Mia Greymane

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AllianceQueen Mia Greymane
Image of Queen Mia Greymane
Gender Female
Race Human (Humanoid)
Affiliation(s) Greymane clan, Kingdom of Gilneas
Occupation Queen-mother of Gilneas
Location Various
Status Alive
Relative(s) Genn (husband), Liam (son), Tess (daughter), Archibald (father-in-law)

“A kingdom is not a place, but a people.”

— Queen Mia Greymane of Gilneas

Mia Greymane is the wife of King Genn Greymane, mother of Queen Tess and Prince Liam, and the former queen consort of Gilneas.


Mia as seen in Curse of the Worgen.

Mia met her future husband Genn Greymane at the Royal Aderic Banquet, where he was smitten by her. They later married for love, rather than political reasons.[1][2] They had two children: her son Liam, and later her daughter Tess, who would have died in infancy if not for the intervention of the Royal Chemist, Krennan Aranas.[3]

Curse of the Worgen

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Three days before the Wolf Cult's attack on Gilneas City, Mia learned about the apparent death of Halford Ramsey from his colleague Cox.[4] A day after, she scolded her husband during a dinner for spending too much time in his observatory (where he met with Belysra Starbreeze unbeknownst to his wife), neglecting his own family instead, especially Liam, who looked at him as an example.[5] Later on, she witnessed the quarrel between Genn and Vincent Godfrey about the release of Darius Crowley, and watched in shock as her enraged husband returned to his observatory, ordering her to make sure no one would disturb him.[6]

After the Cataclysm struck and the Forsaken attacked her nation,[7] she was seen calming down the Duskhaven refugees at Greymane Manor.[8]


Cataclysm This section concerns content related to Cataclysm.

Following the evacuation of Duskhaven, Mayor Gwen Armstead tasked the Gilnean adventurer to report the gravity of the situation to the queen.[9] After she thanked them for helping her family in Gilneas City, Mia pointed the adventurer toward the Greymane Manor's observatory, where her husband was working on a plan for his people since the ordeal started.[10]

Lord of His Pack

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During the exodus to Darnassus, Queen Mia and Princess Tess were aboard the Elune's Radiance while her husband was on another ship. The fleet was hit by a powerful storm generated by the Cataclysm, and the Elune's Radiance started to sink. Having a leg broken during the storm, Mia could not move and her daughter remained with her refusing to leave, so they both risked drowning. King Genn, refusing to lose the last two members of his family, assumed his worgen form and joined the rescue efforts of the night elf sailors from his ship. He reached their room inside the ship and brought them out, carrying Mia in his arms and Tess on his back, then he dropped them into the sea, where they were reached by the night elves' lifeboats. Mia's broken leg was later healed by the druids, and after the storm, both the women reached Teldrassil safely.[11]

While living in Teldrassil, she met with Vassandra Stormclaw, the night elf druid who originally helped their people with their affliction.[12]

Battle for Azeroth

Battle for Azeroth This section concerns content related to Battle for Azeroth.

Mia directing fleeing night elves during the Burning of Teldrassil.
Mia, Genn and Astarii Starseeker in the Temple of the Moon during the Burning of Teldrassil.

During the War of the Thorns, the Alliance was busy evacuating refugees from Ashenvale and Darnassus to Stormwind City. With King Genn Greymane preoccupied with advising High King Anduin Wrynn for the upcoming war, a respected authority figure was needed to calm the Gilnean people at the Howling Oak and organize their evacuation to Stormwind City. Queen Mia was the most suitable person available and was eager to fulfill the role when Genn asked her to, especially after Tess Greymane was nowhere to be found. It was mentioned that Anduin admired her quick wits and kind heart, and that while Mia lived in Stormwind with her husband, she spent half her time in Darnassus to support her people settled there, and was a frequent visitor to their encampment, having also formed a close friendship with Astarii Starseeker, one of the Priestesses of the Moon.[13]

