Tiger Mastery

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NeutralTiger Mastery
Start Automatic
End Ajeck Rouack[44.4, 22.6]
Level 10-30
Category Northern Stranglethorn
Experience 1,750
Previous N [10-30] Tiger Prowess


Hunt Sin'Dall and return with her paw.


Legends speak of an elusive tigress... a feline so powerful that she dwarfs even the elder males. The hunters at Nesingwary's Expedition have hunted for her without success. Many of them have fallen prey to her raking claws, their bodies now decaying at the foot of her hill, north of Grom'gol.

They call the beast Sin'Dall.

You resolve to do what no <race> has done before: hunt, kill, and claim the paw of Sin'Dall.


How goes the hunt?


Most impressive, I do say! I send you out to defeat the kittens, and you return with a paw the size of a gnome! You are a true Master Tiger Hunter, <name>!


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Inv bracer 28b.png [Tiger Strangler's Bracers] Inv boots 03.png [Paws of Sin'Dall]
Inv chest cloth 04.png [Cat Lover's Vest] Inv misc bone 10.png [Sin'Dall's Femur]
Inv boots 03.png [Footpads of Sin'Dall]

You will also receive:

  • 60s
  • 1,750 XP


  1. N [10-30] Welcome to the Jungle
  2. Complete all of the following:
  3. N [10-30] Big Game Hunter

Patch changes

External links