Undercity NPCs
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The following NPCs can be found in the Undercity.
Aelthalyste <Priest Trainer>
[8-30] Journey to Orgrimmar
[8-30] Journey to Orgrimmar
[8-30] Journey to Orgrimmar
[8-30] Journey to Orgrimmar
[8-30] Journey to Orgrimmar
[20-30] Journey to Orgrimmar
[20-30] Journey to Orgrimmar
[20-30] Journey to Orgrimmar
[20-30] Journey to Orgrimmar
[20-30] Journey to Orgrimmar
Apolos <Hunter Trainer>
[8-30] Tamanji's Call
[20-30] Meet with Tamanji
Armand Cromwell <Fishing Trainer>
[10-80 Daily] Fish Head
[10-80 Daily] Like Pike?
[10-80 Daily] Moat Monster!
[10-80 Daily] Tadpole Terror
[10-80 Daily] Time for Slime
Champion Cyssa Dawnrose <Paladin Trainer>
[8-30] Meet With Avaros Dawnglaive
[8-30] Seek Out Avaros Dawnglaive
[20-30] Meet With Avaros Dawnglaive
[20-30] Meet with Avaros Dawnglaive
Christoph Walker <Warrior Trainer>
[8-30] Gormok Ogrefist
[20-30] Meet with Gormok Ogrefist
Eunice Burch <Cooking Trainer>
[10-80 Daily] Escargot A Go-Go
[10-80 Daily] Fungus Among Us
[10-80 Daily] Lily, Oh Lily
[10-80 Daily] Roach Coach
[10-80 Daily] Would You Like Some Flies With That?
Graham Van Talen
[47] Gnome Engineering
[47] Goblin Engineering
Gregory Charles <Rogue Trainer>
[8-30] The Shattered Hand
[20-30] Meet with Thega Graveblade
Gordon Wendham <Weapons Merchant>
[1-30] Michael Garrett
Innkeeper Norman <Innkeeper>
[1-80] Chicken Clucking for a Mint (Hallow's End)
Junior Inspector (Love is in the Air)
[1-70] Uncommon Scents (Love is in the Air)
Kaal Soulreaper <Warlock Trainer>
[8-30] Kazak's Behest
[20-30] Meet with Kazak Darkscream
Kaelystia Hatebringer <Mage Trainer>
[8-30] An Audience with Feenix Arcshine
[20-30] Meet with Feenix Arcshine
Kwee Q. Peddlefeet <Crown Chemical Co.> (Love is in the Air)
[1-70 Daily] A Gift for the Banshee Queen (Love is in the Air Daily)
Lady Sylvanas Windrunner <Banshee Queen>
[7-30D] Enemies Below
- Meeting the Warchief
Lunar Festival Harbinger (Lunar Festival)
[1-80] Lunar Fireworks (Lunar Festival)
[1-80] Valadar Starsong (Lunar Festival)
Lunar Festival Herald (Lunar Festival)
[1-80] The Lunar Festival (Lunar Festival)
Michael Garrett <Bat Handler>
[1-30] Return to Morris
Nardstrum Copperpinch <Smokywood Pastures> (Feast of Winter Veil)
Public Relations Agent <Crown Chemical Co.> (Love is in the Air)
[1-70 Daily] A Cloudlet of Classy Cologne (Love is in the Air Daily)
[1-70 Daily] Bonbon Blitz (Love is in the Air Daily)
[39] The Crown of Will
Warchief's Command Board
[5-30] Warchief's Command: Silverpine Forest!
[7-30] Warchief's Command: Hillsbrad Foothills!
[10-30] Warchief's Command: Arathi Highlands!
[10-30] Warchief's Command: Northern Stranglethorn!
[10-30] Warchief's Command: The Cape of Stranglethorn!
[10-30] Warchief's Command: The Hinterlands!
[15-30] Warchief's Command: Western Plaguelands!
[15-30] Warchief's Command: Eastern Plaguelands!
[15-30] Warchief's Command: Badlands!
[15-30] Warchief's Command: Searing Gorge!
[15-30] Warchief's Command: Burning Steppes!
[15-30] Warchief's Command: Swamp of Sorrows!
[15-30] Warchief's Command: Blasted Lands!
[10-30] Warchief's Command: Outland!
[10-30] Warchief's Command: Borean Tundra!
[10-30] Warchief's Command: Howling Fjord!
[30-35] Warchief's Command: Mount Hyjal!
[30-35] Warchief's Command: Vashj'ir!
[30-35] Warchief's Command: Deepholm!
[30-35] Warchief's Command: Twilight Highlands!
[30-35] Warchief's Command: Uldum!
[35] The Zandalari Menace
[32-35] Guardians of Hyjal: Call of the Ancients
[32-35] Guardians of Hyjal: Firelands Invasion!
