The Resistance

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NeutralThe Resistance
Start Ellemayne
End Soridormi
Level 60-70
Category Time Rifts
Experience 1,150
Reputation +100 Soridormi
Rewards 10x [Flightstones]
50x [Paracausal Flakes]
2g 57s 40c


After completing a Time Rift, return to Soridormi in the Tyrhold Reservoir.


<The person in front of you is clearly an uncorrupted night elf, albeit significantly more feral and malnourished than usual.>

Nice world. No Legion. No fel.

If you can, send help. Suramar, ask for Tyrande.

<Soridormi may want to see this.>


You will receive:


<Soridormi looks at you in a perplexed manner as you hand her a map to Suramar. Her expression changes as you explain the circumstances.>

Incredible. This world has been under the rule of the Legion for ten thousand years, yet still there is a resistance.

I wish we could help them, but we cannot interfere with another timeway.

A horrible answer, I know.


While killing enemies during an Azewrath invasion during Time Rifts, keep an eye out for Ellemayne, who starts this quest.

This is one of the criteria of  [Temporal Acquisitions Specialist].


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