Shadowlands instances by level

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Instances by level (V)
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This article is a list of Shadowlands instances by level.

Instance Name Abbreviations Zone Type Minimum Level Suggested Level Range Heroic Min. Level Heroic Level Range Bosses
Darkmaul Citadel Exile's Reach 1-4-player 7 7-10 N/A N/A Tunk, Gor'groth and Ravnyr
Necrotic Wake NW Bastion 5-player 50 50-60 60 60 Blightbone, Amarth, Surgeon Stitchflesh, Nalthor the Rimebinder
Plaguefall PF Maldraxxus 5-player 50 50-60 60 60 Globgrog, Doctor Ickus, Domina Venomblade, Margrave Stradama
Mists of Tirna Scithe Mists Ardenweald 5-player 50 50-60 60 60 Ingra Maloch, Mistcaller, Tred'ova
Halls of Atonement HoA Revendreth 5-player 50 50-60 60 60 Halkias, Echelon, High Adjudicator Aleez, Lord Chamberlain
Spires of Ascension SP Bastion 5-player 60 60 60 60 Kin-Tara, Ventunax, Oryphrion, Devos, Paragon of Doubt
Theater of Pain ToP Maldraxxus 5-player 60 60 60 60 An Affront of Challengers, Gorechop, Xav the Unfallen, Kul'tharok, Mordretha, the Endless Empress
De Other Side DOS Ardenweald 5-player 60 60 60 60 Hakkar the Soulflayer, The Manastorms, Dealer Xy'exa, Mueh'zala
Sanguine Depths SD Revendreth 5-player 60 60 60 60 Kryxis the Voracious, Executor Tarvold, Grand Proctor Beryllia, General Kaal
Tazavesh, the Veiled Market In-Between 5-player 60 60 60 60 Zo'phex the Sentinel, The Menagerie, Mailroom Mayhem, Myza's Oasis, So'azmi, Hylbrande, Timecap'n Hooktail, So'leah


Instance Name Abbreviations Zone Type Minimum Level Suggested Level Range Heroic Min. Level Heroic Level Range Bosses
Castle Nathria CN Revendreth 10-30-player raid 60 60+ Shriekwing, Huntsman Altimor, Hungering Destroyer, Artificer Xy'mox, Sun King's Salvation, Lady Inerva Darkvein, The Council of Blood, Sludgefist, Stone Legion Generals, Sire Denathrius
Sanctum of Domination SoD Maw 10-30-player raid 60 60++ The Tarragrue, Eye of the Jailer, The Nine, Remnant of Ner'zhul, Soulrender Dormazain, Painsmith Raznal, Guardian of the First Ones, Fatescribe Roh-Kalo, Kel'Thuzad, Sylvanas Windrunner
Sepulcher of the First Ones SFO Zereth Mortis 10-30-player raid 60 60+++ Vigilant Guardian, Skolex, the Insatiable Ravener, Artificer Xy'mox, Dausegne, the Fallen Oracle, Prototype Pantheon, Lihuvim, Principle Architect, Halondrus the Reclaimer, Anduin Wrynn, Lords of Dread, Rygelon, The Jailer

See also