Promising to return within a few hours, Mia asked Maelir, one of the Highborne, to help evacuate her people at the Howling Oak, to which he agreed, replying that it was his honor to assist the Gilneans.[14] After all of her people were successfully evacuated from the city, Mia, having developed a deep love for the people of Darnassus, was determined to aid in the night elven evacuation as well, acting as the ambassador of Stormwind.[15] She remained until the Burning of Teldrassil and was still attempting to aid the priestesses at the Temple of the Moon - despite Genn's urging her repeatedly to leave Teldrassil before it was too late.[16] Although she realized that it was impossible to evacuate their entire population, Mia vowed to Astarii that her husband would lead those who came to reclaim the World Tree from the Horde afterwards. After Tyrande Whisperwind returned to help Malfurion Stormrage, believing that defeating Sylvanas Windrunner would disorganize the Horde and perhaps give her people more time to evacuate, Mia told the night elves to honor their high priestess as she joined her husband in battle against the Horde.[17]

When Sylvanas and the Horde launched their final assault on Teldrassil, Mia still refused to leave and attempted to help organize the remaining night elves scrambling to enter a portal, despite Astarii's insistence that she had to return to her husband.[18] She then tasked the Alliance adventurers to rescue the trapped civilians within the city's burning structures.[19] At some point, Mia was seriously wounded trying to protect Finel, a night elven infant, from collapsing rubble within the Temple of the Moon, which trapped her beneath their debris and broke her legs. After Genn arrived to rescue her, Astarii managed to heal her wounds. Although Mia told Genn to take Finel and leave her, Genn stubbornly refused, and managed to rescue both of them, bringing them to Stormwind.[20][21] With the World Tree and their second home destroyed, the surviving Gilneans moved to Stormwind, where Mia helped the Church's priests tend to the injured Gilnean and night elven refugees in the Cathedral of Light.

After High King Anduin was unable to directly provide assistance for Tyrande Whisperwind and her people, Genn mentioned that Mia would likely charge off to battle without him if he did not assist the night elves. Although the Queen of Gilneas did not join the Battle for Darkshore herself, her daughter Tess and many of her people subsequently traveled to Darkshore, openly aiding the kaldorei forces fighting against the Horde.[22]

The Greymanes in the garden of Stormwind Keep.

When Tess wished to become a worgen, so she could better know the plight of her people to better rule them when she becomes queen, Mia hesitated and rather suggested she speak with the night elf druid Vassandra Stormclaw in Duskwood, as she would be able to help her understand the worgen's plight without being cursed. As a more personal request, she also tasked the Gilnean adventurer not to let her daughter do anything too rash, stating that she took after her father in that way. After her daughter left, Mia reassured Genn and explained that it was a lesson that their daughter had to learn by herself, as she was searching for answers to questions she never thought she would ask since the death of Liam. When her husband asked what would happen if things went wrong, she replied that they would have another one of those pleasant family conversations.[12]


Shadowlands This section concerns content related to Shadowlands.

Ater the end of the Fourth War, Mia was present in Bashal'Aran and witnessed Tyrande's speech about the Horde's defeat in Darkshore.[23]

The Vow Eternal

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A few years later, after Genn received an invitation to the wedding of Lor'themar Theron and Thalyssra, and refused to attend it, Mia elected to go in his stead. During the reception, she spoke with Alleria Windrunner, and the queen whispered something that made the elven ranger burst into laughter. During the party, the Forsaken delegation consisting of Derek Proudmoore, Calia Menethil, and Lilian Voss were uncomfortable at Genn's rejection but Calia noted that it was a pleasure to see the queen again.[24]


Dragonflight This section concerns content related to Dragonflight.

Shortly after the night elves moved to Amirdrassil on the Dragon Isles, Mia and Genn returned to Stormwind City where her husband declared that the time had come to reclaim Gilneas. After traveling to Keel Harbor by gryphon, Mia calmed her husband when he became angry at the sight of Calia Menethil and Lilian Voss, indicating that it was Calia and not some mindless Scourge, and that they certainly had a reason to be there. In contrast to her husband, she was more open of accepting her daughter's plan to call on the Forsaken to fight against the Scarlet Crusade in Gilneas City.[25] After Gilneas was successfully reclaimed, Genn abdicated the throne in favor of Tess Greymane, making their daughter the new ruling Queen of Gilneas.[26]


Location Level range Reaction Notes
Greymane Manor, Gilneas[28.2, 50.0] 1-30 Alliance As part of the worgen starting experience.
Temple of the Moon, Darnassus[43.0, 78.6] 110 Elite Alliance During A [110] From the Ashes....
Cathedral of Light, Stormwind City 110 Elite Alliance After the War of the Thorns.
Bashal'Aran, Darkshore 50 Elite Alliance During A [50] A New Hope.
Stormwind Keep, Stormwind City Heritage+3 Elite Alliance During the Heritage of Gilneas.
Stormwind City; Keel Harbor, Ruins of Gilneas 73 Alliance Horde During the  [Reclamation of Gilneas].



