Cogs in a Machine

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NeutralCogs in a Machine
Start  [Mechanized Cog]
End Soridormi
Level 10-70
Category Time Rifts
Experience 1,150
Reputation +100 Soridormi
Rewards 10x [Flightstones]
50x [Paracausal Flakes]
2g 57s 40c


After completing a Time Rift, return to Soridormi in the Tyrhold Reservoir.


<This cog spiraled out of a mechanized creature as you sent it back to its timeway.

While its design is similar to Mechagnome technology, it's sleeker and more refined.

It bears a small inscription.

Soridormi will want to see this.>


You will receive:


<Soridormi reads the inscription on the cog.>

"Mechanization is the only way to true peace".

An interesting sentiment, but also a lie. This timeway clearly continued to develop weapons for war.

I can't help but wonder: if they weren't fighting each other, what were they fighting?

I'll put this on the tables if you want to look at it later.


Look out for U:\RAN.2 /SWIFT running around Tyrhold Reservoir during A.Z.E.R.O.T.H. invasions in Time Rifts. Dispatch it and interact with the cog that spawns nearby to start this quest.

This is one of the criteria of  [Temporal Acquisitions Specialist].


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