Titanic Beasts

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NeutralTitanic Beasts
Start Time Displaced Titanic Device
End Soridormi
Level 60-70
Category Time Rifts
Experience 1,150
Reputation +100 Soridormi
Rewards 10x [Flightstones]
50x [Paracausal Flakes]
2g 57s 40c


After completing a Time Rift, return to Soridormi in the Tyrhold Reservoir.


<This small device rolled out of the mouth of a beast you defeated.

It appears to be a titan information device, but it's more compact than devices you've seen on Azeroth.

Soridormi will want to see this.>


You will receive:


<Soridormi turns the device over in her hands.>

You said this came from the mouth of a large beast?

Well, I hope the end was quick for its last owner.

I'll put it on one of the tables behind me, in case you want to view it later. Maybe it will be cleaner by then.


While defeating creatures during Ulderoth invasions in Time Rifts, keep an eye out for the Time Displaced Titanic Device, which starts this quest.

Upon accept
Time Displaced Titanic Disc says: Disc activated... processing...
Time Displaced Titanic Disc says: Bearer: unknown. New Watcher protocols: activated.
Time Displaced Titanic Disc says: Greetings, New Watcher. Welcome to Azeroth. This verdant world is a paradise of flora and fauna.
Time Displaced Titanic Disc says: After defeating the planet's corrupted inhabitants, the venerable Titans covered this land with lush green forests and wildlife.
Time Displaced Titanic Disc says: While performing your duties, New Watcher, ensure that you do not get eaten. The local wildlife is belligerent, sizeable, and numerous.
Upon completion
Soridormi says: This disc came from a world where large beasts rule. I suspect it is quite dangerous for those who live there.
Soridormi says: Perhaps Freya, or someone like her, overwhelmed the land with primordial creatures. Maybe it's similar to Sholazar or Un'Goro?
Soridormi says: Hmm, if the Titans cleansed the world of its corruption, I wonder what happened to Azeroth's World Soul?
Soridormi says: Ah, sorry. This often happens with temporal archaeology. You can speculate until your wings are weary.
Soridormi says: It looks like this device may have more information, if you wish to investigate further.

This is one of the criteria of  [Temporal Acquisitions Specialist].


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