Class Trainers
Aelthalyste <Priest Trainer>
Father Lazarus <Priest Trainer>
Father Lankester <Priest Trainer>
Champion Cyssa Dawnrose <Paladin Trainer>
Christoph Walker <Warrior Trainer>
Angela Curthas <Warrior Trainer>
Baltus Fowler <Warrior Trainer>
Gregory Charles <Rogue Trainer>
Miles Dexter <Rogue Trainer>
Carolyn Ward <Rogue Trainer>
Kaal Soulreaper <Warlock Trainer>
Luther Pickman <Warlock Trainer>
Richard Kerwin <Warlock Trainer>
Martha Strain <Demon Trainer>
Kaelystia Hatebringer <Mage Trainer>
Derek the Undying <Mage Trainer>
Pierce Shackleton <Mage Trainer>
Anastasia Hartwell <Mage Trainer>
Lexington Mortaim <Portal Trainer>
Mahala Cloudsong <Shaman Trainer>
Mala Skywatcher <Druid Trainer>
Nathanos Blightcaller <Hunter Trainer>
Apolos <Hunter Trainer>
Profession (Tradeskill) Trainers
Adam Hossack <Archaeology Trainer>
Armand Cromwell <Fishing Trainer>
Arthur Moore <Leatherworking Trainer>
Brom Killian <Mining Trainer>
Doctor Herbert Halsey <Alchemy Trainer>
Eunice Burch <Cooking Trainer>
Franklin Lloyd <Engineering Trainer>
James Van Brunt <Blacksmithing Trainer>
Josef Gregorian <Tailoring Trainer>
Josephine Lister <Tailoring Trainer>
Killian Hagey <Skinning Trainer>
Lavinia Crowe <Enchanting Trainer>
Margaux Parchley <Inscripton Trainer>
Martha Alliestar <Herbalism Trainer>
Mary Edras <First Aid Trainer>
Neller Fayne <Jewelcrafting Trainer>
Abigail Sawyer <Bow Merchant>
Alessandro Luca <Blue Moon Odds and Ends>
Algernon <Alchemy Supplies>
Benijah Fenner <Weapon Merchant>
Captain Donald Adams <Undercity Quartermaster>
Charles Seaton <Blade Merchant>
Daniel Bartlett <General Trade Supplier>
Eleanor Rusk <General Goods Vendor>
Elizabeth Van Talen <Engineering Supplier>
Ezekiel Graves <Poison Vendor>
Felicia Doan <General Trade Goods Vendor>
Francis Eliot <Weapon Merchant>
Geoffrey Hartwell <Weapon Merchant>
Gillian Moore <Leather Armor Merchant>
Gordon Wendham <Weapons Merchant>
Hannah Akeley <Reagent Supplier>
Ickabod Pimlen <Inscription Supplies>
Jaycrue Copperpinch <Smokywood Pastures> (Feast of Winter Veil)
Jeremiah Payson <Cockroach Vendor>
Jonathan Chambers <Bag Vendor>
Joseph Moore <Leatherworking Supplies>
Katrina Alliestar <Herbalism Supplier>
Kim Horn <Guild Vendor>
Lauren Newcomb <Light Armor Merchant>
Lizbeth Cromwell <Fishing Supplier>
Louis Warren <Weapons Merchant>
Lovely Merchant <Crown Chemical Co.> (Love is in the Air)
Lucille Castleton <Robe Vendor>
Lunar Festival Vendor (Lunar Festival)
Merill Pleasance <Tabard Vendor>
Millie Gregorian <Tailoring Supplies>
Mirelle Tremayne <Heavy Armor Merchant>
Morley Bates <Fungus Vendor>
Nardstrum Copperpinch <Smokywood Pastures> (Feast of Winter Veil)
Nathaniel Steenwick <Thrown Weapons Merchant>
Nicholas Atwood <Gun Merchant>
Ronald Burch <Cooking Supplier>
Salazar Bloch <Book Dealer>
Samuel Van Brunt <Blacksmithing Supplier>
Sara Lanner <Jewelcrafting Supplies>
Sarah Killian <Mining Supplier>
Sheldon Von Croy <Cloth Armor Merchant>
Sydney Upton <Staff Merchant>
Tawny Grisette <Mushroom Vendor>
Thaddeus Webb <Enchanting Supplies>
Thomas Mordan <Reagent Vendor>
Timothy Weldon <Heavy Armor Merchant>
Walter Ellingson <Heavy Armor Merchant>
Zane Bradford <Wand Vendor>
Chapman <Day of the Dead Vendor> (Day of the Dead)
Various Services
Anya Maulray <Stable Master>
Archmage Pratt <Arcane Reforger>
Auctioneer Cain - (Auctioneer)
Auctioneer Epitwee - (Auctioneer)
