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Image of Lufsela
Title <Stormward>, Rooktender
Gender Female
Race Earthen (Humanoid)
Level 70-80 Normal/Elite
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Dornogal; Isle of Dorn
Status Alive

Lufsela is the current Stormward, leader of the Stormriders.


Lost Lord of the Storm
Ties that Bind
  • N [80] After the Storm Activequest
  • Dhar Oztan (quest) Availablequest
  • Conduit of the Southern Storm Activequest
  • Charging Up That Hill Activequest
  • Heeding the Call (Isle of Dorn) Activequest
  • Rook Rally Availablequest
  • Home to Roost Activequest
  • Strays Availablequest


Lost Lord of the Storm
Main article: Sleepy Sheep#Notes
Main article: Lost Lord of the Storm#Notes
Main article: Their Moss, Our Gain#Notes
Main article: Thunderhead Butt#Notes

Patch changes

External links