Paval Reethe

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NeutralPaval Reethe
Image of Paval Reethe
Gender Male
Race Human (Humanoid)
Level 15-30
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Former affiliation(s) Theramore Guard, Kul Tiras
Occupation Lieutenant
Location Dustwallow Marsh[42.6, 37.9]
Status Deceased[1]

Paval Reethe was a deserter from the Theramore Guard.

Raval Reethe joined the Theramore Guard along with most of the recruits that came across the sea with Lady Proudmoore. He enlisted with the marines of Kul Tiras at the age of sixteen. Reethe had distinguished service and was promoted to lieutenant, but currently is listed as missing in official records.[2] In fact he deserted the Theramore Guard and joined deserters at Lost Point. There he insisted on raiding the supplies of the ogres up at Brackenwall Village, though deserters were not so many in number to stand up to the ogres. Reethe crossed the line one too many times, so eventually they threw him out of camp.

Reethe went into hiding in the woods and started stealing supplies from Brackenwall Village and the Shady Rest Inn. Krog in Brackenwall Village sent ogre Ogron out to track the thief down.

Paval Reethe was also implicated in the burning of the Shady Rest Inn, which left its owner homeless and insane after he watched his wife and child die in the inferno. Paval's badge was discovered along with a black shield and a set of hoofprints among the charred ruins of the inn. The burning of the inn prompted Thrall to launch an investigation into the incident, as the hoofprints implicated the Horde and thus implied that Thrall's order to leave the humans of Theramore Isle alone was violated. When Paval's involvement in the burning of the inn was discovered, Ogron was also ordered to extract any information regarding it that Paval may have had.

With the help of an unknown adventurer, Ogron tracked Paval Reethe down, demanding that he return the supplies he stole as well as release the information he had regarding the burning of the Shady Rest Inn. Unfortunately, at that time, Lieutenant Reethe was also discovered by Lieutenant Caldwell and his men, who were looking for him determined to punish him for his desertion. In the skirmish that ensued, Private Hallan killed Paval before the latter could reveal the name of the culprit responsible for the destruction of the Shady Rest Inn. Although Caldwell acted suspiciously hasty in ordering Paval Reethe killed (and thus possibly implying that Paval knew something that Caldwell wanted to remain secret forever), he, along with Private Hallan and the rest of his men, were slain in the skirmish before they could reveal any useful information.[3][4][5][6][7]


External links

es:Paval Reethe