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Regald Hornfyre

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NeutralRegald Hornfyre
Image of Regald Hornfyre
Title <Lamplighter>
Gender Male
Race Arathi (Humanoid)
Level 70-80 Elite
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Hallowfall Arathi, Lamplighters
Location Hallowfall; Azj-Kahet

Regald Hornfyre is an Arathi lamplighter located in Hallowfall and Azj-Kahet.


Main article: Consecrated Cleanup#Notes

At Faerin's Advance with Faerin Lothar after N [78-80] Rations and Revelations:

Faerin Lothar says: I'm sorry, what? The prisoners escaped because of a nerubian?
Regald Hornfyre says: That's what they said--one of the big ones from the heart of Siegehold. I'm as flummoxed as you are.
Faerin Lothar says: It doesn't make any sense. None of this does.
Regald Hornfyre says: Come again?
Faerin Lothar says: It's nothing, Regald. I've just... I keep telling everyone it's about hope, but the moment push comes to shove my anger grabs my blade.
Regald Hornfyre says: This had nothing to do with you. They've attacked before, they'll attack again. That's how it's always gone.
Faerin Lothar says: But is it how it needs to go in the future? We are the holders of hope... Is there hope in this darkness that even we haven't been able to see?
Regald Hornfyre says: I... can't answer that for you.
Faerin Lothar says: Honestly? Neither can I. I've... I've got some thinking to do.
Main article: Return to Dornogal#Liadrin, Salandria and Regald Hornfyre

Patch changes

External links

Hallowfall Hallowfall Azj-Kahet