumulated vendor fodder, make room for quest items.
  • Get the following quests there:
  • These quests are all about killin' stuff around the raceway. The mobs are randomly scattered about, but each type also has a place where there are a bunch in one spot. When you come across one of these focal points, be sure to finish off the quest associated with that mob. And of course, pick up the parts that are lying around.
  • When you get to the turtle area, finish the quest and keep going until you gather 10  [Turtle Meat].
  • When you are done with all the quests, turn them in and get the follow up quests:

Getting to level 32

You have several options:

Optional Forest Song Quests


  • Head south to Gadgetzan in Tanaris and get the flightpath just south of the city. You will need this later in the game, and now is a great time to get it.
  • Hearth or fly back to Theramore.

On to Ratchet!

Ratchet is on the East coast of the Barrens, on the east path from Crossroads. It's an annoying run, but you only have to do it once.

Booty Bay

Head to the top of the tavern for some quest givers.

Round 2

  • Fly to Stormwind by gryphon for training (for rogues, there's a trainer on the 1st floor of Booty Bay Inn).
  • Prepare for the next round. Visit the Auction house, repair, sell, buy 4 stacks of food/drink (of course don't buy drinks if you aren't a class with mana).
  • Fly down to Darkshire. Follow the road south then west. At the intersection, turn south towards...

Stranglethorn Vale

Round 3


Details will go here.

Round 4

  • Fly to Booty Bay.


Desolace is south of Stonetalon Mountains. Hopefully you have the flightpath to Stonetalon Peak. If not there are two ways of getting there.

- or -

From Stonetalon Peak, head south to Mirkfallon Lake, then west. Follow the road as it goes south through The Charred Vale and you will arrive in Desolace. Once there, go to Nijel's Point, which is hidden up in the northern mountain range. To access it you have to go further southwest until coordinates (67,16).

Talk to the Hyppogryph master.

Then get quests:

We are not taking the quest [35] A [35] Brutal Politics because we decide to be friendly with the Gelkis Clan Centaur Tribe which involves lowering faction with the Magram Clan Centaur. It doesn't really matter anyway if the Magram hate you.

Circuit 1


  • (1) Kill Hatefury Satyrs in Sargeron, southeast of Nijel's Point (75,20) until you have 10 Hatefury Claws and 10 Hatefury Horns for Reagents for Reclaimers Inc.
  • (2) Go west to the area just north of Thunder Axe Fortress (56,17). You will find a ruined caravan there. Look for the crate that is marked "Malem Chest"". Open it to complete A [33] Vahlarriel's Search, and get the follow up quest A [33] Vahlarriel's Search.
  • (3) Go back to Nijel's Point.
  • (4) Go southwest and past Thunder Axe Fortress. Then go west towards the sea until you see a big tower. Azore Aldamort is next to the tower just north of it down the cliff (38,27). Get the quest [33]  [Sceptre of Light].
  • (5) Go southwest along the shore towards (36,30). You should see the mast of a sunken ship.
  • (6) Go east to the Thunder Axe Fortress.
    • Enter the fortress through the main gate (56,30), and kill the Seer on top of the 1st watch tower to the left past the gates. He has two guards in front of his room, and one guard with him inside. Loot the Sceptre of Light.
    • Then fight your way to the middle of the big building near the entrance and talk to Dalinda Malem. Get the follow up quest [33] A [33] Search for Tyranis.
    • Tyranis Malem is in the other building (the smaller of the two), southwest of the main one. Kill Tyranis and loot the pendant.
    • Go back to Dalinda. After you talk to her she will start to walk out of the fortress, escort her and make sure she doesn't die. Warning: Dalinda is one of those stupid escort NPCs who don't stop when YOU are attacked. So let her walk in the front of you and make sure she gets hits first. Once out of the fortress she will run away and you will get a "Quest Complete" message.
  • (7) Go northeast back to Nijel's Point, turn in quests, get follow up [39] A [10-30] The Karnitol Shipwreck.
  • Sell and Repair, the next circuit is gonna be long!

Circuit 2


At this point you should be level 37 already. If not, you should keep on grinding Centaurs until you hit level 37.