Auctioneer Leeka - (Auctioneer)
Auctioneer Naxxremis - (Auctioneer)
Auctioneer Rhyker - (Auctioneer)
Auctioneer Stockton - (Auctioneer)
Auctioneer Tricket - (Auctioneer)
Auctioneer Yarly - (Auctioneer)
Christopher Drakul <Guild Master>
Deathstalker Fane <Battlemaster>
Defilers Envoy - (Call to Arms: Arathi Basin)
Dragonmaw Envoy - (Call to Arms: Twin Peaks)
Edward Cairn <Elder> (
[Tyrael's Hilt] reclamation)
Edward Remington <Guild Tabard Designer>
Envoy Ragda <Twin Peaks Battlemaster> - (Call to Arms: Twin Peaks)
Eye of the Storm Envoy - (Call to Arms: Eye of the Storm)
Frostwolf Envoy - (Call to Arms: Alterac Valley)
Gilnean Envoy - (Call to Arms: The Battle for Gilneas)
Grizzle Halfmane <Alterac Valley Battlemaster> - (Call to Arms: Alterac Valley)
Hans Crump <The Battle for Gilneas Battlemaster> - (Call to Arms: The Battle for Gilneas)
Innkeeper Norman <Innkeeper>
Isle of Conquest Envoy - (Call to Arms: Isle of Conquest)
Kraxx <Zeppelin Engineer>
Kurden Bloodclaw <Warsong Gulch Battlemaster> - (Call to Arms: Warsong Gulch)
Lyrlia Blackshield <Eye of the Storm Battlemaster> - (Call to Arms: Eye of the Storm)
Marog <Isle of Conquest Battlemaster> - (Call to Arms: Isle of Conquest)
Michael Garrett <Bat Handler>
Misery <Battlemaster>
Mortimer Montague <Banker>
Naznik Sureshave <Barber>
Ophelia Montague <Banker>
Randolph Montague <Banker>
Sir Malory Wheeler <Arathi Basin Battlemaster> - (Call to Arms: Arathi Basin)
Sarah Forthright <Strand of the Ancients Battlemaster> - (Call to Arms: Strand of the Ancients)
Strand of the Ancients Envoy - (Call to Arms: Strand of the Ancients)
Undercity Guardian - (Directions)
Walter Soref <Locksmith>
Warsong Envoy - (Call to Arms: Warsong Gulch)
William Montague <Banker>
Other Notable NPCs
Adrian Bartlett
Aleric Hawkins <The Deathstalkers>
Alyssa Blaye
Ambassador Sunsorrow
Andrew Brownell
Andrew Hartwell
Andron Gant
Apothecary Katrina <Royal Apothecary Society>
Apothecary Keever <Royal Apothecary Society>
Apothecary Lycanus <Royal Apothecary Society>
Apothecary Vallia <Royal Apothecary Society>
Apothecary Zinge <Royal Apothecary Society>
Basil Frye <Apprentice Blacksmith>
Bethor Iceshard
Bragor Bloodfist <Kor'kron Captain>
Brother Malach
Carendin Halgar
Cedric Stumpel
Chemist Fuely
Chloe Curthas
Dan Golthas <Apprentice Leatherworker>
Dark Ranger Anya
Dark Ranger Clea
Dark Ranger Cyndia
Davitt Hickson
Doctor Marsh <Apprentice Alchemist>
Doctor Martin Felben <Apprentice Alchemist>
Edrick Killian
Eldin Partridge
Estelle Gendry
Gerard Abernathy
Godrick Farsan
Gothard Winslow
Graham Van Talen <Apprentice Engineer>
Harbinger Balthazad
Helena Atwood
Hepzibah Sedgewick
Jezelle Pruitt
Joanna Whitehall
Jorah Annison
Keeper Bel'dugur
Leona Tharpe
Lucian Fenner
Lysta Bancroft
Malcomb Wynn <Apprentice Enchanter>
Marla Fowler
Master Apothecary Faranell <Royal Apothecary Society>
Mattie Alred
Mennet Carkad
Overseer Kraggosh
Parqual Fintallas
Patrick Garrett
Raleigh Andrean <Ex-Chef>
Reginald Grimsford
Rhiannon Davis <Apprentice Tailor>
Richard Van Brunt
Riley Walker
Robert Gossom
Royal Overseer Bauhaus <Undercity Census>
Samantha Shackleton
Selina Pickman
Sergeant Houser <Sergeant>
Sergeant Rutger <Sergeant>
Silas Zimmer
Susan Tillinghast
Theodore Griffs
Theresa <Gerard's Mindslave>
Thersa Windsong
Travist Bosk
Velora Nitely
Victor Bartholomew
Victor Ward <Apprentice Tailor>
Winifred Kerwin