Mia Greymane in Cataclysm.

World of Warcraft


Cataclysm This section concerns content related to Cataclysm.

Remain calm! We will take care of everybody.
We have carriages at the ready, we're just waiting for King Greymane's word.
We will overcome this. Do not give into panic.

Battle for Azeroth This section concerns content related to Battle for Azeroth.

Main article: The Shadow of Gilneas#Notes
Main article: Into Duskwood#Notes

Dragonflight This section concerns content related to Dragonflight.

Main article: To Gilneas (Alliance)#Notes
Main article: A Crusade of Red#Notes


  • Greetings, champion.
  • A kingdom is not a place, but a people.
  • Gilneas honors your service.
  • Can I be of service?
  • Thank you for your service.
  • My home calls to me.
  • The guilty will pay for their crimes.
  • For the Alliance.
  • Genn may be known as the 'Old Wolf', but I can make him purr like a kitten.

Lord of His Pack

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  • "Go, both of you. Go, my loves... go while there is still time. Please just leave me here!"
  • "I can endure any pain if you are near me, husband. I love you... always. Now let me go."


WoW-novel-logo-16x62.png This section concerns content related to the Warcraft novels, novellas, or short stories.


  • She is the only human queen who has actually been seen in the game, and who has not been outlived by her husband.
    • It is worth noting that while Katherine Proudmoore, wife of Daelin Proudmoore the former leader of Kul Tiras, was referred to as a queen in the beta for Battle for Azeroth and her family's role echoes that of monarchy, Kul Tiras does not use the title of queen or king and any reference of a queen was removed from the game before the expansion went live, thus leaving Mia as the only living human queen.
  • In Stormwind City, while helping the Wounded Refugees, she was seen at 80% of health.
  • Mia is voiced by Tara Fitzgerald in Battle for Azeroth.[27]


Patch changes


  1. ^ Lord of His Pack
  2. ^ Before the Storm, chapter 11
  3. ^ A IconSmall Worgen Male.gifIconSmall Worgen Female.gif [1-30] Save Krennan Aranas
  4. ^ Curse of the Worgen Issue 1
  5. ^ Curse of the Worgen Issue 2
  6. ^ Curse of the Worgen Issue 3
  7. ^ N [30-35 Daily] A Timeless Question
  8. ^ Curse of the Worgen Issue 5
  9. ^ A IconSmall Worgen Male.gifIconSmall Worgen Female.gif [1-30] To Greymane Manor
  10. ^ A IconSmall Worgen Male.gifIconSmall Worgen Female.gif [1-30] The King's Observatory
  11. ^ Lord of His Pack
  12. ^ a b A IconSmall Worgen Male.gifIconSmall Worgen Female.gif [50-70] Into Duskwood
  13. ^ Elegy, pg. 36-38
  14. ^ Elegy, pg. 38
  15. ^ Elegy, pg. 53-54
  16. ^ Elegy, pg. 78-79
  17. ^ Elegy, pg. 72
  18. ^ Elegy, pg. 83
  19. ^ A [110] A Flicker of Hope
  20. ^ A [110] From the Ashes...
  21. ^ Elegy, pg. 85-86
  22. ^ A [60] Shores of Fate
  23. ^ A [50] A New Hope
  24. ^ The Vow Eternal
  25. ^ B [70] To Gilneas
  26. ^ N [70] Beginning a New Dawn
  27. ^ Andrea Toyias on Twitter - "Mia is voiced by an incredible British voice actress, new to our VO family, the fabulous Tara Fitzgerald. Her voice and her performance were such a wonderful counter balance to Genn. Love them both so much! <3"

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