Warchief's Command: Deepholm!

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HordeWarchief's Command: Deepholm!
Start Warchief's Command Board
End Farseer Krogar
Level 30-35
Category Orgrimmar
Experience 3500
Next N [30-35] The Maelstrom
For the Alliance version of this quest, see A [30-35] Hero's Call: Deepholm!.


Speak with Farseer Krogar at the Western Earthshrine in Orgrimmar.


All able-bodied members of the Horde are hereby ordered to report to Farseer Krogar at the Western Earthshrine in Orgrimmar.

The Earthen Ring, led by our former Warchief, Thrall, requires our aid! They report that the elemental plane of Deepholm threatens to overtake our world!

The Western Earthshrine can be found just north of the Valley of Wisdom.

Onward, <brother/sister>! Destiny calls!


Our world is in danger, <name>! We need the help of great heroes, like you, to save it!


Fly north from the Warchief's Command Board past the new flight path/zeppelin tower area to reach the Western Earthshrine on the rise northeast of the Valley of Wisdom.


Optional breadcrumbs:

  1. N [30-35] The Maelstrom
  2. N [30-35] Deepholm, Realm of Earth
  3. Complete all of:
  4. N [30-35] Diplomacy First
  5. Complete all of:
  6. N [30-35] Take No Prisoners / N [30-35] On Second Thought, Take One Prisoner
  7. N [30-35] Some Spraining to Do
  8. N [30-35] Return to the Temple of Earth
  9. N [30-35] Deathwing's Fall
  10. N [30-35] Bleed the Bloodshaper
  11. N [30-35] Question the Slaves
  12. N [30-35] The Forgemaster's Log
  13. N [30-35] Silvermarsh Rendezvous
  14. N [30-35] Quicksilver Submersion
  15. N [30-35] The Twilight Overlook
  16. N [30-35] Big Game, Big Bait / N [30-35] To Catch a Dragon
  17. N [30-35] Testing the Trap
  18. N [30-35] Abyssion's Minions / N [30-35] Block the Gates
  19. N [30-35] The World Pillar Fragment

Patch changes

External links