Dangerous Documentation

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NeutralDangerous Documentation
Start  [Watcher's Log]
End Soridormi
Level 60-70
Category Time Rifts
Experience 1,150
Reputation +100 Soridormi
Rewards 10x [Flightstones]
50x [Paracausal Flakes]
2g 57s 40c


Return to Soridormi in the Tyrhold Reservoir.


<The flickering of a hologram stands out among the surrounding greenery.>

A quick investigation of the item reveals this is some sort of catalog left by a Watcher in its timeway. It details observations of the yaungol, ancestors of the tauren.

<Soridormi will want to see this.>


You will receive:


<Soridormi swipes her hand through the holographic projection of the yaungol as you hand over the Watcher's Log up.>

Fascinating technology! So similar to that of our titans.

I'm sure the log entries in it are interesting to read. I'll put it on the tables if you want to review them.


After completing the Ulderoth boss encounter during Time Rifts, look for a small hologram projector in the arena, which starts this quest.

This is one of the criteria of  [Temporal Acquisitions Specialist].


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